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Obama's Mandate For Change

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There wasn't anything of the sort from either side. No one thought this was going to be easy or quick. Everyone thought and said the economy was in the toilet. The suddenly turning rosy idea was the end of the bad guys and bad policy (if that's what you believed), not at all that things would instantly be better in the economy.


I seem to recall a certain candidate, not too long prior to the Lehman fiasco, telling me the "fundamentals" of the economy were healthy when everyone with half a brain knew otherwise, INCLUDING that certain candidate. He not only didn't suggest it wouldn't be a rosy road ahead, he had the audacity to suggest it wasn't far from rosy AT THE TIME.

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Oh big deal. He was making fun of the right person, just for the wrong superstitions.


I can't believe he apologized.


He's a liberal weenie. What he should of said was:


"Shut up B word and go fix me a turkey pot pie!"*


*Line quoted from Breakfast Club

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