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Would 8-8 or 9-7 be an improvement

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Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

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Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

I wouldn't think so, based on having one of the softer schedules based on the opponent's last-season records for what that's worth, and getting wins off of some teams early on, one with big OL injuries and two with organizational turmoil.


There are some offensive woes - but clubs pulling off these long, time consuming drives, points to a defense problem.


Coaching schemes, talent, I dunno.


I'd still like to see a corner or safety blitz a couple of times per game...spice things up...no b*lls no glory etc.


With a bunch of hefty Clydesdales populating the OL, I'd send them straight ahead on a quick snap count, cut the cute fanciness, cut the deep hand-offs, and give 3 yards and a cloud of dust a try. Even though the rules today scream pass-pass-pass.

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I wouldn't think so, based on having one of the softer schedules based on the opponent's last-season records for what that's worth, and getting wins off of some teams early on, one with big OL injuries and two with organizational turmoil.


There are some offensive woes - but clubs pulling off these long, time consuming drives, points to a defense problem.


Coaching schemes, talent, I dunno.


I'd still like to see a corner or safety blitz a couple of times per game...spice things up...no b*lls no glory etc.


With a bunch of hefty Clydesdales populating the OL, I'd send them straight ahead on a quick snap count, cut the cute fanciness, cut the deep hand-offs, and give 3 yards and a cloud of dust a try. Even though the rules today scream pass-pass-pass.



I vote Cincy as our new OC!


As for 9-7 or 8-8....with our softer schedule, anything short of 10-6 would be a gross disappointment in my eyes.

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I remember when people were saying that 7-9 season last year was improvement over the the 06 7-9 record because of injuries. That's fine, but I haven't heard a chorus of "we're progressing" this year despite a 5-4 record.


Making the playoffs in 2008 was the goal, and every fan with a pulse knows it. Given the schedule, and Brady's injury, an 8-8 or 9-7 without the playoffs is unsatisfactory.


There are quite a few fans (probably ones who've grown up with this mediocrity since 2000) who don't see anything wrong with what's going on. They've never known anything different. I'd believe it's time to demand some accountability for 2 seasons of rebuilding and a subsequent non-playoff season. 7-9 or 8-8 isn't cutting it.

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Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

I'll be interested to have this conversation in three weeks, when they may well be 8-4.

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I remember when people were saying that 7-9 season last year was improvement over the the 06 7-9 record because of injuries. That's fine, but I haven't heard a chorus of "we're progressing" this year despite a 5-4 record.


Making the playoffs in 2008 was the goal, and every fan with a pulse knows it. Given the schedule, and Brady's injury, an 8-8 or 9-7 without the playoffs is unsatisfactory.


There are quite a few fans (probably ones who've grown up with this mediocrity since 2000) who don't see anything wrong with what's going on. They've never known anything different. I'd believe it's time to demand some accountability for 2 seasons of rebuilding and a subsequent non-playoff season. 7-9 or 8-8 isn't cutting it.

I'd agree. Everyone from Jauron to Whitner to the fans said going in, that the goal was playoffs this year. So I'd say anything short of a wildcard spot is a bad season - regardless of the schedule.



However, I also firmly believe that there's still nearly half the season to be played. So all the talk of whether this season is an improvement or bust or whatever, at this point, is premature. Why can't we just watch the games trying to enjoy the good; living with the bad? There'll be plenty of time to piss and moan after the season.

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If the question was asked after the first four games, the answer would have been a resounding YES, not because of the 4-0 record (the teams were weak) but because the team had a look and feel of a team who KNEW what they had to do and went about it in a methodical way. The defense was flying to the ball, the offense looked crisp.


Asking the question now I'd have to give a resounding NO, and again not because of the record. If you are fortunate enough to have Tivo'd the season compare how the team played at the beginning and how they are playing now. It's almost like they are just going through the motions of a football game ..... no passion ...... no desire ... no urgency.

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Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

At the beginning of the year, yes. Now after being 5-1, I would say no. Having a 5-1 record and missing the playoffs would be a huge disappointment.

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While they played a weaker NFC conf, no one expected NY and Miami to improve as quickly whom they get to play twice so that about balances out playing the weaker NFC division. They also played a tougher AFC division last year in the north vs the west this year. They did get much better production last year from their draft picks than this year. Injuries have hurt this year about as muc has last year.


Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

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However, I also firmly believe that there's still nearly half the season to be played. So all the talk of whether this season is an improvement or bust or whatever, at this point, is premature. Why can't we just watch the games trying to enjoy the good; living with the bad? There'll be plenty of time to piss and moan after the season.



Good perspective but hate to lose opportunities to whine B-)

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If the question was asked after the first four games, the answer would have been a resounding YES, not because of the 4-0 record (the teams were weak) but because the team had a look and feel of a team who KNEW what they had to do and went about it in a methodical way. The defense was flying to the ball, the offense looked crisp.


Asking the question now I'd have to give a resounding NO, and again not because of the record. If you are fortunate enough to have Tivo'd the season compare how the team played at the beginning and how they are playing now. It's almost like they are just going through the motions of a football game ..... no passion ...... no desire ... no urgency.

I tend to agree here, although, I do not currently live in the area, I do not miss a Bills football game, ever.

I either find a radio station that covers the game, or I go to NFL.com, so my assessment may not be as accurate

as someone's who has watched every game, but if I am getting the impression, just by lsitening or reviewing stats

and plays on NFL.com, that there is a lack of passion and fire, then there has to be. I cannot speak of everyone on the

team, but I definitley think that Peters is just going through the motions, and I think that Dockery is being effected by it.

Peters held out until the last possible momemt, so as to avoid missing out on game checks, comes in and promptly

gets all kinds of flags, and lets opponents have unabated paths to Edwards. He knew, that with that type of play, they

will be less inclined to offer him a contract extension, so I think that he is laying down. His performance will pick up

once his contract year comes up. I think that he came back wanting to perform, but was just not in game shape, so he wasn't, and that might have scared the Bills away from an eventual long term commitment. I think that Dockery's play has

slipped, because he already has a huge contract, and realizes that Peters is just going through the motions, why should I bust my tail for someone who has packed it in, and plays right next to me. Just a thought, but there is no way that anyone can convince me that the OL has slipped this badly, even in spite of all their injuries, and even though they were not considered great run blockers last year. Peters is a cncer on this team, and I hope that they do not re-sign him. How many times have we seen in the NFL, where one guy on the OL steps in and lifts the performane of the whole unit, Faneca with the Jets comes to my mind.

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This is an interesting question. I think by and large this team is better than the team from last year. However, the rest of the teams in the division (except for the Patriots, who WERE head and shoulders better than the other teams) have also improved. Last year we swept the Dolphins and Jets. Thus far we are 0-2 against them.

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This is an interesting question. I think by and large this team is better than the team from last year. However, the rest of the teams in the division (except for the Patriots, who WERE head and shoulders better than the other teams) have also improved. Last year we swept the Dolphins and Jets. Thus far we are 0-2 against them.



Good point.

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Last year, the Bills played the NFC East, which had eventual SB Champ Giants getting into the playoffs as a wildcard. (And some would contend that nearly the entire team was on IR.) The Bills played a rookie QB most of the year, etc.


This year, Tom Brady went down in the 1st quarter of the 1st game and the Bills play the weak sister NFC West, which as a division is markedly worse than last year and atrocious overall. The Jets and Dolphins (feign surprise) did not stand pat and did improve their clubs, but so did the Bills (Stroud, losing Fairchild), right?


So would an 9-7 record be a improvement? a big improvement? What about 8-8?

Not after a 4-0 start.

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