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As a McCain supporter, I say congrats to President Obama.


One thing I pledge, is that unlike the immature anti-Bush crowd I will respect him as the President. I won't always agree with him, but I'm not going to waste the next few years being miserable like some the last 8 years. I'll applaud him when I feel he does something right, and protest when I don't. We live in the greatest country in the world and I am proud to live in a country with record breaking turnout and look forward to seeing "change" that obviously this country wants.


So congrats Obama supporters, and stay positive for the next 4 years McCainiacs.

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As a McCain supporter, I say congrats to President Obama.


One thing I pledge, is that unlike the immature anti-Bush crowd I will respect him as the President. I won't always agree with him, but I'm not going to waste the next few years being miserable like some the last 8 years. I'll applaud him when I feel he does something right, and protest when I don't. We live in the greatest country in the world and I am proud to live in a country with record breaking turnout and look forward to seeing "change" that obviously this country wants.


So congrats Obama supporters, and stay positive for the next 4 years McCainiacs.

I agree. If President Bush was a Republican this may have been a very different election.

It will also be very interesting to see what the 'test' is that Biden was speaking about , and very possibly dangerous one for the citizens.

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What the Republicans need to do is return to Goldwater/Reagan conservatism. Come back strongly conservative in 4 years and I think they'll rebound nicely.


I believe Obama will crash and burn in the face of foreign aggression. He's just TOO weak on foreign affairs.

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As a McCain supporter, I say congrats to President Obama.


One thing I pledge, is that unlike the immature anti-Bush crowd I will respect him as the President. I won't always agree with him, but I'm not going to waste the next few years being miserable like some the last 8 years. I'll applaud him when I feel he does something right, and protest when I don't. We live in the greatest country in the world and I am proud to live in a country with record breaking turnout and look forward to seeing "change" that obviously this country wants.


So congrats Obama supporters, and stay positive for the next 4 years McCainiacs.

And congrats to John McCain for his service to our country

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What the Republicans need to do is return to Goldwater/Reagan conservatism. Come back strongly conservative in 4 years and I think they'll rebound nicely.


I believe Obama will crash and burn in the face of foreign aggression. He's just TOO weak on foreign affairs.

What the GOP needs to do is to get rid and silent the evangalicals and the folks who believe there is one single issue. The GOP of Eisenhower is what is needed not the GOP of Reagan since it was Reagan that let the right wingnuts out of the bag. Eisenhower was about balanced budgets, fiscal conservatism and keeping out of these foreign excursions that sometimes are mislabled as war.

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What the GOP needs to do is to get rid and silent the evangalicals and the folks who believe there is one single issue. The GOP of Eisenhower is what is needed not the GOP of Reagan since it was Reagan that let the right wingnuts out of the bag. Eisenhower was about balanced budgets, fiscal conservatism and keeping out of these foreign excursions that sometimes are mislabled as war.


Ah, a Reagan-hater. I'm shocked, part deux. :doh:

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nope voted for him twice its just that he let the wingnuts out, he was running against Carter he didnt need to let the wingnuts out.




Love that term. Read: "Someone who's farther right than I am socially, so they MUST be nuts."


What then are the Obama-freaks? They're strange to me, yet I don't have a nifty catch-all for them. Just as well, I suppose, I have 4 years to figure it out.

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McCain should breath a sigh of relief . The country is on a downward spiral and its not over yet. Obama will have his hands full ,thru no fault of his own. The polictial situation has been a disaster for many years. However as usual in the great country the people will rise to over come. God Bless Obama and McCain.They are exceptional individuals to reach this level of politics in the country. I am sure the world watches with amazement at our political process.

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What the GOP needs to do is to get rid and silent the evangalicals and the folks who believe there is one single issue. The GOP of Eisenhower is what is needed not the GOP of Reagan since it was Reagan that let the right wingnuts out of the bag. Eisenhower was about balanced budgets, fiscal conservatism and keeping out of these foreign excursions that sometimes are mislabled as war.



I am totally with you on this. Sadly, I can't think of any candidate who could pull that off.


Anyway, congrats to the new President.

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I am totally with you on this. Sadly, I can't think of any candidate who could pull that off.


Anyway, congrats to the new President.

the problem is that any GOP who is thinking about 2012 will have to deal with Caribou Barbie and the Limbaugh listeners and others that follow like sheep. Whomever it is they need to force the focus on fiscal conservatism however move socially moderate.

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What the GOP needs to do is to get rid and silent the evangalicals and the folks who believe there is one single issue. The GOP of Eisenhower is what is needed not the GOP of Reagan since it was Reagan that let the right wingnuts out of the bag. Eisenhower was about balanced budgets, fiscal conservatism and keeping out of these foreign excursions that sometimes are mislabled as war.

If I remember correctly the biggest criticizm against Eisenhower was that he was always on the golf course :doh: back in the days on minimal TV

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I ,too, think times will get worse before they get better. I wonder who will take the blame then, since the Dems control everything now?


I wish President Obama well. I hope the "change" will help.


I fear for the future.


I am disappointed in my fellow Americans. How soon we forget...

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What the Republicans need to do is return to Goldwater/Reagan conservatism. Come back strongly conservative in 4 years and I think they'll rebound nicely.


I believe Obama will crash and burn in the face of foreign aggression. He's just TOO weak on foreign affairs.



And you base this on him just being elected tonight??? :doh:


I am a Democrat but trust me, I wanted Bush to be a good leader. If you love your country, you should hope that the leader of this country does the best job they can, regardless of party. It is more important to have great leadership than be right on a message board.

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And you base this on him just being elected tonight??? :doh:


I am a Democrat but trust me, I wanted Bush to be a good leader. If you love your country, you should hope that the leader of this country does the best job they can, regardless of party. It is more important to have great leadership than be right on a message board.

Tell that to the Democrats in our fair country over the last 8 years.


"Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry."


They will now reap the rancor they sowed. Unfortunate, but they started our country down the path toward permanent division.

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I ,too, think times will get worse before they get better. I wonder who will take the blame then, since the Dems control everything now?


I wish President Obama well. I hope the "change" will help.


I fear for the future.


I am disappointed in my fellow Americans. How soon we forget...



Just curious where you have been for the last 8 years? You really felt that this county was moving in the right direction.


And you are disappointed because America, one of the most diverse nations in the country, can together across racial, age, economic lines to elect the 1st African-American President in US history??? I weep for you and your ignorance.

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Just curious where you have been for the last 8 years? You really felt that this county was moving in the right direction.


And you are disappointed because America, one of the most diverse nations in the country, can together across racial, age, economic lines to elect the 1st African-American President in US history??? I weep for you and your ignorance.




and here we go...anyone who disagrees with this election is a racist!


God, I love the left.

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