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Overnight Polls show a widening of Obama lead

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I'm in line right now. Came down 45 minutes early. I expected a line but not this long. I'm about 100 back and there's a lot more that came after. Party atmosphere. People high-fiving. Cars, trucks, buses going by and honking. People brought their kids to be a part of this. We're in Mass, so our state is a given, but peole are fired up.

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I'm in line right now. Came down 45 minutes early. I expected a line but not this long. I'm about 100 back and there's a lot more that came after. Party atmosphere. People high-fiving. Cars, trucks, buses going by and honking. People brought their kids to be a part of this. We're in Mass, so our state is a given, but peole are fired up.

I'm shocked that a bunch of Massh0l3s would be thrilled to experience an elsection like this. SHOCKED, I say. :thumbsup:

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Look at the pinned messages...RCow..Claimed a Kerry victory via the polls ...Much as you do. I saw the pollsters today saying Obama always over polls...Atleast against Hillary.


Except, though I didn't clarify it, I don't believe Polls in the last couple of days until the votes are actually cast. I just wanted to provoke a discussion. RCOW probably believed the stuff he/she spewed. I know better.

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I'm in line right now. Came down 45 minutes early. I expected a line but not this long. I'm about 100 back and there's a lot more that came after. Party atmosphere. People high-fiving. Cars, trucks, buses going by and honking. People brought their kids to be a part of this. We're in Mass, so our state is a given, but peole are fired up.

HONK! HONK!! Sounds like fun! I'm voting fter work in a Republican district, lol

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Ask the Oilers what a big lead means. I'm hoping Obama wins but til the chickens are slathered in hot sauce I won't count 'em.


Dude--you think your one vote makes a difference? Even in Florida in 2000, the vote was decided by 5,000 voters or so. It's in the bag. BO is the winna.

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Dude--you think your one vote makes a difference? Even in Florida in 2000, the vote was decided by 5,000 voters or so. It's in the bag. BO is the winna.


If you didn't notice I'm for Obama. My point is nothing is for certain. Will it be a blowout? It looks that way but it's waaaaaayyyyyyy too early to call anything. I want Obama to win. The difference he wins by only matters to me as a statement by the country.

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If you didn't notice I'm for Obama. My point is nothing is for certain. Will it be a blowout? It looks that way but it's waaaaaayyyyyyy too early to call anything. I want Obama to win. The difference he wins by only matters to me as a statement by the country.


Be serious. He's got between a 7-10% lead. That's something like 15 million votes. What I'm saying is that if a few people don't go out to the polls, it ain't gonna make a difference.

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Be serious. He's got between a 7-10% lead. That's something like 15 million votes. What I'm saying is that if a few people don't go out to the polls, it ain't gonna make a difference.



I doubt this would happen but, McCain could win the electoral vote while Obama wins the popular vote by 10 to 15 million votes. Just think how pissed every oBama voter would be. Hell, when gore won the popular vote it was I think only a million. Talk about civil unrest.


I love it.

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