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"Everybody who works for the program will eventually be paid"????




Obama doesn't pay his own workers, but wants to smash the businesses to pay more for employees. I wonder if those employees got benefits? Don't think too hard.


No one likes spending more than they have to, and yes it's hypocrisy to hold others to a standard of liberalism that he won't hold himself. So they weren't paid as they should have, and I'll be you anything they didn't have health insurance, unless it was subsidized by the gov't.

Yes, I'm still waiting for the 16 civilizations as well. Since it's a fact and all.


If you think I'm going to re-research those for you, your wasting both of our time. You won't agree because of ideology, and I will have wasted my time. But if you want a link with quotes from anthropologists and sociologists here you go




Here's a good paragraph:

"He pointed to the writings of British anthropologist J. D. Unwin,

whose 1934 book, Sex and Culture, chronicled the historical

decline of numerous cultures. Unwin studied 86 different

cultures throughout history and discovered a surprising fact: No

nation that rejected monogamy in marriage and pre-marital sexual

chastity lasted longer than a generation after it embraced

sexual hedonism. Unwin stated it this way, "In human records

there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete

new generation has inherited a tradition which does not

insist on prenuptial and postnuptial continence."


Do you feel better now?

If you think I'm going to re-research those for you, your wasting both of our time. You won't agree because of ideology, and I will have wasted my time. But if you want a link with quotes from anthropologists and sociologists here you go




Here's a good paragraph:

"He pointed to the writings of British anthropologist J. D. Unwin,

whose 1934 book, Sex and Culture, chronicled the historical

decline of numerous cultures. Unwin studied 86 different

cultures throughout history and discovered a surprising fact: No

nation that rejected monogamy in marriage and pre-marital sexual

chastity lasted longer than a generation after it embraced

sexual hedonism. Unwin stated it this way, "In human records

there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete

new generation has inherited a tradition which does not

insist on prenuptial and postnuptial continence."


Do you feel better now?


I feel better that you provided some evidence. I'll have to examine Unwin's thesis before I can fully comment, but this does not logically connect on its own- i.e., it does not demonstrate that homosexuality caused the fall of the civilizations instead of merely coinciding with it. I'll peruse this topic more in depth, if only because I find it so incredulous.

I feel better that you provided some evidence. I'll have to examine Unwin's thesis before I can fully comment, but this does not logically connect on its own- i.e., it does not demonstrate that homosexuality caused the fall of the civilizations instead of merely coinciding with it. I'll peruse this topic more in depth, if only because I find it so incredulous.


That's fine but I will state that Unwin's thesis is based on some pretty condemning evidence.

That's fine but I will state that Unwin's thesis is based on some pretty condemning evidence.

Fair enough. At least you're providing a link.

Fair enough. At least you're providing a link.


Also, the 16 of 19 civilizations is from a quote from my professor 10 years ago. For you and others, although you are civilized, to hurl that type of thesis from memory, or as some online article, (something I leaned 10 years ago) is incredulous as well. I hope you understand.

If you think I'm going to re-research those for you, your wasting both of our time. You won't agree because of ideology, and I will have wasted my time. But if you want a link with quotes from anthropologists and sociologists here you go




Here's a good paragraph:

"He pointed to the writings of British anthropologist J. D. Unwin,

whose 1934 book, Sex and Culture, chronicled the historical

decline of numerous cultures. Unwin studied 86 different

cultures throughout history and discovered a surprising fact: No

nation that rejected monogamy in marriage and pre-marital sexual

chastity lasted longer than a generation after it embraced

sexual hedonism. Unwin stated it this way, "In human records

there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete

new generation has inherited a tradition which does not

insist on prenuptial and postnuptial continence."

Actually, that was the only paragraph in the article which claimed a basis in study rather than speculative hypothesis. I tend to think that if the only learned & published source that the Traditional Values Coalition could come up with to show support for their conjecture was one book published in 1934......it might well be totally unfounded in truth.

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