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I am not to up on all this stuff... But, my neighbor who is a tax accountant with a private company here in Illinois had some insight. He said that Obama's tax plan with regards to the way a company gets taxed on international income (his company has manufacturing plants in Asia and Central America) would work like a dream and Obama's plan would be very patriotic. Now, the thing that disturbs him as a professional is that it would hurt the way he does his job. He also said in no uncertain terms that it would be his job to make sure things get derailed, which is more disturbing to him as a professional... Also, every 4 years the owner of his company puts out a 6 page treatise on why everyone in the company is expected to vote Republican. Needless to say, my tax accountant friend is looking for another job. This is a guy who voted for Bush twice and considers himself a Republican/Independent. :rolleyes:


How many more private companies are doing this?


With all the tax breaks given to these companies... They are still moving their operations overseas.


Any insight? Both sides of the argument would be greatly appreciated.

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