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He's an iceman on the sidelines. No wonder, he's a cyborg, not flesh and blood, nothing more than a cpu with hair.


You may have something there.


He's the Terminator, except instead of being sent to destroy the future of man, he was sent to destroy the

future of Bills football.


But don't worry, he'll "be back".



I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it.

He's an iceman on the sidelines. No wonder, he's a cyborg, not flesh and blood, nothing more than a cpu with hair.



We'll then at least you have his sympathy.

You may have something there.


He's the Terminator, except instead of being sent to destroy the future of man, he was sent to destroy the

future of Bills football.


But don't worry, he'll "be back".



I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it.


So you noticed the blank stare too?

So you noticed the blank stare too?



I can't make up my mind if he's stoic, or vapid?


Maybe we need a new word, like for Hamdan and the "chroise".


Maybe, vap-oic, or better yet stoi-pid? The melding of stoic and vapid?




One entry found.

Main Entry: va·pid

Pronunciation: \ˈva-pəd, ˈvā-\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin vapidus flat-tasting; akin to Latin vappa flat wine and perhaps to Latin vapor steam

Date: circa 1656

: lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force : flat , dull <a gossipy, vapid woman, obsessed by her own elegance — R. F.


Main Entry: 1sto·ic

Pronunciation: \ˈstō-ik\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin stoicus, from Greek stōïkos, literally, of the portico, from Stoa (Poikilē) the Painted Portico, portico at Athens where Zeno taught

Date: 14th century

1capitalized : a member of a school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium about 300 b.c. holding that the wise man should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submissive to natural law

2: one apparently or professedly indifferent to pleasure or pain

It all makes sense now. I wonder if his wife knows.



We'll he is a scientist and obviously found a way to make that creamy white blood mix with sperm at some point, tricky dick he is.

He's an iceman on the sidelines. No wonder, he's a cyborg, not flesh and blood, nothing more than a cpu with hair.


I hope his contract extention came with a systems upgrade.

Jauron 2.0 will turn this team around (as long as it's not Vista)

He's an iceman on the sidelines. No wonder, he's a cyborg, not flesh and blood, nothing more than a cpu with hair.


That might be the funniest thread title and one liner i've seen on here in ages. Kudos for making me laugh w/ the Alien reference. I have not been laughing much lately.

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