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Just got back from Grant Park

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Nice to see signs of hope from the progressive left. Imagine that, in 2008, standing next to and sharing a train ride with folk of a different color and nobody was segregated. Is this a great country, or what?




"Yes Papa.....I was on the trolley and stood next to a real live negro! It was glorious papa. His handler didn't even have to throw raw meat at him in order to keep him occupied. He had such a look of relief on him. Oh papa...what days!"

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Great atmosphere tonight here in Chicago. At the rally I stood next to a lot of African Americans, and I shared the train home with some too- there was an aura of calmness and relief to all of them. I know some people linked an Obama win to outright arrogance from minorities, but I didn't get that sense AT ALL.


There was a wonderful feeling of unity and togetherness tonight and whether or not you agree with Obama's policies, these are the emotions he conjures and that's why he's right for America, right now.


I thought McCain's speech was very gracious and I was extremely pleased to hear him hammer home this notion of American unity. When he got 'boo's' from the crowd he was quick to quiet them down, and I liked that. No more divisiveness PLEASE!


The entire event was shockingly well orchestrated and it certainly gave Daley a trump card for his upcoming Olympics campaign. Chicago definitely got it right tonight.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new president.


Cool... My wife and I watch in our living room while one of our boys with a sore throat slept on the coach next to us. Pretty amazing no matter your politics.

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"Yes Papa.....I was on the trolley and stood next to a real live negro! It was glorious papa. His handler didn't even have to throw raw meat at him in order to keep him occupied. He had such a look of relief on him. Oh papa...what days!"


"It was a dream, just a bad dream. I was broke, nobody liked me, Penelope hated me...and it was becuase of an awful negro."

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In all honesty...that's pretty cool to be at a historic moment like that. For better or worse, it is monumental.


As for race relations....the only time I felt a bit uneasy was standing in line at the bank a few days after Katrina hit. I would always go to this bank, and would often be one of or the only white person there....but they had CNN on with live footage of the people in New Orleans. Not a good vibe.

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Cool... My wife and I watch in our living room while one of our boys with a sore throat slept on the coach next to us. Pretty amazing no matter your politics.


So you and your wife never shared the couch during the Bush administration? That Obama guy is working wonders already.



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I am in a meeting with our European and Asian team members and everyone's talking about the excitement worldwide. I have never in my lifetime seen people across the US run into the streets and dance in celebration of an election. I don't know if it's a testimony to the man or the hope that an awful era in American history is drawing to a close.


To the guys from EMEA and AJP the world's excitement isn't so much Obama, it's getting back the America that used to stand out as a shining example. They've missed us.


'Basimane Bogopa, from Botswana, said: "Americans have shown once again, why they are world leaders. Obama's victory has shown me that the American dream is real, you just have to dream. My heart is filled with joy."'


They are excited because America is going to be a wimpy nation again like it was under Bubba.

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You heard me. We need to put our interests ahead of the rest of the world. Why? Because when it comes down to it, no one else is there for us. They all expect US to be there for them, but when the rubber hits the road, they're nowhere to be found.



Well, that didn't sound as bad as what I thought you were saying in the earlier post. "What's good for the world is NOT good for us." I thought that meant. "IF it is good for the world, THEN it is not good for us."


Now, I'm not sure I agree with this latest post, but at least I understand it. When the USA doesn't run around acting like the world's bully, most of our allies are there for us. But, you can't expect too much support from countries you treat like your B word, most of the time.


Anyway, even though I don't agree with you latest post, it is refreshing, in a way. Most people (left and right, I think), seem to think "What's good for the USA is necessarily good for the rest of the wold." Am I the only one who finds it ironic (and amusing, if it didn't result in so many deaths) that we FORCE democracy on people? What a concept!


Now. I happen to believe that, most of what is good for the world, is good for the USA, and vice versa. Not everything, of course, but the most of the important stuff that makes us human, and free and makes life worth living.


Of course, the real bugaboo here is, "What is the USA, and what is the world?". Some would argue that what is good for multi-national corporations, is what is good for the USA, and the world. The world is a business.


You are an old man, who thinks in terms of nations, and peoples. There are no nations, there are no peoples, there are no Russians, there are no Arabs, there are no Third Worlds; there is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems. One vast and interwoven, interacting, multi-variant, multi-national dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, Reichmarks, Rubles, Pounds and Sheckles.
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You heard me. We need to put our interests ahead of the rest of the world. Why? Because when it comes down to it, no one else is there for us. They all expect US to be there for them, but when the rubber hits the road, they're nowhere to be found.



That's why free trade is such a terrible concept. It's never applied with our interests in mind. It only serves multi-national corporations, so they can exploit cheap labor.


I'm sure you are not talking about free trade, but I am. Globalism will only serve the few mega-rich people in the world, like Warren Buffett and it can only hurt everyone else.


But it only helps those mega-rich people for a very brief period of time, and then it causes what we are now seeing in Wall Street . . . massive price deflation.

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That's why free trade is such a terrible concept. It's never applied with our interests in mind. It only serves multi-national corporations, so they can exploit cheap labor.


I'm sure you are not talking about free trade, but I am. Globalism will only serve the few mega-rich people in the world, like Warren Buffett and it can only hurt everyone else.


But it only helps those mega-rich people for a very brief period of time, and then it causes what we are now seeing in Wall Street . . . massive price deflation.


To have major price inflation we need major price deflation. It's how the markets have always worked. I've always said the markets can't go up unless they go down.

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