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No, it didn't exist because the government cooks the books worse than Enron, a fact that Al Gore threw up all over himself with over and over again. But you keep pretending that you have any clue what you're talking about.


"Keep pretending" is another wildly overused piece of the Alaska Darin lexicon.

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Not true. I am an independent and had every intention of voting for McCain when he got the nomination. Unfortunately, after he got the nomination, he caved to the base, and alienated many people who had supported him. If he would have picked Liberman, stopped spewing hard right talking points and just been John McCain, he would have absolutely had my vote.


I call bullschit. Buddy you are one of the biggest partisian lemming here on the board. Let's be honest for God's sake.


Yea, you and Nozzlenut are both conservative leaning independants. :rolleyes:

No, it didn't exist because the government cooks the books worse than Enron, a fact that Al Gore threw up all over himself with over and over again. But you keep pretending that you have any clue what you're talking about.


Ohh, that hurts? :devil: When I know less than you do I'll start to worry.


Ah, the Frankenstein mob mentality. That's always an effective tool. Politicians rarely lie in an effort to stay in power.


No :rolleyes: assmunch but no other President in recent memory has been able to "cook the books" well enough to make it "appear" there was a surplus.


I'll let you know when you're anything more than a sad, pathetic punchline.


The day you don't think that is the day I'll start questioning myself.


Couldn't think of a dumber question?


I've already read a lot of your posts. I've read smart posters. I know smart posters. Smart posters are a friend of mine and you sir are not a smart poster.


Which is actually the one that matters to me.


or anyone else.

The facts:


1. Gore lost an election that should have been a landslide in his favor.

2. McCain is a 74 year old "it's my turn" candidate, ala Bob Dole.

3. The Republican Party of 2004-2008 may be the least liked political apparatus in the history of this country.


And virtually all of you lemmings deserve to be bashed. Congratulations on voting for a candidate that spent $600 MILLION dollars to win a job making $400K. Then be really surprised when his fiscal policy blows up in his face.

1. Gore was a weak candidate with a crappy campaign, compared to a GOP candidate with a strong brand name, a platform of uniting the country, and a well run (albeit ruthless) campaign.

2. I strongly disagree that he thinks it's his turn. Hillary wins that award in 2008.

3. Once again, the dems fielded a weak candidate with a crappy campaign, or at least a candidate who didn't listen to his campaign. Compare that to a well run campaign by the GOP and an incumbent president who was still supported by his party.


Right, someone running for POTUS compares the cost of the campaign against the salary. That's a good one. :rolleyes:


64 million lemmings? Get a grip dude.

  • 2 weeks later...
No :lol: assmunch but no other President in recent memory has been able to "cook the books" well enough to make it "appear" there was a surplus.

The honest response would have been "no President has been able to enjoy the good fortune of every economic star lining up while happily stealing from Social Security". Honestly, do you people not understand that what is going on now directly correlates to the garbage that was being shoveled at you as gospel during the 90s?

I've already read a lot of your posts. I've read smart posters. I know smart posters. Smart posters are a friend of mine and you sir are not a smart poster.

Your lack of originality is trumped only by your incessantly pedantic politics.

The honest response would have been "no President has been able to enjoy the good fortune of every economic star lining up while happily stealing from Social Security". Honestly, do you people not understand that what is going on now directly correlates to the garbage that was being shoveled at you as gospel during the 90s?




McCain lost an election he should have lost. Gore lost an election he should have won easily. I know it's hard for you to comprehend the difference but it really is that simple.


Based on what? I listed 15 awful campaign tactics used by John McCain-


Gas tax holiday

"Drill Here Drill Now"

The tire gauge


Sarah Palin

Lipstick on a Pig

Suspending his campaign to "return" to Washington

Sarah Palin


Joe the Plumber

Sarah Palin

Spread the Wealth

Bill Ayers

Khalid Rashidi

Joe Biden says we will be attacked

The Coal Thing

Jeremiah Wright


Be specific. What did Al Gore do that was more retarded than any of these?


But keep pretending you're not just a kool-aid drinking lemming!

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