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Tried to get a newspaper today?


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Sold out:

Everything in Manhattan

Washington Post (they're printing a special edition for afternoon drive)

Denver (both Post and RMN)

Indy Star

Kansas City Star

Arizona Republic

San Francisco Chronicle (reprinting)

Chicago (Trib is reprinting)

Cleveland Plain-Dealer (reprinting)


So, did you find a copy of your local paper today?

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From another board ...


Sold out:

Everything in Manhattan

Washington Post (they're printing a special edition for afternoon drive)

Denver (both Post and RMN)

Indy Star

Kansas City Star

Arizona Republic

San Francisco Chronicle (reprinting)

Chicago (Trib is reprinting)

Cleveland Plain-Dealer (reprinting)


So, did you find a copy of your local paper today?

They delivered late, so no. None at the train station.

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FWIW, I think the major metros are the ones getting hit hard. Makes sense, because we already know the cities skew Democrat.


Also FWIW, the person looking for these was until very recently in the print business (now at a certain sports-related TV network in Ct.), and even her connections aren't much help today.

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FWIW, I think the major metros are the ones getting hit hard. Makes sense, because we already know the cities skew Democrat.


Also FWIW, the person looking for these was until very recently in the print business (now at a certain sports-related TV network in Ct.), and even her connections aren't much help today.



Who are you and what are you doing over here at the "Dark Side"? :oops:

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Who are you and what are you doing over here at the "Dark Side"? :oops:

I drop in from time to time, but I do try to limit my exposure.


Delivered bright & early at 6AM. Didn't notice any problems at the news stands - but it was early.


Amazing though, Obama fixed the newspaper business too :P

At least for one day ... hey, maybe he's not such a bad guy after all!

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From another board ...


Sold out:

Everything in Manhattan

Washington Post (they're printing a special edition for afternoon drive)

Denver (both Post and RMN)

Indy Star

Kansas City Star

Arizona Republic

San Francisco Chronicle (reprinting)

Chicago (Trib is reprinting)

Cleveland Plain-Dealer (reprinting)


So, did you find a copy of your local paper today?



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FWIW, I think the major metros are the ones getting hit hard. Makes sense, because we already know the cities skew Democrat.


Also FWIW, the person looking for these was until very recently in the print business (now at a certain sports-related TV network in Ct.), and even her connections aren't much help today.



If you want me to grab anything from NYC, I'd be happy to walk down to the shop in our lobby. They had papers as of lunchtime.

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Newspapers :unsure:

You do know there is more on the intarweb than just pr0n :oops:

Yeah. Um. If I were of a mind to save today's front page, newsprint would be a heckuva lot easier than framing a monitor screen, no?



So did you find a copy of the Kane Republican, the Bradford Times, or the Erie Times-News?

Bradford Times? Saw the Era, wasn't impressed. (But then again, I rarely am. Yesterday: a Page 1 story on a local man who collects campaign buttons ... without any mention whatsoever of the fact that he also happens to write for said newspaper, even though his bylined story on a different subject ran right next to the picture taken of him for the button-collecting feature. Oy.)


Besides, I wasn't the one looking for them.


And: damn. The Chicago Tribune ended up printing 200,000 extra copies today. Of course, Sam Zell will probably be pissed about not finding a way to double-charge for the ads ...

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