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It has really caught my attention that the dems have been working like crazy on the black vote the past week or so, and they will continue to do so for the next week.


kerry himself, edwards, tersea, and even algore have been hitting the churches and making their once every four year visit to them.


Here is what I have noticed:


First, the black vote according to polls have made a move in GWB direction. Not a huge move in relation to how the group votes as a whole, but significant when you consider that in 200 GWB got 9% of the black vote and in 2004 he is polling around 18% of the black vote.


Second, why are these black voters coming over to the right? Have they seen something there that they like? Or is it more simple then that? Have they finally realized that the promises, and once per four year visits to their churches are nothing more then pandering at it’s worst?


In any case, they have begun to shift, and the left appears to be pulling their hair out over it, and they have brought out all of the big guns to try to reassure the black voters that the left has all the answers to their problems. Yea, I can see this working….afterall it has for the past 30 years or better.

  Rich in Ohio said:
It has really caught my attention that the dems have been working like crazy on the black vote the past week or so, and they will continue to do so for the next week.


kerry himself, edwards, tersea, and even algore have been hitting the churches and making their once every four year visit to them.


Here is what I have noticed:


First, the black vote according to polls have made a move in GWB direction. Not a huge move in relation to how the group votes as a whole, but significant when you consider that in 200 GWB got 9% of the black vote and in 2004 he is polling around 18% of the black vote.


Second, why are these black voters coming over to the right? Have they seen something there that they like? Or is it more simple then that? Have they finally realized that the promises, and once per four year visits to their churches are nothing more then pandering at it’s worst?


In any case, they have begun to shift, and the left appears to be pulling their hair out over it, and they have brought out all of the big guns to try to reassure the black voters that the left has all the answers to their problems. Yea, I can see this working….afterall it has for the past 30 years or better.


I guess they are just done fighting Whitey...they feel if they act like slaves they will get a piece of the pie...wow you do start some interesting threads

  VabeachBledsoefan said:
I guess they are just done fighting Whitey...they feel if they act like slaves they will get a piece of the pie...wow you do start some interesting threads



hey I am not trying to cause any controversy here, I am just making an observation. I think that there is a story in the fact that GWB has seemingly doubled the black vote that he has recieved in the 200 election. especially given the fact that he refused (and I think smartly so) to go and speak at the NAACP meeting. Of course he did speack at other black events.......unlike what has been spewed by kerry and friends.


My take on it is that the black people in this country, at least those who are working to make a better life, have seen that the dems have promised the moon and delivered a pebble of sand. I mean really what has the democratic party done on behalf of black people that has amounted to a hill of beans. They have repeatedly abused their trust, and used them as political pawns, pandering to them every four years during presidential election cycles, and even more then that on a local level. I just think that the black people in general are asking themselves.............why?


Could it be at all that the republicans put the first black supreme court justice on the bench or that Bush has 3 african americans in his cabinet? Or perhaps that people like sharpton and jesse jackson are acutally HURTING their cause? Perhaps?


Any black person that doesnt vote for the Democrats is an Uncle Tom.



Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NAACP.



Cant turn our backs on the party of entitlements and handouts can we?

  Thurman said:
Any black person that doesnt vote for the Democrats is an Uncle Tom.



Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NAACP.

Cant turn our backs on the party of entitlements and handouts can we?


100 years of keeping poor people under the thumb is a terrific track record to run on. Which party benefits from pandering to poor people?


You can't blame Democrats for going back to the well once every 4 years to grab the Black vote. If they can keep it, they'll do that. I'm not sure what promises Democrats made to Blacks now or in the past that has Blacks casting votes on the D line all the time. After all those wonderful social programs for the last, nearly 40 years.....gee I would have expected some great improvements in urban society. All those new schools, new homes, improved infrastructure....it's all there.....right?


Or maybe when I trek down Walden Ave., I'm only seeing a mirage, or the sun is blinding or something. Hats off to the Blacks in Buffalo who have improved their lot in life through neighborhood groups, small business startups, and using initiative to move forward.


Does anyone have the actual (monetary) price tag of LBJ's programs? So much money, so very little accomplished.





The cities in the northeast, many of them are headed for downright failure. Just bleeding away a very slow and agonizing death. Cleveland is America's poorest big city. Buffalo is run by a financial control board overseen by statewide twits. Baltimore's school system is a financially bankrupt monstrosity. Pittsburgh is running out of money. Might declare bankruptcy. Mayor wants to get tubby in Harrisburg to save his town through slot machines.


It's been bad in the northeast for a long time.....but now many of these cities are about to have the plug pulled on them....all at the same time. There's a real big friggin mess on the horizon here.


The libs aren't worried that African Americans will vote for Bush. The libs are worried African Americans will stay home because Kerry isn't going to help them any more than GWB.

Guest RabidBillsFanVT
  Chalkie Gerzowski said:
You can't blame Democrats for going back to the well once every 4 years to grab the Black vote.  If they can keep it, they'll do that.  I'm not sure what promises Democrats made to Blacks now or in the past that has Blacks casting votes on the D line all the time.  After all those wonderful social programs for the last, nearly 40 years.....gee I would have expected some great improvements in urban society.  All those new schools, new homes, improved infrastructure....it's all there.....right?


Or maybe when I trek down Walden Ave., I'm only seeing a mirage, or the sun is blinding or something.  Hats off to the Blacks in Buffalo who have improved their lot in life through neighborhood groups, small business startups, and using initiative to move forward.


Does anyone have the actual (monetary) price tag of LBJ's programs?  So much money, so very little accomplished.



The cities in the northeast, many of them are headed for downright failure.  Just bleeding away a very slow and agonizing death.  Cleveland is America's poorest big city.  Buffalo is run by a financial control board overseen by statewide twits.  Baltimore's school system is a financially bankrupt monstrosity.  Pittsburgh is running out of money.  Might declare bankruptcy.  Mayor wants to get tubby in Harrisburg to save his town through slot machines.


It's been bad in the northeast for a long time.....but now many of these cities are about to have the plug pulled on them....all at the same time.  There's a real big friggin mess on the horizon here.



You know, it's bad EVERYWHERE in the Northeast, and it has been for a LONG time now. Emphasizing the urban areas doesn't make a fully accurate case of the whole region. I can go into areas like Glens Falls and Plattsburgh and give the same bleak picture... this is a manufacturing job loss problem, and so far no one has found the solution to filling it.


Its very disturbing to me that you emphasize handouts with African-Americans, when you KNOW that many people of other races all over the COUNTRY are benefiting JUST AS MUCH from these 'handouts' as African Americans.


To add I SINCERELY DOUBT the Democratic Party has the sole lock on pandering to the vote when it comes to race. Bush seems to have his chapped lips on the Hispanic communities' hind quarters! Just to be fair and balanced :angry:

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