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Just watched tape of the game


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One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.


Drew just doesn't have good pocket awareness. He'll make a play now and then (nowhere near often enough) to make you think "he can do it". He' can't.


He has no field vision. He constantly locks onto the receiver he's about to throw to, right at the snap. You can't do this and expect to win.


He has no touch on the short passes. He's going to get one of our players killed the way he forces them to stretch out on simple passes that I could fuggin make. We're talking 5 yard dinks. He can't do it. Not consistently.


Drew made ONE play vs. Miami where he dodged a blitzer and made a big play. That made many people briefly believe that "the real drew" finally emerged. No, the old drew, circa 1996, briefly emerged.


Vs the Ravens, I counted *13* occasions where he could have bought himself more time to throw if he just moved or shuffled *1 or 2 yards*. to his right or left or forward.


We lost this game because it's too easy to defend Drew. To beat the Bills, all you have to do is scheme to stop the run and force Drew to beat you. He can't, and therefore the Bills can't win.


I'm frustrated that the Bills won't acknowledge that there's a real problem. I'm frustrated that they didn't see the writing on the wall a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we extended his contract and we're paying him as if he's a top 15 QB. There are QBs not playing that would give this team a better chance to win.


Man, I wish it wasn't true. It's hard not to like Drew. I just wish he was someone else's quarterback. He's not going to take us anywhere but down.


Watch the tape.

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Guest Guest_eyedog_*

Of course they should have never been in 3rd and goal from the 9, but lets not bring that up since he nicely picked up Suggs on this ONE play.


But I understand your points on Drew and I agree with some to a point.

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meanwhile, watching this MNF game, does anyone else wonder what the Bills didn't like about Shayne Graham? I don't remember his performance here, but I know we signed him, and now he's making everything. Just made a 53 yarder. ANyone here confident that RIan Lindell could make a 53 yard FG? Just asking.

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One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.


I saw that. Th could've walked into the end zone. Of course, even if Drew had seen him, the ball would've been thrown behind him, at his feet, or over his head.

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Drew.

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One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.




Noticed the same thing Live, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Drew's eyes never look up after he moves in the pocket on that Play...The Play was dead because DB killed it...


It's funny (or not actually) because I remembered that Play while I was watching the Jets/Patsies Game and the announcers were commenting on how Brady never gives up on a Play. It was the Red Zone TD Brady threw while scrambling, and I thought of that exact play in the Balt. Game immediately...


Man this sucks out loud... :angry:

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i saw the high lights and that's is about it, but did anyone else notice the interception returned for a td (the non deion one).  if he would've simply looled to his right willis was standing right there in the clear.  anyone?




Did not notice that...But it does not surprise me one bit..


DB's Field awareness is toast...The fact that he threw the Ball to Evans assuming Lewis would be called for PI just further proves how little Bledsoe is absorbing...Since when did the Bills get a Call like that, obvious or not? He's just not thinking straight out there...The wiring is simply, and unfortunately faulty...

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Guest bobbydfox
One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.


Drew just doesn't have good pocket awareness. He'll make a play now and then (nowhere near often enough) to make you think "he can do it". He' can't.


He has no field vision. He constantly locks onto the receiver he's about to throw to, right at the snap. You can't do this and expect to win.


He has no touch on the short passes. He's going to get one of our players killed the way he forces them to stretch out on simple passes that I could fuggin make. We're talking 5  yard dinks. He can't do it. Not consistently.


Drew made ONE play vs. Miami where he dodged a blitzer and made a big play. That made many people briefly believe that "the real drew" finally emerged. No, the old drew, circa 1996, briefly emerged.


Vs the Ravens, I counted *13* occasions where he could have bought himself more time to throw if he just moved or shuffled *1 or 2 yards*. to his right or left or forward.


We lost this game because it's too easy to defend Drew. To beat the Bills, all you have to do is scheme to stop the run and force Drew to beat you. He can't, and therefore the Bills can't win.


I'm frustrated that the Bills won't acknowledge that there's a real problem. I'm frustrated that they didn't see the writing on the wall a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we extended his contract and we're paying him as if he's a top 15 QB. There are QBs not playing that would give this team a better chance to win.


Man, I wish it wasn't true. It's hard not to like Drew. I just wish he was someone else's quarterback. He's not going to take us anywhere but down.


Watch the tape.


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There was little or no pressure.....but Bledsoe ran prematurely, up the middle, minimal gain..wasted drive.



Maybe he has nightmares of Mo Lewis nearly ending his career back in 2001.




That play was just being a Nervous Nellie. I don't know.....maybe Gary Marangi and Dan Darragh played as miserably.....



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One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.


Drew just doesn't have good pocket awareness. He'll make a play now and then (nowhere near often enough) to make you think "he can do it". He' can't.


He has no field vision. He constantly locks onto the receiver he's about to throw to, right at the snap. You can't do this and expect to win.


He has no touch on the short passes. He's going to get one of our players killed the way he forces them to stretch out on simple passes that I could fuggin make. We're talking 5  yard dinks. He can't do it. Not consistently.


Drew made ONE play vs. Miami where he dodged a blitzer and made a big play. That made many people briefly believe that "the real drew" finally emerged. No, the old drew, circa 1996, briefly emerged.


Vs the Ravens, I counted *13* occasions where he could have bought himself more time to throw if he just moved or shuffled *1 or 2 yards*. to his right or left or forward.


We lost this game because it's too easy to defend Drew. To beat the Bills, all you have to do is scheme to stop the run and force Drew to beat you. He can't, and therefore the Bills can't win.


I'm frustrated that the Bills won't acknowledge that there's a real problem. I'm frustrated that they didn't see the writing on the wall a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we extended his contract and we're paying him as if he's a top 15 QB. There are QBs not playing that would give this team a better chance to win.


Man, I wish it wasn't true. It's hard not to like Drew. I just wish he was someone else's quarterback. He's not going to take us anywhere but down.


Watch the tape.



Good analysis. But this is the quarterback of the team right now. Shane Mathews is a backup and is certainly not the answer. JP Losman, whenever your ready, it would be great to see you on the field.

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One play sums it up quite nicely. Fast forward to our first possession after the great sack by Schobel. It's 3rd and something. 9 I think. Possibly goal. Suggs makes a move inside and MWilliams picks it up nicely.


Drew completely overreacts, even though a simple slide to his right would put him in the clear. Flustered by nothing (seriously no immediate threats), he begins to scramble, and fails to look left, where he would have seen TRavis Henry all alone for a certain guaranteed TD. It's a different game had we scored there.


Drew just doesn't have good pocket awareness. He'll make a play now and then (nowhere near often enough) to make you think "he can do it". He' can't.


He has no field vision. He constantly locks onto the receiver he's about to throw to, right at the snap. You can't do this and expect to win.


He has no touch on the short passes. He's going to get one of our players killed the way he forces them to stretch out on simple passes that I could fuggin make. We're talking 5  yard dinks. He can't do it. Not consistently.


Drew made ONE play vs. Miami where he dodged a blitzer and made a big play. That made many people briefly believe that "the real drew" finally emerged. No, the old drew, circa 1996, briefly emerged.


Vs the Ravens, I counted *13* occasions where he could have bought himself more time to throw if he just moved or shuffled *1 or 2 yards*. to his right or left or forward.


We lost this game because it's too easy to defend Drew. To beat the Bills, all you have to do is scheme to stop the run and force Drew to beat you. He can't, and therefore the Bills can't win.


I'm frustrated that the Bills won't acknowledge that there's a real problem. I'm frustrated that they didn't see the writing on the wall a long time ago. I'm frustrated that we extended his contract and we're paying him as if he's a top 15 QB. There are QBs not playing that would give this team a better chance to win.


Man, I wish it wasn't true. It's hard not to like Drew. I just wish he was someone else's quarterback. He's not going to take us anywhere but down.


Watch the tape.


Another play so typical of Drew(the worst QB in the nfl). Very simple.---Time running out first half.Drew throws a 3 yard pass to the right to a blanketed receiver.Receiver tackled.Time speeds by because Drews brain cant process the fact that an incomplete pass stops the clock...and three yards gained is not a trade off. This is the kind of play drew makes 88% of the time. No wonder he is ASTOUNDINGLY ineffective at getting the job done. It is really as if he has brain damage--and I mean that seriously.I like the guy.And I wish him well.But you really couldn't fail so miserably even if you tried..unless there was something seriously wrong...So Drew can be forgiven.WHAT IS DONAHOE'S excuse for not seeing this when 90% of US could seee this over a year ago?(and some of us saw this in new England--just ask some NE fans).

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If anybody at this point in time tries to defend Bledsoe, they are morons. Everything on the team has been changed to "suit" bledsoe. New coaches, his speedy receiver, sam wyche etc. Yet we continue to be the laughing stock of the NFL with him running the game. We have had one of the best Defense's in the league for 2 years now all for what? For drew to hand the game to the other team week in and week out. We need a change of pace. Good riddance Drew in 05

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The front office at OBD should review his medical records.

Quite possibly that hit that collapsed his lung, also affected his eyesight.

He could be blind in one eye.


Hey Drew! How many fingers am I holding up? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:

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The front office at OBD should review his medical records.

Quite possibly that hit that collapsed his lung, also affected his eyesight.

He could be blind in one eye.


Hey Drew! How many fingers am I holding up?  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:



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