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Will J.P.Losman have more pressure

Like A Mofo

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Remember 1986: The fan-fare surrounding Jim Kelly's arrival. I still remember that 86 opener agains the Jets very well, sold out Rich, I remember seeing a sign in the crowd "Kelly is God" in the stands...even though it was a 28-24 loss (I think that was the score) you could sense that was just the beginning of something good.


Now there was a lot of pressure on Jim to perform, but will there be just as much if not more on Losman? We all know about the 1st round pick that Dallas will receive, it will probably be a Top 10 pick at the worst, what if that pick is a franchise player? Then what if Losman is another RJ?? How far will this set back the Buffalo Bills as a franchise?? Plus the GM's reputation is totally on the line with Losman, if he fails, sayora to TD.


Am I losing my mind, or am I reaching for anything because we are 1-5??



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Hate to break it to you - but - Ralph Wilson LOVES Tom Donahoe. Donahoe has brought in more money and players than any other GM the Bills have ever had. Ralph keeps saying WE HAVE THE PLAYERS - he keeps blaming the coaches - not the signings ... TD is here to stay. Sorry.

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Could you imagine if there was....there would ahve been 500 Ronnie Harmon threads in 1989!!  :angry:


How about the "keep starting Frank Reich" arguments before the 1993 AFC Championship..... or crashing the board with "This team STINKS !!!!" posts at halftime of the Comeback game.....


ooooh. I can just imagine some of the nasty nicknames people would've come up with for Harmon.....

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