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With time running out on our current Commander in Chief, I thought this might be a good topic. Personally, I don't think I've seen enough Presidents to have a truly informed opinion on the matter, but I did find this article interesting:




I'm sure it's just written by a bunch of commie liberal college types (who are really only into whores and beer pong) - or at least that's the response this will get from some. But considering his abysmal approval rating, are these historians really that far off? Would this election still be considered so important if the man wasn't a complete failure in so many ways?


Who was worse than George W. Bush? Let the sh-- storm begin!

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That list should end with Reagan, possibly GHW Bush


Takes 15-20 years to objectively judge a Presidency after they leave office


Why do you think Reagan was the worst president ever? I tend to think he was the best.

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Why do you think Reagan was the worst president ever? I tend to think he was the best.

I think he was saying that Clinton and W should not be included in the poll because enough time has not yet passed to decide how effective their presidencies were.


Doesn't mean we can't talk about it here, though.

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Why do you think Reagan was the worst president ever? I tend to think he was the best.


I didn't say that


I think he was saying that Clinton and W should not be included in the poll because enough time has not yet passed to decide how effective their presidencies were.


That's what I said

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With time running out on our current Commander in Chief, I thought this might be a good topic. Personally, I don't think I've seen enough Presidents to have a truly informed opinion on the matter, but I did find this article interesting:




I'm sure it's just written by a bunch of commie liberal college types (who are really only into whores and beer pong) - or at least that's the response this will get from some. But considering his abysmal approval rating, are these historians really that far off? Would this election still be considered so important if the man wasn't a complete failure in so many ways?


Who was worse than George W. Bush? Let the sh-- storm begin!

Right now its a tie between Jimmy Carter and GW Bush but the jury is still out on Bush more evaluation time is needed. Every Presidential election is hyped.

I don't why you read that stuff written by those liberal commie college types that their only interest in life is Beer Pong and whores :doh:

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Right now its a tie between Jimmy Carter and GW Bush but the jury is still out on Bush more evaluation time is needed. Every Presidential election is hyped.

I don't why you read that stuff written by those liberal commie college types that their only interest in life is Beer Pong and whores :doh:



I think you could throw Harding and Hoover in with Carter and GW Bush as well.

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Right now its a tie between Jimmy Carter and GW Bush but the jury is still out on Bush more evaluation time is needed. Every Presidential election is hyped.

I don't why you read that stuff written by those liberal commie college types that their only interest in life is Beer Pong and whores :doh:

Yes, that was for you.


:D :whores:

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You're giving Coolidge a free pass? His economic policies pretty much caused the Great Depression.


James Buchanan might have actually been the worst though.


Robert Wuhl did a whole thing on this. Here is a [poor] copy where he tears up Franklin Pierce.

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You're giving Coolidge a free pass? His economic policies pretty much caused the Great Depression.


James Buchanan might have actually been the worst though.



Adding in Buchanan and Coolidge, IMHO, make up the worst 6 we have ever had. We can debate the rank, but those are probably the worst.


I don't count Harrison, as he was only in office for 30 days.

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James Buchanan might have actually been the worst though.


As the President most directly responsible for the dissolution of the Union, you'd pretty much have to put the guy at the bottom of the list.


Franklin Pierce was pretty damned miserable as well. Personally, I'd rate Grant and Bush II about equal.

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As the President most directly responsible for the dissolution of the Union, you'd pretty much have to put the guy at the bottom of the list.


Franklin Pierce was pretty damned miserable as well. Personally, I'd rate Grant and Bush II about equal.


No one did more damage to the United States than FDR. Social Security will be the end of our Union.

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