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Confessions of a Former


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Well, yesterday was my b-day and my wife and I decided to drive from NYC to Baltimore to root on the Bills. We woke up early and were on the road by 8 AM. The drive was about 3 hours and cost about 17 bucks in tolls and 25 in gas, but we were excited, cause the Bills were gonna win today.


We pulled into the stadium, found a great parking spot for 25 bucks, and proceeded to locate our friendly neighborhood scalper. We bought great seats (Section 152, 21 rows from the field, on the 35, Bills side) and only paid 13 bucks over face. So 180 bucks lighter we proceeded to the entrance early, met a guy from Lancaster who came to chat with us because we were decked out in Bills gear. He was in Ravens gear, and worked for the team. Long and short is he gave us passes to a free tent party, which we went to and had a few cold ones before the game.


After heading into a beautiful stadium, and settling into our seat to watch the upset. Well, the game started fine with Schobel's sack, and hey, we'll take 3 free points even if MW is a moron for false starting and things looked well. Baltimore matched our FG and then we're driving down the field when we get too fancy, and Deion runs one back. Our D lagged the first time all game and suddenly, we're down 17-3. I say to my wife, well we better make a play.


Alas it was not to be. Our spineless leader proceeded to play the single worst football game I have ever seen by a QB. His struggles have been well chronicled here. They don't have to be rehashed.


I have been Bledsoe's biggest supporter till now. I even proposed to my wife the day we acquired Bledsoe in 2002 (Not because of, just because I was thrilled). Even my hero , the great Jim Kelly had 4 int games. Hey "Interceptions are part of football," he used to say. Then he'd go out and throw 4 TDs the next week and we'd forget all about the 4 INT game. The problem here is that Bledsoe has not made a game winning play for the Bills since 2002. Have we won games since then....sure. But the team either won because Bledsoe didn't screw up or in spite of him. The Oakland game this year, the Dallas and Houston games in 2003, are perfect examples of games that were there for the taking if only the leader of the team could step up and make a play. It never happened.


So here we are 1-5, with a relatively young team, with some important vets who aren't getting younger (Adams, Pat, Milloy, Vincent) and who only have a few short productive years left. On offense, Moulds is in his prime and may not be for that much longer. What to do??


Time to start the JP era because we're not making the playoffs this year, or ever, under Bledsoe. He is no longer a playmaker. We need to see what we have with JP and let him use the balance of the season to try and work out the kinks. Dealing Henry in the offseason for a pick that we can use for a LT would be advisable. Signing Phat Pat and, most importantly, signing Nate Clements to an extension should be the top offseason priorities. At least if we do this, maybe, just maybe, we can make a playoff run in 2005, perhaps even a deep playoff run in 2006.


The team, itself, is very very close to being a contender. They have a great D that will be together for a while (if Clements is signed). They have very young talent at the skill positions. The line we will upgrade (Jennings, due to his injury history, is no great loss). What are we doing behind an over-the-hill QB??? Time to start JP and see if he can be the playmaker. He will make mistakes, but lets get this thing going. At best, he can be Big Ben. At worst, Kyle Boller. Who incidentally, outplayed Bledsoe yesterday when it mattered most.


So Drew, thanks for coming. You helped us when we needed you in 2002. Sorry, it didn't work out, but its time to gracefully bow out, and let the kid have a shot.

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So Drew, thanks for coming.  You helped us when we needed you in 2002.  Sorry, it didn't work out, but its time to gracefully bow out, and let the kid have a shot.


Amen brother. Happy belated B-Day. Sorry DB screwed up your celebration. :blush:


Only point I would disagree with is about Henry. I don't see us getting much more than a #3 for him. That won't get us a LT.

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Only point I would disagree with is about Henry. I don't see us getting much more than a #3 for him. That won't get us a LT.


Agreed, but we have a #2 and a #3. An xtra #3, and we could take a shot on two tackles. Jennings was not a 1st or 2nd rounder (3rd I believe). We could find someone to play the spot, adequately. I'm just leery of using any cap space to sign a LT, when resigning Clements is such a huge priority.

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I have to say AMEN to that too. Happy Birthday by the way. I say it's time to start JP, he obviously couldn't do any worse than what DB did yesterday. I have always backed Bledsoe and thought that it wouldn't be wise to use Matthews and it might be to early for JP but the hell with that thinking, bench Bledsoe now before he ruins things completely!!

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