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OT- Online Advertising. What do you see


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Hey guys, working on a project before I come home for the looong weekend, and my boss asked me: "if you were to spend ten hours surfing, what advertisers do you see ALL the time - either in pop ups, banners, etc, etc".


He asked me to "ask around" to my friends, etc, to get a feel of what companies seem to be the most agressive, as he doesn't literally want me spending 10 hours doing so <_<


The first three that came to mind immediatly for me was:






Thanks for you're help. Hey, if you're kids are home, ask them too! (I know they surf a ton).


Again, any companies that you see throwing advertisments down your throat, that would be great. (even if its ones that you say "god-damn pop ups!!!" :lol: )


Thanks guys.

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Hey guys, working on a project before I come home for the looong weekend, and my boss asked me: "if you were to spend ten hours surfing, what advertisers do you see ALL the time - either in pop ups, banners, etc, etc".


He asked me to "ask around" to my friends, etc, to get a feel of what companies seem to be the most agressive, as he doesn't literally want me spending 10 hours doing so :lol:


The first three that came to mind immediatly for me was:






Thanks for you're help. Hey, if you're kids are home, ask them too! (I know they surf a ton).


Again, any companies that you see throwing advertisments down your throat, that would be great. (even if its ones that you say "god-damn pop ups!!!" :lol: )


Thanks guys.




I never read them, course "It's ONLY gonna get fun from here." <_<

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Hey guys, working on a project before I come home for the looong weekend, and my boss asked me: "if you were to spend ten hours surfing, what advertisers do you see ALL the time - either in pop ups, banners, etc, etc".


He asked me to "ask around" to my friends, etc, to get a feel of what companies seem to be the most agressive, as he doesn't literally want me spending 10 hours doing so :lol:


The first three that came to mind immediatly for me was:






Thanks for you're help. Hey, if you're kids are home, ask them too! (I know they surf a ton).


Again, any companies that you see throwing advertisments down your throat, that would be great. (even if its ones that you say "god-damn pop ups!!!" :lol: )


Thanks guys.



If I understand you, you are asking us to give you tips for helping your boss stick more advertising down our throats? How nice.


Or am I mistaken? <_<

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If I understand you, you are asking us to give you tips for helping your boss stick more advertising    down our throats? How nice.


Or am I mistaken? <_<



I am not pricy to the information. Just need to know. That's cool. I knew I would get nice responses like this.


But, since you guys seem to have such a low view of what I do, I know you would NEVER, EVER surf the kinds of sites I owuld be advertising on. Thus, you dont have to worry about seeing the ads.


Actually, we are just looking to see what kind of ads are best at sticking in people's heads, but none of your heads would be affected, since you NEVER look at adult sites, right.


By the way, its a simple question. I love when people can't just NOT open a thread when they are not interested. Just need to open and flame.

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I am not pricy to the information.  Just need to know. That's cool. I knew I would get nice responses like this.


But, since you guys seem to have such a low view of what I do, I know you would NEVER, EVER surf the kinds of sites I owuld be advertising on. Thus, you dont have to worry about seeing the ads.


Actually, we are just looking to see what kind of ads are best at sticking in people's heads, but none of your heads would be affected, since you NEVER look at adult sites, right.


By the way, its a simple question. I love when people can't just NOT open a thread when they are not interested. Just need to open and flame.





A little sensitive today, aren't we? I didn't see any flaming.

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A little sensitive today, aren't we? I didn't see any flaming.




sorry. The Bills blow. I have a wonderful vacation to Buffalo coming up (no, im not being sarcastic) and my boss tells me to get a feel of people, my friends, etc.... Well, If i sent out a group email to my friends, I would get worse abuse than i did here! <_<


So, sorry.


But if you guys think of anything during the day, or see an ad, etc, just let me know the name of the company? That'd be swell :lol:

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sorry. The Bills blow. I have a wonderful vacation to Buffalo coming up (no, im not being sarcastic) and my boss tells me to get a feel of people, my friends, etc.... Well, If i sent out a group email to my friends, I would get worse abuse than i did here! :lol:


So, sorry.


But if you guys think of anything during the day, or see an ad, etc, just let me know the name of the company? That'd be swell :lol:



Even something that sells a product to block pop-up's? <_<

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For me, I notice the advertisers in google the most. If you do a search for "buy cars" for example, you'll see the Sponsored Links section on the right. Not really a specific company or product but its always there.


I see companies that use paypopup.com a lot. Paypopup pays webmasters to put popup ads on their page. The advertisements very as they have a lot have customers.

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But, since you guys seem to have such a low view of what I do, I know you would NEVER, EVER surf the kinds of sites I owuld be advertising on. Thus, you dont have to worry about seeing the ads.



Don't be so sure. Eryn is into midget porn. <_<

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about 4 years ago, todd sent me a hilarious email that asked:


"hey, do you know if they make tiny, inconspicuous digital cameras? If so, do you know if they're available online?"


that summed up the ad saturation at that time.

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