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Prediction time: Who do you think wins and electoral vote count


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The person with the most correct/closest predictions will be the PPP Premier Political Prognosticator.


1. Who wins, and what is the electoral college vote total for each candidate?


2. How many total Senate seats do the Democrats have after the election?


3. Which tossup/leaning other way state will end up going for which candidate?



Electoral map reference: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/ma...vs_mccain/#data


My predictions:

1. Obama; 353-185


2. 57 Senate seats


3. North Carolina for Obama

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The person with the most correct/closest predictions will be the PPP Premier Political Prognosticator.


1. Who wins, and what is the electoral college vote total for each candidate?


2. How many total Senate seats do the Democrats have after the election?


3. Which tossup/leaning other way state will end up going for which candidate?



Electoral map reference: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/ma...vs_mccain/#data


My predictions:

1. Obama; 353-185


2. 57 Senate seats


3. North Carolina for Obama


Your avitar is disgusting, but hardly a surprise after your racial slurs during the primary. Obama will win this election, and tomorrow, you will continue to be a phoney, twisted, sick individual with issues galore.


Don't waste time....I am the winner of this contest.

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Obama already swept Dixville Notch, NH and Hart's Location, NH. Two tiny towns that vote at midnight.




2-Ron Paul (write in)


FYI, these towns are usually pretty conservative. It's the first time a Democrat won these towns since 1968.



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Your avitar is disgusting, but hardly a surprise after your racial slurs during the primary. Obama will win this election, and tomorrow, you will continue to be a phoney, twisted, sick individual with issues galore.


Don't waste time....I am the winner of this contest.


Since I never made racial slurs, and you are slurring me by saying I did, you can kiss my avatar.

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Great. I made it all up, right?


Still, in terms of credit where it is due, thanks for having the decency to change your avitar. :thumbsup:


There was nothing wrong with the old one (or my primary statements), but I can be bipartisan to keep the peace.

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Obama wins, 317-221. Pennsylvania surprisingly goes to McCain, but Obama takes Ohio, Virginia, and Florida, which cost McCain the Presidency.


Senate goes 59-39-2 in favor of the Democrats.


House? 275-160 to the party of FDR and JFK.

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How come I haven't heard the usual Dem rant against the unfairness of the Electoral College system this year? Did I miss it? Or did it get thrown in the same trash heap as "disenfranchisement" ?




If McCain wins ( though he wont)the electoral vote oBama will have beatin him by 10 to 15 million in the popular vote. Can you say liberal melt down!!!

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How come I haven't heard the usual Dem rant against the unfairness of the Electoral College system this year? Did I miss it? Or did it get thrown in the same trash heap as "disenfranchisement" ?




Because it isn't going to change, so why bring up a moot point. But given a choice I would prefer popular vote over electoral college. So given what we have, we can only hope that all the popular votes that determine the electoral college get counted.

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