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and here we go...anyone who disagrees with this election is a racist!


God, I love the left.



Holy jump to conclusions Batman. The better candidate won. Stop whining. He won states that Democrats normally don't win. The majority of people (race excluded) wanted change. McCain followed a terrible President in his party and made an equally dumb VP selection.


If Obama was purple and McCain was green, Obama was a better choice.

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Holy jump to conclusions Batman. The better candidate won. Stop whining. He won states that Democrats normally don't win. The majority of people (race excluded) wanted change. McCain followed a terrible President in his party and made an equally dumb VP selection.


If Obama was purple and McCain was green, Obama was a better choice.

That's like saying Rosanne Barr is hotter than Rosie O'Donnell.

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Just curious where you have been for the last 8 years? You really felt that this county was moving in the right direction.


And you are disappointed because America, one of the most diverse nations in the country, can together across racial, age, economic lines to elect the 1st African-American President in US history??? I weep for you and your ignorance.


Ok. Whatever.


What part of my post sounded like I had a problem with Obama's Race? I have a problem with the fact that we elected a guy with no experience to guide us through one of the most difficult times this GREAT Country has ever faced. I wanted a strong hand, who has served his country, who has a reserve of experience to draw from, and a voting history that consists of more than just "present". I didn't want a guy who was raised with values not my own. How exactly is that a problem? I could care less what color a man is. I care about what he stands for, and what he is willing to die for. McCain is a HERO. Obama is an unknown.


So you are just happy that we got an African American, and you call me ignorant?


I wished President Obama well. I hoped for things to get better. What is wrong with that?

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Love that term. Read: "Someone who's farther right than I am socially, so they MUST be nuts."


What then are the Obama-freaks? They're strange to me, yet I don't have a nifty catch-all for them. Just as well, I suppose, I have 4 years to figure it out.

If you watched Obama's speech tonight and looked at the crowd you saw the Obama supporters are, instead of unwashed hippies and gangstas that some people like to think - white, black, hispanic (in AMAZING numbers), male, female, young and old. They look like...Americans. And they are sick and tired of fear-mongering, and hate, and divisive tactics.


Come along for the ride if you want, there's room. Or stay where you are. Whatever.

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I agree. If President Bush was a Republican this may have been a very different election.

It will also be very interesting to see what the 'test' is that Biden was speaking about , and very possibly dangerous one for the citizens.

I think you may actually see tensions reduced by an Obama presidency, at least at first. Read some foreign newspapers and you'll find that many nations, especially in the Middle East, are excited by Obama's election because they feel it marks an end to American arrogance under Bush, and that the USA will once again be a shining example to the world. It really seems that the rest of the world really likes America and what it stands for, but could not support what Bush represented.



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I think you may actually see tensions reduced by an Obama presidency, at least at first. Read some foreign newspapers and you'll find that many nations, especially in the Middle East, are excited by Obama's election because they feel it marks an end to American arrogance under Bush, and that the USA will once again be a shining example to the world. It really seems that the rest of the world really likes America and what it stands for, but could not support what Bush represented.




I also think there is a part of the Middle east that is excited because now they feel they can do what they want with little retribution. Kind of like kids today because their parents can't hit them.

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I also think there is a part of the Middle east that is excited because now they feel they can do what they want with little retribution. Kind of like kids today because their parents can't hit them.

I disagree with you but that's nothing new.



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It's my opinion that there are people in the middle east that see this as an opportunity because Obama will negotiate with them rather than be tough or use force. I would be afraid if I were Israel right now.


As long as Florida has 27 electoral votes and remains as competitive as it is Republicans and Democrats will bend over backwards for Israel.

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