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And the oceans that are turning into plastic soup... what do you make of that?


(and I'm struggling to believe you are even close to a scientist)


Again ??????? :blink::unsure::blink: Plastic soup????


What scientific background do you have?

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And the oceans that are turning into plastic soup... what do you make of that?


(and I'm struggling to believe you are even close to a scientist)


Actually, he is. Biology-related.


And he's right: global warming has gone from science to religion. It lost its vestiges of science when it became undebatable and unfalsifiable.

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Actually, he is. Biology-related.


And he's right: global warming has gone from science to religion. It lost its vestiges of science when it became undebatable and unfalsifiable.


That is only because the other side uses the Bible and not science as it's defense. And thus the other side loses all credibility.

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So true- just like if rural American gets over the Biblicrat mentality, they'd be Democrats. But, since folks are convinced that you can a.) legislate morality, b.) enforce it and c.) that campaign promises of morality have substance, Republicans have the white religious vote in their pocket.


That phrase has been a red herring for years. Morality is legislated every single day. Any time a law or policy is passed because someone claims it is the "right" thing to do - it is based upon someone's morals. It doesn't matter if it is abortion or the minimum wage.

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That is only because the other side uses the Bible and not science as it's defense. And thus the other side loses all credibility.


Are we talking about global warming or evolution? I've never heard anyone counter global warming with the Bible.



And even if they had...not my point. Did you hear of the recent paper that came out predicting a two-decade period of global cooling due to global warming? That is a quinteseential unfalsifiable theory, when even contrary data is somehow manipulated to prove your point.


Look, I'm not even saying that global warming is wrong. I'm just saying it's not science...because it's not. It's lost the required qualities that make a scientific theory a scientific theory - it cannot be debated, and it is not falsifiable. ANY scientific theory that is scientific has by definition the potential of being demonstrated false. "Global Warming" now forbids that - if you even attempt to address that potential, you're branded a heretic. That is what makes it religion, and not science.


Personally, I'd rather it got back to being science. So do many of the scientists I know trying to research it...turns out it's tough for them to do honest research on a religion.

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Are we talking about global warming or evolution? I've never heard anyone counter global warming with the Bible.



Did you hear of the recent paper that came out predicting a two-decade period of global cooling due to global warming? That is a quinteseential unfalsifiable theory, when even contrary data is somehow manipulated to prove your point.


Look, I'm not even saying that global warming is wrong. I'm just saying it's not science...because it's not. It's lost the required qualities that make a scientific theory a scientific theory - it cannot be debated, and it is not falsifiable. ANY scientific theory that is scientific has by definition the potential of being demonstrated false. "Global Warming" now forbids that - if you even attempt to address that potential, you're branded a heretic. That is what makes it religion, and not science.


Personally, I'd rather it got back to being science. So do many of the scientists I know trying to research it...turns out it's tough for them to do honest research on a religion.


I'm not the one you need to convince. You get the IPCC and other scientific consensus boards to change their mind, I'll go right along with em without asking a question.



But as to address your "It's lost the required qualities that make a scientific theory", I do suppose now that you mention it, this one is a bit different than other theories. The problem with this one is that time is of the utmost importance. I suppose technically we do not have time to debate it much longer, we really need to do something now (as in yesterday). So perhaps you are right, but it's not science or crazy tree huggers that have pushed it to a religion, its the fact that humanity could be in danger if we don't respond in a timely manner.

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Either that or a Christian who is able to separate his politics from his beliefs, and understand that his beliefs are not founded in science and are not the beliefs of many.


His beliefs aren't founded in science? Science and religion operate in concurrence. Science is meant to explain HOW things work, and religion WHY.

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Wouldn't load. Which is too bad; if someone seriously threw out a biblical argument against global warming, I really want to read it. I could use a good laugh.



I'm not the one you need to convince. You get the IPCC and other scientific consensus boards to change their mind, I'll go right along with em without asking a question.



But as to address your "It's lost the required qualities that make a scientific theory", I do suppose now that you mention it, this one is a bit different than other theories. The problem with this one is that time is of the utmost importance. I suppose technically we do not have time to debate it much longer, we really need to do something now (as in yesterday). So perhaps you are right, but it's not science or crazy tree huggers that have pushed it to a religion, its the fact that humanity could be in danger if we don't respond in a timely manner.


I don't need them to change their mind. I just want them to get back to practicing science. The flip side of your "there's no time" argument is "Then we have to make sure it's done right the first time." I know researchers who have given up on studying the issue, and on finding solutions, because they're finding it impossible to do honest scientific research in the current climate of pseudo-religious fervor. I've seen the responsible elements of the environmental lobby be overrun by hidebound carbon zealots pushing policies that are not only based on completely false information ("Nuclear power is bad because we don't know how long nuclear waste lasts", or "fuel cells don't give off greenhouse gasses, just water vapor", or "ethanol is renewable, so it's clean") but are envirnomentally dangerous (read up on the Dust Bowl, then extrapolate the effects of current corn-based ethanol production).


And the religious nature of Global Warming right now stems directly from the fact that, when I point out that nuclear power is a viable power generation option, or water vapor is in fact a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, or that the soil depletion from large-scale ethanol production stands an excellent chance of turning large swaths of farmland in to desert, I'm branded a heretic for taking a holisitic view of the environment, rather than a narrow "carbon" view. You want to fix the planet? Stop worshipping at the Temple of Carbon and get back to the science.

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So the only way to fight back is to prove to the Christians that their religion is one big hoax. And I promise, any amount of research on the history of the Bible verifies that claim.


When you post intolerant and offensive crap like this, you lose ALL AUTHORITY to post about gay rights or whatever YOUR cause du Jour is.

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And the oceans that are turning into plastic soup...


You make it sound like a bad thing


Plastic is recyclable. Plastic is also made from petroleum derivatives. So if we can find a way to recycle your plastic soup instead of manufacturing new plastic, think of all the oil we can save

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You make it sound like a bad thing


Plastic is recyclable. Plastic is also made from petroleum derivatives. So if we can find a way to recycle your plastic soup instead of manufacturing new plastic, think of all the oil we can save


And of course we all know soup is Mmm-mmm good. That's why when the dow dropped 777 points in one day the only company on the S&P 500 that made money was Campbells. B-)

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