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McCain on SNL


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SNL isn't on yet here in the west, but from a conservative board I'm on, they said it was good.

McCain and his wife were on with Tina Fey as Palin. He had a QVC show where he sold commerative plates with the town hall debates him and Obama had -they were blank! (Obama refused that format). Cindy McCain did the hand wave in front of some McCain Fine- gold jewelry. and Tina Fey had Joe the Plumber, and Joe Biden dolls. The Biden doll- pull the cord and it talks for 45 minutes. :rolleyes:


Later Ben Affleck did a scathing mock out of Olberman, showing him living in his mothers basement and the worst person in the world being the condo board where he wanted to move turning him down because of his pet cat.

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It was pretty funny.


You gotta give props to McCain for showing up on SNL two days before the election. I respect any man that can poke fun at himself. But I thought the Palin in 2012 thing was funny because once Obama wins, Palin is going to fade into a historical footnote just like every other losing vice presidential candidate. She is arguably one of the biggest celebrities in America right now, but nobody will give a flying f*ck about the woman once the big O takes office.

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You gotta give props to McCain for showing up on SNL two days before the election. I respect any man that can poke fun at himself. But I thought the Palin in 2012 thing was funny because once Obama wins, Palin is going to fade into a historical footnote just like every other losing vice presidential candidate. She is arguably one of the biggest celebrities in America right now, but nobody will give a flying f*ck about the woman once the big O takes office.


You mean, just like... FDR?

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If by some chance Obama loses...I can't wait to come on this board to watch the meltdown...It will be EPIC!!!

You're in a win-win situation, dude. If he loses, the board will melt down. If he wins, you'll get a front-row seat to watch Obama-Pelosi and Reid work their magic for a year or two. That's the change we need. And we will surely get it. If they get the 60 seats in the Senate they so cherish, you may not even need to wait a year for the real meltdown to occur.

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You gotta give props to McCain for showing up on SNL two days before the election. I respect any man that can poke fun at himself.

I supposed, but I think it's a sad commentary on our country and system that it's almost a requirement for candidates to go on SNL and the Daily Show. They are funny shows, but shouldn't we be evaluating our Presidental candidates on slightly more important criteria?



Palin is going to fade into a historical footnote just like every other losing vice presidential candidate.

Then again, she could be elected to the Senate in two years.

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I supposed, but I think it's a sad commentary on our country and system that it's almost a requirement for candidates to go on SNL and the Daily Show. They are funny shows, but shouldn't we be evaluating our Presidental candidates on slightly more important criteria?




Then again, she could be elected to the Senate in two years.

I wonder if she could appoint herself to fill Stevens' vacancy if he were to resign. lol.

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That's something I've thought about, too.

If he resigned now, and she appointed herself to the Senate and attended every day of the special session that will be called to lay the new reich's big plans, she'd probably have an equal number of days on the job as Obama has.

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I believe in Alaska they require a special election


Right. If Stevens wins the election it'll force a special election after he resigns. That was instituted after the Murkowski incest. So, conceivably,


1) On Tuesday, McCain/Palin lose. Stevens wins.

2) Facing sentencing in Feb., and a senate removal vote, Stevens resigns his seat.

3) Palin runs for Senate in the special election, presumably against the current Dem candidate.


And then,


4) You have to wonder whether Stevens will be pardoned by Bush. I don't think it'll happen, but then again, I didn't think a lot of things would happen in the Bush presidency that ended up being all too real. At this point, what does Bush have to lose for a chance for one last middle finger to the Dems, especially if the Senate seat numbers are close, or close enough for a pardon to prevent a supermajority. And if Stevens is pardoned, you'd have to consider that he'd stay on; might be uncomfortable for him for a while, but he's a cratchety old guy and would probably weather it.

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Right. If Stevens wins the election it'll force a special election after he resigns. That was instituted after the Murkowski incest. So, conceivably,


1) On Tuesday, McCain/Palin lose. Stevens wins.

2) Facing sentencing in Feb., and a senate removal vote, Stevens resigns his seat.

3) Palin runs for Senate in the special election, presumably against the current Dem candidate.


4) You have to wonder whether Stevens will be pardoned by Bush. I don't think it'll happen, but then again, I didn't think a lot of things would happen in the Bush presidency that ended up being all too real. At this point, what does Bush have to lose for a chance for one last middle finger to the Dems, especially if the Senate seat numbers are close, or close enough for a pardon to prevent a supermajority. And if Stevens is pardoned, you'd have to consider that he'd stay on; might be uncomfortable for him for a while, but he's a cratchety old guy and would probably weather it.

If Stevens wins the congress will act and caribou barbie will likely seek it. Lets just hope the Alaskanswake up and vote Stevens OUT

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McCain was the funniest thing on SNL. The Olbemann skit I'm sure was entertaining to Da Big Man and his minions but I thought it was not a good impression of Keith. I feel bad for Seth Myers because he's a NH kid, but the quality of SNL since he became head writer has suffered. This weeks show was one of the weakest of the season. Affleck didn't help.



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McCain was the funniest thing on SNL. The Olbemann skit I'm sure was entertaining to Da Big Man and his minions but I thought it was not a good impression of Keith. I feel bad for Seth Myers because he's a NH kid, but the quality of SNL since he became head writer has suffered. This weeks show was one of the weakest of the season. Affleck didn't help.





His Olberman was PERFECT.

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