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He was adequate as the SS, but nothing special.  His instincts weren't that great but, to his defense, he was still learning the SS position after playing LB at Stanford.  Imagine if we had taken Tank Williams that year instead of Wire.  Wow.



You think he should be cut?

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He's decent. Not everyone can be a superstar. I say you keep the decent players and cut the riff-raff. Wire isn't chopped liver. He played ok as SS in his rookie year. The reason he's not starting is because we got Milloy.


More acurately, the reason we got Milloy was because of Wire. The Bills brass knew last year that Wire was not the answer - thus the reason they brought a truckload of safeties into camp last year even before Milloy became available (anyone remember Chad Cota?), the intention being to replace Wire - NOT be his back-up! Milloy was a godsend.


And for the last time - Wire DID NOT play OK his rookie year - he was awful. The second game of that season (Minnesota) I kept noticing the defense getting burnt on certain plays and thinking "What is going on with the defense?". I soon realized the majority of the plays were the result of Wire running willy nilly around completely out of position. After that I keyed on him for the rest of the season - he was consistently awful. I went to the Oakland game and sat in the end zone with my brother, and witnessed Wire turn in probably one of the worst single defensive player performances in NFL history. It became a running joke with me and my brother - time after time, missed assignment/tackle/position time after tiime - we'd just look at each other and say "Wire!". :)


I simply cannot believe the people who say he played good. I watched him, and he did not play good - or even decent.


The other popular notion about him being a great tackler is also a misrepresentation. What people remember is one or two big hits (James Stewart in the Lions game) where a basically stationary runner was a sitting duck for a big hit. I've said before, what makes a great tackler is someone who stops the forward progress of a runner at or before the point where it should be made. Wire consistently overran plays and completely WHIFFED on tackles HE SHOULD HAVE MADE, or came late to the play and dragged guys down from behind 5 YARDS FROM WHERE THE PLAY SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE. Again - I saw it over and over and over again with my own eyes. I do not consider this to be good tackling. Anyone remember all those great open field tackles Wire made on elusive targets? <crickets chirping> I didn't think so.


The ST argument is WAY overdone. On ST he is playing the position where he is supposed to get the opportunity for more plays/hits. You could probably plug any of 10 other guys on this roster in his position and they would have similar impact (and probably be superior back-ups in their respective roles). Plus, with more starters playing on STs now the need for ST specialist is mitigated.


Now is the time when people defending him, who first say he is great/good but then have that argument dispelled, to reply "But he's only a rookie/1st year player/2nd year player" "But he's learning a new position!" Who cares. This isn't a developmental league - this is the NFL. Make the plays or go home. It's been three years people - when do you let go?


He is a nice guy and a workout warrior (he can jump out of a pool from a standing position - HE MUST BE GOOD!!!! <_< ) and everything - but never in my 30+ years of following football have I ever seen a player who played so badly get such a free pass for so long. My analysis is that his bad play is less due to playing a new position or being a rookie/1st/2nd year player - it is simply that he isn't good enough to be an impact player in the NFL. He has horrendous instincts on where to be on the field, consistently overruns plays and is out of position, and lacks the mobility/speed to compensate for his poor judgement.


He was drafted to be the next Adam Archuleta, but it wasn't even close. Those who thought he could play FS were hopeful and delusional. Those who think he can still start at SS are the same. It's time to called the experiment a failed one and move on.

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PP will get cut... mark my words


let me expand - Wire still has potential at SS particularly playing close to the line in run support. when we drafted him from college, converting him from RB/LB we knew we had a prject on our hands. The introduction of Milloy to the team basically suspended his development as a SS - to the experiment to put him at FS was to see if we could have our most talented 11 guys on the field...


I was rooting for Coy - but he can't cut it, thats fine... I hope he stays on the team, and i am convinced he will




I don't see how that has disabled his ability to learn coverages. Sure, it may happen for a year or a little more but 3 years now?!


Wire is gonna be a bust unless he miraculously stops sucking. I was pulling for the kid but he's outta place in the NFL.


It's all mental and learning defense. He can't grasp it. I know he has the physical skills but his head hasn't caught up to cerebral part of it.

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