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Favorite Swear Word  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Swear Word

    • a**
    • b*tch
    • c*ck
    • c*nt
    • d*mn
    • d*ck
    • f*ck
    • h*ll
    • sh*t
    • other - specify

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  The Dean said:
C*nt is not a word to be thrown around lightly. But, when it is used, it makes a BIG impact.



I agree. I once watched a comedian who was being heckled call a girl that. It only took seconds for her husband to jump on stage and grab the guy. The whole audience turned on him.

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what about shocker?


whale tale?



rusty !@#$?



ass clown?


poon tang?




It's f*ck in a landslide! I have to say, courtesy of some creative folks on this board, f*cktard has become a big favorite of mine.


The F Word


Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language is the word "!@#$." It is the one magical word, which, just by it's sound describes pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, "!@#$" falls into many grammatical categories. It can be used as a verb, both transitive (John !@#$ed Mary) and intransitive (Mary was !@#$ed by John). It can be an active verb (Mary doesn't really give a !@#$); or an adverb (Mary is really !@#$ing interested in John); and as a noun, (Mary is a terrific !@#$). It can be used as an adjective (Mary is !@#$ing beautiful). As you see, there are very few words with the versatility of "!@#$."

Besides it's sexual connotations, this incredible word can be used to describe many situations:

It can be used in an anatomical description ---- "He's a !@#$ing !@#$."

It can be used to tell time ---- "It's five !@#$ing thirty."

It can be used in business ---- "How did I end up with this !@#$ing job?"

It can be maternal ---- as in "Mother!@#$er."


Valuable Vocabulary Chart:


Greetings ---- "How the !@#$ are you?"

Fraud ---- "I got !@#$ed by the car dealer."

Dismay ---- "Oh, !@#$ it."

Trouble ---- "Hell, I guess I'm !@#$ed now."

Aggression ---- "!@#$ you."

Disgust ---- "!@#$ me."

Confusion ---- "What the !@#$...?"

Difficulty ---- "I don't understand this !@#$ing business."

Despair ---- "!@#$ed again."

Exasperation ---- "For !@#$'s sake."

Enjoyment ---- "This is !@#$ing great."

Hostility ---- "I'm going to knock your !@#$ing head off."

Stupidity ---- "Geir Bergerud is a !@#$wad!"

Incompetence ---- "He's such a !@#$ up."

Ignorance ---- "!@#$ if I know."

Displeasure ---- "What the !@#$ is going on here?"

Lost ---- "Where the !@#$ are we?"

Disbelief ---- "Un!@#$ingbelievable!"

Retaliation ---- "Up your !@#$ing ass."

Surprise ---- "!@#$in A!"

Surprise ---- "Well, I'll be !@#$ed."

Suspicion ---- "What the !@#$ are you doing?"

Contempt ---- "!@#$ you and the horse you rode in on!"


Famous quotes:


"What the !@#$ was that?" -- Mayor of Hiroshima

"Where did all these !@#$ing Indians come from?" -- General Custer

"Where the !@#$ is all this water coming from?" -- Captain of the Titanic

"That's not a real !@#$ing gun." -- John Lennon

"Who's gonna !@#$ing find out?" -- Richard Nixon

"Heads are going to !@#$ing roll." -- Anne Boleyn

"Any !@#$ing idiot could understand that." -- Albert Einstein

"It does so !@#$ing look like her!" -- Picasso

"How the !@#$ did you work that out?" -- Pythagoras

"You want what on the !@#$ing ceiling?" -- Michaelangelo

"!@#$ a duck." -- Walt Disney

"Why?- Because its !@#$ing there!" -- Edmund Hilary

"I don't suppose its gonna !@#$ing rain?" -- Joan of Arc

"Scattered !@#$ing showers my ass." -- Noah

"I need this parade like I need a !@#$ing hole in my head." -- John F. Kennedy



The mind boggles at the many creative

uses of the word !@#$!

Use it regularly in your daily speech. It will add to your prestige

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