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2 Biggest keys to the game

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Bench Mcgee, I don`t care who you start, your granny? With his 10yd cushions Farve will play pitch and catch all day. The second thing is to get some kind of pass rush. Farve makes bad throws,ints with pressure. Should have never let Dick LeBeau go back to Pitt. These 2 will be the biggest key in my mind.

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Bench Mcgee, I don`t care who you start, your granny? With his 10yd cushions Farve will play pitch and catch all day. The second thing is to get some kind of pass rush. Farve makes bad throws,ints with pressure. Should have never let Dick LeBeau go back to Pitt. These 2 will be the biggest key in my mind.



I hope he just needed another week to get ready. Start him but keep him on a short leash. If he plays like last week, yank him, don't let him cost us another divisional game.




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Bench Mcgee, I don`t care who you start, your granny? With his 10yd cushions Farve will play pitch and catch all day. The second thing is to get some kind of pass rush. Farve makes bad throws,ints with pressure. Should have never let Dick LeBeau go back to Pitt. These 2 will be the biggest key in my mind.


why is it mcgee's fault if he's told to play a 10 yard cushion?


the bills aren't going to get pressure unless they get up in the receivers face and take away the short route......if they lay back they will be dinked and dunked to death

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why is it mcgee's fault if he's told to play a 10 yard cushion?


the bills aren't going to get pressure unless they get up in the receivers face and take away the short route......if they lay back they will be dinked and dunked to death

Mcgee always plays with a bigger cushion than Jabari . I don`t think it`s the coaches,I think it`s Mcgee. McGee must have lost a step . If he can`t run with the big dogs ...stay on the bench.

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Mcgee always plays with a bigger cushion than Jabari . I don`t think it`s the coaches,I think it`s Mcgee. McGee must have lost a step . If he can`t run with the big dogs ...stay on the bench.


there isn't a player on the D who isn't lining up exactly where the coaches tell him to......players don't make those decisions independently

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Railing on the CBs lining up 10 yards off the WR (something I just don't get) has been going on since Wade left. Three different coaches have been here, with different schemes and different players and we're still doing this. I noticed it less early this year when we were winning when we were playing more aggressively, and now it's back.


Seems to be key to the 'Bend But Don't Break' type defense. On balance, playing in a division that has thoroughly run the dink'n'dunk this decade, giving up 10 yards a go and hoping the QB is 'off' that day doesn't seem to be a very good strategy. But whad'do I know, I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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