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A Few Thoughts...

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First of all, shut the f*** up you bunch of cry babies. Are you serious? If a few tough losses pushes you to the point where you want to renounce your Bills-fandom, then get the f*** out!


What a bunch of little whiny bitches on this board.


"Uhh... I just can't waste my time on these losers anymore!"


How much time of yours do they really waste? Three hours once a week? Read a book you bums. If you really feel like these guys are wasting your precious time, do something else. For me, even in a rough loss, it's still a reprieve from real life and a damn good excuse to drink beers on the weekend. Stop crying you bunch of women.


I love the Bills, and that means I don't play that, "I can't cheer for this team anymore," bull sh--. If you can't handle the rough times, you don't deserve success. And anyone who says,"Good. Move this team to Toronto." F*** You! You're an idiot.


As far as the game goes, I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal a line from Denny Green: Trent, as of right now, you are who I thought you were. You throw too many picks, can't hold onto the ball, and are injury prone... Exactly how you were in college.


Our coaching preparation and schemes are embarrassing. I have NEVER been as frustrated watching a game as I was today -- complete and total ineptitude. Jauron is like sh*tty-tasting vanilla, generic-brand ice cream.


This team has lost it's identity, and needs to find it soon before it's too late. We are still in this season. Hope is not completely lost.


Go Bills.

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As far as the game goes, I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal a line from Denny Green: Trent, as of right now, you are who I thought you were. You throw too many picks, can't hold onto the ball, and are injury prone... Exactly how you were in college.


Our coaching preparation and schemes are embarrassing. I have NEVER been as frustrated watching a game as I was today -- complete and total ineptitude. Jauron is like sh*tty-tasting vanilla, generic-brand ice cream.


This team has lost it's identity, and needs to find it soon before it's too late. We are still in this season. Hope is not completely lost.


Go Bills.


I'll agree with the quoted portion of your post.


With all due respect, I think that the rest of your post is garbage.

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