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Absolutely Hilarious

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Spoken like a true, bitter old balls.

Dude, although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone I am not old. "Grown up" might be a better term. It is not really based on an age, just an understanding that members of a society must be productive for the society itself to survive. College kids tend to confuse productivity with reading something in a book.

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Dude, although I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone I am not old. "Grown up" might be a better term. It is not really based on an age, just an understanding that members of a society must be productive for the society itself to survive. Lawyers tend to confuse productivity with reading something in a book.


Older than 28 = old balls.


Fixed your post to make it less agist, btw.

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Nice link to another college web site. College this, college that. When will the college boys on here get over themselves and realize there is a world where actual work is important?


Umm, it's a comedy website called collegehumor.com, it doesn't actually have anything to do with college. The video I linked to was a satire on the way liberals and conservatives view each other, it's relevant to this forum and has nothing to do with my being in college. It's just funny.

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Umm, it's a comedy website called collegehumor.com, it doesn't actually have anything to do with college. The video I linked to was a satire on the way liberals and conservatives view each other, it's relevant to this forum and has nothing to do with my being in college. It's just funny.

It is called college humor because it comes from a college. If it didn't it would be false advertising.


And most people require a little more sophistication in their comedy. But then most people know female anatomy without a three page thread to explain it.

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"Absolutely hilarious"? Only moderately amusing.


Though "...and Jesus Christ wrote our Constitution with His own blood..." was pretty good...


I thought it was all pretty funny, the Orwellian eye checking everyone's Patriotism, the multi-racial/multi-gender family, all the kids in flack jackets- pleasantly surprised I was!

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Older than 28 = old balls.


Fixed your post to make it less agist, btw.

Dude you are proving my point. Lawyers all got their start in college where they plied their trade of not producing. Some others come out of college and actually learn useful things.


Your other comment smacks of ageism. You should get as much or more respect for old people than anyone.

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It is called college humor because it comes from a college. If it didn't it would be false advertising.


And most people require a little more sophistication in their comedy. But then most people know female anatomy without a three page thread to explain it.


The owners and operators of the site met in college, I believe that's where the name comes from. Also, students are the main audience.


And you're just jealous of all the tail I'm getting, no big deal.

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Dude you are proving my point. Lawyers all got their start in college where they plied their trade of not producing. Some others come out of college and actually learn useful things.


Your other comment smacks of ageism. You should get as much or more respect for old people than anyone.


The only point your old a$$ has ever made is the one on top of that balding, liver spotted head of yours.

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Eh, I thought it did a pretty good job of poking fun at the paranoia displayed by both sides.



I thought it was all pretty funny, the Orwellian eye checking everyone's Patriotism, the multi-racial/multi-gender family, all the kids in flack jackets- pleasantly surprised I was!


Let me rephrase my earlier post: I only found it moderately amusing.



It's humor. I think we can agree to disagree.

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