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Bill from NYC won't like this--anonymous scout quote from PFW

dave mcbride

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i wonder how fowler would be as a G instead of a center.


Probably much worse, if this is even conceivable. Guards are supposed to be solid and scrappy. Fowler is tossed around like a frisbee. He knows what to do and has good footwork, then he gets the living schitt beat out of him.


Btw Dockery has been useless in the last few games as well. After Trent gets the snap, there is virtually no middle. That is the good news. The DL is even worse imo.

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Btw Dockery has been useless in the last few games as well. After Trent gets the snap, there is virtually no middle. That is the good news. The DL is even worse imo.


I agree that our Offensive Line is much more effective at stopping the run than our Defensive Line.

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I have even worse news. There are zero free agent centers available next year.




Maybe we can package Kelsay, Schoebel, Denney, and a bag of balls for a Center.


You know when the bills traded up 3yrs ago in the draft I thought great, they are going to take Mangold. Good pick. Then, in typical bills fashion they surprise everybody & take Mcgargo, a guy noone even had on their boards in the 1st rnd. Why does it seem the bills always have to go for the surprise pick, instead of just taking the logical pick. Mangold would look pretty good right now on this team. If an average joe like me could see that should of been the pick, why can't the bills front office who are being paid millions of dollars see it. So aggravating.

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Anyone who has watched Bills games for the past year and a half could have told you this...The Bills run game is completely neutralized by the C and RG getting blown up on half of the run plays, which results in the opposing teams DL in our backfield before Lynch even gets the ball. Out of 12 Lynch runs yesterday on tape, he had to dodge defenders in the backfield 5 times. Another time he ran and there were no Bills blockers out there and 4 untouched Patriot players waiting for him at the LOS. Even when the Bills do get some decent blocking, the best thing that happens is the other team goes back a few yards, but then fills the holes and stops Lynch after 3 or 4 yards. Another time Preston actually blocked a DL into the hole instead of away from it, because he was beaten pretty badly. Basically Fowler/Preston and the RG(Chambers) are getting beaten so badly it gives our run game absolutely no chance of even succeeding. Throw in Peters getting beaten badly on a quick inside move by Seymour which ended up with him in the backfield(luckily he missed the tackle and Lynch ran thru where Peters and Seymour should have been for 8), and you can see just how bad our run blocking is---mainly on the interior of the OL. Dockery and Walker were the only players yesterday to do an OK job of run blocking. The interior of the OL needs to be a high priority this offseason...we are killing ourselves by not being able to run the ball and being highly predictable in short yardage situations because we have no faith in attempting to run for the first downs...

Everything you said is true. There are never holes up the middle for our backs to run thru. But more telling is why are guys like Fowler, Preston, Whittle and Chambers are playing or even on the roster for that matter? (Chambers may not be too bad as a backup tackle, but was not an anchor at right guard) They would not play for just about any other team in the league. Is our O line coaching so bad, or do these guys have absolutely no talent? It is ridiculous how everyone is constantly saying that we are very weak at center and right guard, but we have done nothing to fix it. In free agency Casey Weigman who played center for many years for the Chiefs was available. Did we even try to sign him? Instead he is starting for the Broncos. They may not have any defense, but they can score points in bunches.


The talent level at certain positions on our team is horrifyingly low. C, RG, TE, 3rd and 4th WR, DE, 2nd DT, OLB, LG-thats right Dockery sucks. The other positions are average except for RB, Lee Evans. Our front seven is garbage. Our secondary could be decent if coached up a bit. Friends the only players that are studs or have potential to be studs are Evans, Lynch, F. Jackson,and our P and K. (Maybe TE if he gains a lot of confidence and strut ala Jimbo.) With such a mediocre to poor roster, you need unbelievable coaching to succeed and we obviously do not have it.

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Probably much worse, if this is even conceivable. Guards are supposed to be solid and scrappy. Fowler is tossed around like a frisbee. He knows what to do and has good footwork, then he gets the living schitt beat out of him.


Btw Dockery has been useless in the last few games as well. After Trent gets the snap, there is virtually no middle. That is the good news. The DL is even worse imo.

What is up with Dockery? How has he gone from very solid/good to useless in a relatively short amount of time?

Could this be an OL cohesion thing......and if so, is there any reason to expect that he cannot regain his prior form?

I am quite baffled by his regression.

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Probably much worse, if this is even conceivable. Guards are supposed to be solid and scrappy. Fowler is tossed around like a frisbee. He knows what to do and has good footwork, then he gets the living schitt beat out of him.


Btw Dockery has been useless in the last few games as well. After Trent gets the snap, there is virtually no middle. That is the good news. The DL is even worse imo.



Pete Kendall would be a decent upgrade at RG, leaving the Bills to take C Alex Mack in Round 1.

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The Bills, especially Marv, should have realized that the success of their Super Losers club in the 1990s was basically allowed to continue because of their Center, Kent Hull, maybe the smartest guy to play football in the modern era. His audibles at the line were perfect, PERFECT. Then once he snapped the ball, he was able to block, too. But his BRAINS were what made Jim Kelly and his RBs look so good, because he was directing his fellow linemen to make perfect adjustments.


I don't think the Bills have seen a guy of that calibre in their uniform since those years. THAT is what they ned to start looking for again.

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What is up with Dockery? How has he gone from very solid/good to useless in a relatively short amount of time?

Could this be an OL cohesion thing......and if so, is there any reason to expect that he cannot regain his prior form?

I am quite baffled by his regression.

I think one of the forgotten issues this year are the constant shaking up of the Oline. From Peters holding out, to injuries, to substitutions; the Bills are doing what no successful team has ever done - switch out offensive linemen each week.


Has that led to poor pass protection and run blocking? I don't know, but it almost has to be part of the offense's problem.

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