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I see similarities between the 2004 Bills

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Last year the Jaguars started 1-7 and looked awful, but then they went to Byron Leftwich right around that time or a little before...and towards the end of the season you can see the progress they made. They have Fred Taylor, a very good veteran WR in Jimmy Smith, a solid defense was forming too. Now look at them. 5-2 and on top on the AFC South.


Now we need to get J.P.Losman under center ASAP, let him go through the growing pains. Difference in Willis McGahee and Taylor is that Fred is a vet, but right now you can see glimpses why McGahee was a elite college RB. Moulds is a very good WR just like Jimmy Smith. Lee Evans will continue to improve. We have a solid defense, we still need a DE to get to the QB more often, hopefully that can be addressed. Buffalo has a rookie HC, like Jack Del Rio was last year for the Jags. Remember Del Rio's antics early on in 2003 weren’t sitting well with their fans and the media? That’s not an issue anymore.


Here is the one difference that the Bills need to address: The offensive line. The 03 Jags OL last year was much more stable then the current Bills OL. Here is an article from last season about the Jags OL:


2003 Jags OL


The OL better damn well be this team’s focal point going into the 2004 offseason. Im hoping J.P can start and get this Bills team some confidence, something to build on for 2005. This Bills team is in desperate need of a lift, and Losman might do the trick. I hate thinking about 2005 already but 2004 is done, no playoffs to worry about.




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Last year the Jaguars started 1-7 and looked awful, but then they went to Byron Leftwich right around that time or a little before...and towards the end of the season you can see the progress they made.  They have Fred Taylor, a very good veteran WR in Jimmy Smith, a solid defense was forming too.  Now look at them.  5-2 and on top on the AFC South.


Now we need to get J.P.Losman under center ASAP, let him go through the growing pains.  Difference in Willis McGahee and Taylor is that Fred is a vet, but right now you can see glimpses why McGahee was a elite college RB.  Moulds is a very good WR just like Jimmy Smith. Lee Evans will continue to improve.  We have a solid defense, we still need a DE to get to the QB more often, hopefully that can be addressed. Buffalo  has a rookie HC, like Jack Del Rio was last year for the Jags.  Remember Del Rio's antics early on in 2003 weren’t sitting well with their fans and the media?  That’s not an issue anymore.


Here is the one difference that the Bills need to address:  The offensive line.  The 03 Jags OL last year was much more stable then the current Bills OL.  Here is an article from last season about the Jags OL:


2003 Jags OL


The OL better damn well be this team’s focal point going into the 2004 offseason.  Im hoping J.P can start and get this Bills team some confidence, something to build on for 2005. This Bills team is in desperate need of a lift, and Losman might do the trick. I hate thinking about 2005 already but 2004 is done, no playoffs to worry about.




Iagree. I posted something similar a couple of weeks ago about MM and Del Rio and how they lost all the close games. Hopefully, MM starts to win them next year.

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Iagree. I posted something similar a couple of weeks ago about MM and Del Rio and how they lost all the close games. Hopefully, MM starts to win them next year.




I hope so too. I really believe there are several members of the Bills who just do not have any confidence in Drew right now. The offense needs a new voice.

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Guest BackInDaDay

Great observation, C22!


Look at the problems Brunnel's having in DC. As talented as he once was, his productive days were behind him and he got the boot. Happens to all of us sooner or later. :blush:


I don't agree about the O-line being our first concern, though.

With a healthy, mobile JP at QB, we may have enough talent already. But hey, it never hurts to upgrade.


I'm more concerned with our aging D players (especially Milloy & Vincent) and the lack of production (progress) from Wire.


Sad to be going over the '05 needs in week 7 of '04 :D

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Great observation, C22! 


Look at the problems Brunnel's having in DC.  As talented as he once was, his productive days were behind him and he got the boot.  Happens to all of us sooner or later.  :blush:


I don't agree about the O-line being our first concern, though. 

With a healthy, mobile JP at QB, we may have enough talent already.  But hey, it never hurts to upgrade. 


I'm more concerned with our aging D players (especially Milloy & Vincent) and the lack of production (progress) from Wire.


Sad to be going over the '05 needs in week 7 of '04  :D


No the sad thing will be starting the what if's IF we turn things around and end up winning WINNABLE agmes and end up one game back from missing the playoffs in 2004 or us fixing the offense in 2005 with JPL but then having the D fall off...it seems that us Bills fan just can't win. I know that once we become competitive again I'll have to listen to my friend rag (he is an annoying Cowgirl friend BTW) about how we can't win the big one. Until we win it all we will never win to some.


But what the he!!; a 3 game winning streak or a convincing win against a team like the Pats would seem great right now...

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I guess great minds think alike because after the Jets loss I compared these Bills and Mularkey to the 2003 Jags and Del Rio. It's a very valid comparison (Leftwich/Losman...Del Rio/Mularkey,,,,and good defense). The Jags are hanging tough every week and winning the tight games now. Leftwich is improving rapidly. JP must play by week 9 or we are making a Huge mistake.

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