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My Meaningless Opinion

R. Rich

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This place is slacking. I only saw one of those, "It's only one game/We're still 5-__" type threads on the Wall this morning. Does this mean that all isn't well?


The offensive line looked pretty bad yet again. Derrick Dockery; what is up w/ you these past couple weeks, man? You look like you're lost scheme-wise and are getting physically beat down often. I expect to see stuff like this from Jason Whittle (he got walked back into the QB a few times yesterday....though, to his credit, it was Kris Jenkins doing the walking) or Duke Preston (whiffed on a couple blocks as well yesterday), but not our big bucks free agent addition.


That other line wasn't all that either. Kyle Williams gives his all, but maybe we need a lot more than his all. Marcus Stroud even got blown off the line yesterday. A few times. As for the ends, well, they did a better job of getting their hands up to deflect passes when they don't get there for the sack or pressure (way too often). Still, there's aggression, and then there's recklessness. Ryan Denney needs to learn the difference. Recklessness is taking off down the line and breaking containment; aggression is maintaining discipline and being there for reverses. I know the difference; I see it every game. If you need someone to point it out for you Ryan, ask Marshawn Lynch. He sees it every game, too. Far too often.


Speaking of, nice effort on the pick six by Lynch. Really, it was. Too bad that kind of effort was needed in the first place.


Like many of you, I'm sure, I just didn't get the challenge by Jauron on the catch. Maybe they had a poorer camera angle than the TV replay. I dunno. I'm just trying to give the coaches the benefit of the doubt.


Broken record time: I would LOVE to see our huge offensive line just maul the people lined up in front of them and pave the road for Marshawn and Fred Jackson (Freddie is the singer; then again, it's tough the fight the lazy a** mentality that still refers to LaDainian Tomlinson as LT when that moniker belongs to a Hall of Fame LB already). Those two deserve better. I'll bet as tired as I am of seeing this finesse crap, they're 5 times more tired of it.


We're not done w/ these faulty records: I would LOVE to see the Bills' defensive scheme altered to the point where our LBs are put into positions where they can be more effective and where we do a much more consistent job of pressuring QBs and forcing off target throws. It seemed like we tinkered w/ the idea for a bit, but then abandoned it like we abandon everything that doesn't give us tons of points immediately. Hmmm.....we haven't scored tons of points all season, so maybe we're too quick to abandon things that could work given more time and attention to detail, like running the ball and conjuring up creative blitz schemes. Keep @ it, guys. It can work w/ more of a committment.


After the last couple weeks, I take exception to anyone singing the praises of any wideout on the Bills save for Josh Reed. Why? They all, to a man (again, save Reed) seem to have great difficulty getting open. Maybe I'm just not seeing this right again. Maybe they're just facing a fantastic collective of top notch cover corners. Maybe they had too much to eat and were sluggish. It didn't seem to matter which routes they ran, there just weren't many Bills receivers running free against either Miami or the Jets. Maybe they need to work a little harder @ getting open.


Sigh. I guess we can take solace in the fact that we're still (there's that phrase again) 5-3 and in a 3 way tie for the division lead. Wait. Hold on. We're also 1-3 in our last 4 games and are 0-2 in the AFC East. Have the Patriots won a division game? If so, I guess that means we're in 3rd place, a game ahead of the team that just beat us. Objects (wins) in the mirror don't appear to be as close right now, do they? Despite all the depressing trends and sights of the recent weeks, there is still time to turn this around. But, the Bills need to realize they have some serious fundamental issues to work on. They can't just "shake off" another bad game. It's not as simple as just "turning it on". They need to work on things like the WRs doing a better job of getting open, the LBs doing something, anything, in run support, and the O line actually using that average 6-6, 335 frame to dominate the line of scrimmage and help out our beleaguered running backs. Otherwise, it'll be another week of "it's only" and "we're still" threads coming up. I don't know 'bout you all, but I'm tired of there being a reason for those threads to be created in the first place. Go Bills!

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Broken record time: I would LOVE to see our huge offensive line just maul the people lined up in front of them and pave the road for Marshawn and Fred Jackson (Freddie is the singer; then again, it's tough the fight the lazy a** mentality that still refers to LaDainian Tomlinson as LT when that moniker belongs to a Hall of Fame LB already). Those two deserve better. I'll bet as tired as I am of seeing this finesse crap, they're 5 times more tired of it.


Here's some confusing words from Chris Brown regarding the run blocking. Not sure why what we're doing is so secretive...

2. Chris,

Can you do the fans a favor and talk to either O-line coach about the ‘scheme’ that they use? There is debate (ongoing would be an understatement) about whether the Bills employ a “zone blocking” scheme or not. Perhaps they could share their philosophy with you.


Hope you can fit this in. Thanks.


CB: I talked to Dick Jauron about this and he told me that they make use of a few different blocking schemes including zone blocking. He wouldn’t divulge if they do one any more than the other.


I do know this. They tried zone blocking early last season and when it was not successful they moved away from it and the numbers got a bit better on the ground.


Zone blocking schemes are usually implemented for the lighter more athletic lines in football, but with all the twisting and stunting that defensive lines do these days, it’s almost necessary to incorporate some zone blocking into your scheme.


I’d rather see more plowing straight ahead than zone blocking. Then again when they do try to plow ahead in short yardage they haven’t been overwhelmingly successful there either.


But to answer the question they do some zone blocking, but it’s not their exclusive approach offensively.




We're not done w/ these faulty records: I would LOVE to see the Bills' defensive scheme altered to the point where our LBs are put into positions where they can be more effective and where we do a much more consistent job of pressuring QBs and forcing off target throws. It seemed like we tinkered w/ the idea for a bit, but then abandoned it like we abandon everything that doesn't give us tons of points immediately. Hmmm.....we haven't scored tons of points all season, so maybe we're too quick to abandon things that could work given more time and attention to detail, like running the ball and conjuring up creative blitz schemes. Keep @ it, guys. It can work w/ more of a committment.


I don't get this at all. If it aint working (playing CBs well off receivers, dropping LBs) why keep doing it?



Thanks R R. Some thoughts added above.

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After the last couple weeks, I take exception to anyone singing the praises of any wideout on the Bills save for Josh Reed. Why? They all, to a man (again, save Reed) seem to have great difficulty getting open. Maybe I'm just not seeing this right again. Maybe they're just facing a fantastic collective of top notch cover corners. Maybe they had too much to eat and were sluggish. It didn't seem to matter which routes they ran, there just weren't many Bills receivers running free against either Miami or the Jets. Maybe they need to work a little harder @ getting open.


Sigh. I guess we can take solace in the fact that we're still (there's that phrase again) 5-3 and in a 3 way tie for the division lead. Wait. Hold on. We're also 1-3 in our last 4 games and are 0-2 in the AFC East. Have the Patriots won a division game? If so, I guess that means we're in 3rd place, a game ahead of the team that just beat us. Objects (wins) in the mirror don't appear to be as close right now, do they? Despite all the depressing trends and sights of the recent weeks, there is still time to turn this around. But, the Bills need to realize they have some serious fundamental issues to work on. They can't just "shake off" another bad game. It's not as simple as just "turning it on". They need to work on things like the WRs doing a better job of getting open, the LBs doing something, anything, in run support, and the O line actually using that average 6-6, 335 frame to dominate the line of scrimmage and help out our beleaguered running backs. Otherwise, it'll be another week of "it's only" and "we're still" threads coming up. I don't know 'bout you all, but I'm tired of there being a reason for those threads to be created in the first place. Go Bills!


Part of the reason the WRs cant get open is because defenses can generate pressure with a 3 man rush. They sit 8 guys between 5-15 yards of the LOS. Trent can't/won't throw any deeper so they ignore any deep patterns. 3 vs 8 on the field is no easy treat for the WRs.


The pats* are 1-1 in the division. Miami and the Jets are 2-1. ne* is a MUST win game. In a loss, not only would we drop to 5-4, but we'd be 0-3 in the division while everyone else would be 2-1. 2 games down within the division is a mountain.

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Good (if depressing) read, Mr. Rich. 5-1 seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?


Aaron Schobel might not be the second coming of Bruce Smith, but they're certainly better with him than without him. 30 yards rushing speaks for itself. And Trent sure does miss Josh Reed.


When the Bills come out in a four-wide set that includes Robert Royal and Steve Johnson -- as they did to open their final drive -- you know all hope is lost.

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Come on R. Rich, don't be a Chicken Little! :rolleyes:


If I had told you at the start of the season that the Bills would be 5-3, would you have been OK with that?


We're still 5-2, er 5-3, and tied for first in the AFCE!


We're 0-2 in the AFCE, and we've lost 3 of 4. Whoops!

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Sigh. I guess we can take solace in the fact that we're still (there's that phrase again) 5-3 and in a 3 way tie for the division lead. Wait. Hold on. We're also 1-3 in our last 4 games and are 0-2 in the AFC East. Have the Patriots won a division game? If so, I guess that means we're in 3rd place, a game ahead of the team that just beat us.

Patriots* beat the Jets, who beat Miami, who beat NE* and us.


I don't even want to think about Miami winning the AFCE, but right now we're the only ones w/out a division win.


That changes this Sunday...


Our Superbowl bound-Buffalo Bills 27

Bill Belicheat's* Woeful New England* Chowderheads* 0


16 and 3 baby!!! B-)



PosLUSZny!!!!! :rolleyes:

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The offensive line looked pretty bad yet again.


That other line wasn't all that either.




Go Bills!

Great opinions, even if they are meaningless.


In reference to the Offensive line, I suggested this in another thread; is it possible Fowler isn't as bad as we all thought - Butler as well for that matter? The run game seems to have completely tanked with their absence the last 2 weeks. I hate to say it, but I'm hoping they start next week.


Schobel is definitely missed. Plain and simple. If not for is QB pressures, then certainly for his play against the run. The same can be said of Youboty and his tackling.


Next week has suddenly become a mid season "must win" game. I agree. We lose that and we're effectively 2 games down in the division. Beat the Pats* and we're still on the top; tenuously on the top, but still hangin' on none the less.

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Nice post. A few points:


- I thought Terrance McGee came back with a very nice game after getting burned last week. Kudos to him, The team will certainly need him over the long haul.


- Paying Dockery elite-guard money won't turn him into an elite guard. Dockery signed a contract in line with the likes of Hutchinson, Dielman, and Steinbach but he's a few notches below them in terms of skill. Chalk this up as a big mistake, one that has burned a hole in Ralph's pocket.


- It's hard for Lee Evans to get open when he is consistently double-teamed. James Hardy is just nowhere near ready for primetime and the team needs him to step up. He has trouble getting separation and is not nearly as physical as he could be. While that pass to to the end zone wasn't nearly as high as it could have been, Hardy made no effort to battle with the DB, let alone knock it down.


- The short passing game is killing this defense. Both Stroud and Spencer Johnson need to generate more pressure on the QB to disrupt his timing.


- Chris Kelsay is overpaid and overrated and is laughing his way to the bank along with Derrick Dockery.

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