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90 Yards Rushing in 2 Games combined for an Offense that's SUPPOSED to be Run 1st???


All anyone needs to know about Trent is He's not yet good enough to operate without the threat of any Running Game...That's all... 0:)


Look you can defend him all you want and blame it on the run game, but today he was just awful. He did have time to throw and he made some terrible reads, bad passes and lacked any sense about what to do.


However here's a bone..... The coaching was lousy, right on par with that I used to complain when JP was QB..... Back to the chicken vs. the egg argument.... Is it Trent, JP or the coaches to blame.


Need I say I expect/demand 300 yards vs. Cleveland..... :w00t:

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I disagree with this so strongly I just changed my screen name to Edwards' Arm. He had a bad day and should have played significantly better than he did. That said, Edwards is the answer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling for J.P. to play, that said however, Trent is playing EVERY bit as BAD as J.P. was his 2nd year when you all called for Holcolmb to start over him. I don't think Trent is the answer anymore than J.P. He looks like he could be a good BACKUP, but the Bills need to find a #1 QB.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling for J.P. to play, that said however, Trent is playing EVERY bit as BAD as J.P. was his 2nd year when you all called for Holcolmb to start over him. I don't think Trent is the answer anymore than J.P. He looks like he could be a good BACKUP, but the Bills need to find a #1 QB.


That's actually humorous. With the exception of today, they are not even close. Maybe you forgot when JP got to 100 yards we were happy. Trent only has 2 games under 200 yards.

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I will never understand why 90% of fans think there is more variance involved in coaching and playcalling than there is in QB play. JP fans were here a month ago claiming Fairchild couldn't hold Schonert's jockstrap. I thought that was ridiculous. Now we have Trent fans saying Schonert is a clueless idiot, because of course every loss in the history of the world is due to playcalling.


This is what it boils down to:

- It's about the QB, not the OC - the most overrated person on any team in terms of his impact on the game.

- Level of play in a young QB varies more than the smarts of the OC over the course of a few weeks.

- Edwards is a better QB than JP.

- Edwards has sucked the last 3 weeks.

He is?
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling for J.P. to play, that said however, Trent is playing EVERY bit as BAD as J.P. was his 2nd year when you all called for Holcolmb to start over him. I don't think Trent is the answer anymore than J.P. He looks like he could be a good BACKUP, but the Bills need to find a #1 QB.


have we really stooped to this level already? wow.

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I will never understand why 90% of fans think there is more variance involved in coaching and playcalling than there is in QB play. JP fans were here a month ago claiming Fairchild couldn't hold Schonert's jockstrap. I thought that was ridiculous. Now we have Trent fans saying Schonert is a clueless idiot, because of course every loss in the history of the world is due to playcalling.


This is what it boils down to:

- It's about the QB, not the OC - the most overrated person on any team in terms of his impact on the game.

- Level of play in a young QB varies more than the smarts of the OC over the course of a few weeks.

- Edwards is a better QB than JP.

- Edwards has sucked the last 3 weeks.

True but Losman is a complete bust so that doesn't say a whole lot.

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Yep this is where we are at SADLY. Trent has shown NO MORE than JP, & I don't want to hear it's only his 2nd year. People were calling for J.P.'s head his 2nd year & he hardly played at all his 1st year.


SADLY you're an idiot who found a way onto this message board. Because JP sucked d!ck during his 2nd year and turned out to suck altogether, doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towels on Trent. That's not how it works. "JP sucked during his 2nd year, Trent is struggling, so they are the same." What the !@#$ kind of dumb logic is that. When you get 90 yards rushing in 2 games, you're not going to win many games. It's soooo easy to throw it all on the QB, but get some damn perspective.

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I don't want to make excuses for Edwards, but he has been terrible since coming back from the concussion. Whether it's related or not...who knows!

Look, either he caught JP Losman's cooties, or he's still not 100% right. You have to admit there is a huge difference in Edwards play pre- and post-concussion.


FYI: this post does not absolve the horrendous O-line play and the total lack of a running game, which is not helping our offense.



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SADLY you're an idiot who found a way onto this message board. Because JP sucked d!ck during his 2nd year and turned out to suck altogether, doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towels on Trent. That's not how it works. "JP sucked during his 2nd year, Trent is struggling, so they are the same." What the !@#$ kind of dumb logic is that. When you get 90 yards rushing in 2 games, you're not going to win many games. It's soooo easy to throw it all on the QB, but get some damn perspective.

OK I get it, JP played on a GREAT team & all those losses were his fault & had nothing to do with the rest of the team, while Trent plays on a much worse team & is absolved of all wrong.......MORON.

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I agree Trents 15 minutes are gone
OK I get it, JP played on a GREAT team & all those losses were his fault & had nothing to do with the rest of the team, while Trent plays on a much worse team & is absolved of all wrong.......MORON.


bills fans? are you guys !@#$ing kidding me? you are guys are a couple of jokes, ready to pounce when the starting qb has a bad game. do you root for the bills to succeed or for trent to fail to justify your pathetic opinions? it's bad enough when the team is struggling, but for people to sit here and become chicken littles.. goddamn i hope nothing serious goes wrong in your personal lives because it quite clear you will jump ship at the first sign of trouble. wayyy too premature for this bullsh!t talk. trent and his grandma knows he sucked today but the guy is a good qb when he gets a little help. look what happened to brady in the superbowl with players in his face and a heavy pass rush.

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bills fans? are you guys !@#$ing kidding me? you are guys are a couple of jokes, ready to pounce when the starting qb has a bad game. do you root for the bills to succeed or for trent to fail to justify your pathetic opinions? it's bad enough when the team is struggling, but for people to sit here and become chicken littles.. goddamn i hope nothing serious goes wrong in your personal lives because it quite clear you will jump ship at the first sign of trouble. wayyy too premature for this bullsh!t talk. trent and his grandma knows he sucked today but the guy is a good qb when he gets a little help. look what happened to brady in the superbowl with players in his face and a heavy pass rush.

A bad game? You must not have been paying attention. The Bills have gone from 5-1 to 5-4. Personally, I am battling cancer, so excuse me if I don't have your patience with Trent & the Bills.

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