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If something is clearly broken & not working FIX IT.


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This is one of my biggest problems with the Buffalo Bills. They have nothing as far as a running game and they clearly have nothing for a rushing attack. When other teams in the NFL have the same problems they at least try to fix them. Right now I think there are moves that can be made to at least "TRY" to fix the DE situation. There are 2 guys on the market that I believe are still out there, Simeon Rice & Kabeer Gbaja-Giamila. Look I understand these guy might be past their respective primes, but what if they have something left? Something left that it can help the Bills woes at DE. By no means am I saying they will change everything about the defense, but at least the front office can make the moves to show us there is a glaring need for help at that position and they they are trying their best to fix it. Make the attempt. What if these 2 guys can provide just what we need to get us to the next level. They dont have to be signed for ground breaking contracts (although the front office has proved they over pay for players) but thats besides the point. Point is see that we have problem and make an attempt to fix it. If it dont work with the moves the organization made so be it, at least the made the fair attempt to fix something, and I'd tip my cap to them for trying.


I have major problems with teams just sitting still and being content with things. I absolutely get sick and tired of hearing Dick Jauron say: "I know we have trouble getting to the QB, we work hard every day on it & we'll get back to work to see if we can improve in that area". News flash for you Dick Jauron its week 11 in the NFL, chances are if its not working now its not going to work the rest of the year. Same goes for the OL, Dick Jauron always says the same things "We are struggling running the ball for sure, our guys are working hard to improve it and we'll keep working hard in that area". Again, if its not working now, FIX IT. Again its week 11 in the NFL, if things are not working they way they are suppose to by now its clearly way too late for them to get going. But on the other hand if they made the attempt to fix it, i'd tip my cap to them for at least trying, even if it failed.


This team is NOT going to the playoffs again for yet another season. And honestly they are even further behind then we all thought while other teams in our division are getting better. Even the Patriots have not lost much from Brady being out. Miami clearly has gotten better so to have the Jets. You all bash the Jets for going after Ty Law cause hes old. I can tell you now i'd take Ty Law on our defense. The move the Jets made was a nice one, it was a move that might help their team. It was an ATTEMPT to make the team better. Something Buffalo dont do very much.


It pains me to type all this but, when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, ITS A DUCK! It's the same old team we have seen for years. Beat crappy teams by the skin of our teeth and get bitched slapped by good teams. Same old same old....


And by the way, I do tip my cap to the front office for grabbing Teddy Lehman that was a move that was clearly needed at the LB spot. Why it took that long to do I have no idea. It should have been done the next day we found out Digiorio was done for the year, but at least the ATTEMPT was made to fix a position. Now if they can do something about the DL & OL........



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I thought when I started reading this you were going to talk about schemes. Leaving personnel out of this, how about changing what we do on the field to try and generate something. Jauron keeps talking about how we are having trouble getting to the QB. Yet week after week we only rush four guys all game long. I would rather get beat for a long pass once at least trying to sack the QB with a blitz. Like you said, I would at least applaud them for trying.


If our RBs are having a hard time getting through the line, then how about designing plays that get them the ball on quick slants, with Trent under center(yes dick, you can throw the ball when the QB starts out under center). They both can catch. Sweep..anyone,a pitchout...something...anything different. At least then I'll know they care and are trying.

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Yeah I agree. I never claimed to be a football guru, but I see teams run running plays, like quick pitch, the play Denver made famous, I see counter plays, where is the draw play. This year Lynch has had a hard time catching the ball out of the backfield. Jackson has been solid in that area.


But I do see other teams that have running plays that get their backs into the open field. We just dont do it.....


I know when they rush 4 they get zero pressure, but even when they blitz they rarely get pressure.


Just have the balls to make the changes, id have more respect for them if they did and it failed. But at least they made the effort for trying and i will except it.

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Saying the schemes are broken would be a real knock out shot to the nads. The new regime rode into town 3 years ago and installed their schemes and brought in many players that were going to fit their systems. Maybe if the players just spend a little more time watching film, they'll spontaneously gain abilities and be able to do things they don't seem capable of doing, at least not consistently. Then again, why bother? If a player doesn't want to play (Fowler) then he can sit in the hot tub and eat Doritos and continue to cash his game checks.

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I said this same thing when the Bills had their first loss this year. 3 later I still put it on the coaches. New schemes and personnel would help this team. It is obvious to everyone but our FO and coaches. I am just waiting until RW gets pissed enough to say hey fire that guy. And some one refuses then we will have the same old implosion on the coaching staff and he will hire some other loser.

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I would say that one of the biggest problems on offense is the treaded predictability. Sad to even say that, but it's true. What completely astounds me is that we can have this same problem. We as fans can see this; the game announcers see this; everyone sees this. It's something that's entirely and easily fixed. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, the coaches don't fix it. Why?


I can give them somewhat of a temporary pass on players, for example. If a player isn't working, you have to get a new guy in, get him trained up, etc. That's a lot of work and often something you can't do mid-season. But, something like play calling or player formations?? That can be fixed in one day. Absolutely unacceptable to continue doing what you know is not working.

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Trent threw the ball twice from under center on Sunday. The other 23 pass attempts were from Shotgun. We ran the ball 0 times from the Shotgun formation.


Predictability is killing this offense and the team.......

Agreed. And when they line up with the Fullback the TE motions to one side or the other. Every time, Lynch follows the blockers to that side only to get stuffed.


It's maddening to sit here and see the entire defense within 10yards of the LOS as the Bills sit there waiting to snap the ball. No audible, not nothing. Just snap the ball give it to Lynch and watch him run into a wall of defenders. Line up and do it again.


Why have they not at all thrown a single pass downfield? Who cares if it connects? Throw deep to make the safeties at least think a little. But not once in 3 weeks.


Again, we all see this. It's like watching Fairchild all over again.

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