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I just bought the book yesterday and finished it today. It is awesome!


And do you agree that they needed to tweak the ending a bit? The squid is a bit much and it a tough sell given the rest of the story.

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And do you agree that they needed to tweak the ending a bit? The squid is a bit much and it a tough sell given the rest of the story.


I totally agree. Since so much of the book is based in "reality" (i.e. Superheroes with no real superpowers) it would have made the ending kind of cheesy.

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I bought a hard cover for office. Agree about ending in book and felt Allan Moore wrote himself in corner when I first read it 1987. Moore has been wrong before which he rarely admits.


Regarding using made up characters rather than Charlton characters:

  • Moore had initially believed that original characters would not provide emotional resonance for the readers, but later changed his mind. He said, "Eventually, I realized that if I wrote the substitute characters well enough, so that they seemed familiar in certain ways, certain aspects of them brought back a kind of generic super-hero resonance or familiarity to the reader, then it might work."

It worked extremely well.

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I liked the ending...especially the last panel.


Okay the squid thing was a little...odd...I will not have an issue with that being changed.


I think Rorscach's acts of violence (Dog Man, the prison riot, the two police officers) could be enough to push this to an 'R' rating...

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It is already a 'R' - no need to push. They actually tamed it down to not get the dreaded NC-17.


hard to imagine how it would get an NC-17 unless they were trying to show Dr. Manhattan's junk or maybe the mass human carnage in NYC.


I think the preview is pretty good, I like the Phillip Glass music and the visuals. The sound bytes they choose aren't what I would choose, but a trailer is made for very particular reasons - to widen a movies appeal.

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hard to imagine how it would get an NC-17 unless they were trying to show Dr. Manhattan's junk or maybe the mass human carnage in NYC.


I think the preview is pretty good, I like the Phillip Glass music and the visuals. The sound bytes they choose aren't what I would choose, but a trailer is made for very particular reasons - to widen a movies appeal.


Well one soundbite is perfect. "The world will look up and shout 'save us' and I'll whisper 'no'."

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