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Enough Nonsense. We are 5-3, this is like the old days...


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....just like it has been for most of my time as a Bills fan. This year is NORMAL! That's right: Normal...For me, and for most of the Bills fans who were alive/able to go to games without mommy in the late 80's/90's.


In NORMAL times, we are always in a fight for the division until the last 1-2 games, and we usually win or come close. That was reality from 1980-2000, in general. Usually the AFC East is better than the rest of the league, and, usually every team has at least a shot mid-way through the season. Of course there were exceptions, Pats and Jets were really terrible at times, but still, they always tended to play us tough. The AFC East has always been the elite division of the conference, if not the league, and things are headed back there, where they belong.


So let's see, halfway through the year, and nobody in our div has a losing record. Once again, that's NORMAL. Think, and I mean it, think, about the last time we were 5-1. Yeah, it was 1992-3 and that team had already been to the SB....


I mean seriously WTF? The Pats* being dominant? The Dolphags being awful? Those are the exceptions, certainly not the rules. We had to beat Marino, the Sack Exchange, etc. to win division games, get to the playoffs and SBs...not wipe the floor with 1-15 teams-->that's largely the history of the other divisions in the AFC.


So, like I said, enough of this NONSENSE. There are no amount of Madden ratings, FA, (insert player here) posts, or Fantasy Football ratings<-- again, nonsense, that = solution to our problems. And certainly not this massive amount of negativity I have seen the last two weeks.


We need to clean up our act as fans and get behind this young team, who will make mistakes, but is also damn exciting to watch(um, Derek Fine for example). Enough of this lame "cool kid" crap = calling people "fanboi". Using that term is infinitely more retarded than whatever the person it's directed at is saying/doing.


Our team merely needs to clean up its act on the field, take it to the other teams, and be tougher/faster/better than the other guy. Period. Just like the old days. It's 0-0 and there's 8 games left. We go 5-3/6-2 and we should win the division. Oh, and, NEWSFLASH: that requires that we LOSE 2-3 MORE GAMES<--added for the idiots, the weak, or the instant gratification crowd.

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