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So, according to the Messiah we need a civilian national security force that has the same funding levels as the military? :rolleyes:


Sound a bit like what you find in communist countries like China where they have domestic spies.


Is he serious about this?



Do explain where you got the domestic spies concept from???


.. I have no idea what he meant by that either though, I should really like to know. I looked around a bit and Robert Gates seems to be the originator of the idea. It's so vague and generic that it's hard to tell what he really meant by it at all. What I won't do is wildly speculate crazy communist assertions like you have done. However if you should find any actual informed assertions on this, I should like to see them, please post.



I dunno, I looked.. here is the most informed and non "crazy right wing blog posting" I could find on his military concepts.


This could be an example of one of the times that the media really has not questioned him enough on something (as opposed to fake news like his citizenship)

Do explain where you got the domestic spies concept from???


.. I have no idea what he meant by that either though, I should really like to know. I looked around a bit and Robert Gates seems to be the originator of the idea. It's so vague and generic that it's hard to tell what he really meant by it at all. What I won't do is wildly speculate crazy communist assertions like you have done. However if you should find any actual informed assertions on this, I should like to see them, please post.


OK, I got you. Short of any specifics (which is The Messiah's MO) I drew an inference to China's domestic spy force. But let's be real. Exactly what kind of civilian security force would require funding equal to that of the US Military?


Here in France what could be compared with the National Guard in the US , the "CRS" Compagnies Republicaines de Sécurité are not linked to the military. They are controled by the national police headquarters. Don't know what's the problem... at the end it's public money and public control, military or not...


I think the question is why do we need another agency, we already have Homeland Security, Military, FBI, CIA, National Guard, etc. and why would we need one with as huge a budget as the Military. A new agency that size would almost certainly have to be paid for by raising taxes...a lot. :rolleyes:


So in 4 years, 8 years, 12 years, or whenever the pendulum swings back and the Republicans are calling the shots again...


Will the Obamabots still be as enthused about the Civillian Security thing?

So, according to the Messiah we need a civilian national security force that has the same funding levels as the military? :rolleyes:


Sound a bit like what you find in communist countries like China where they have domestic spies.


Is he serious about this?



How convenient, a 20 second soundbite! I'm sure he wasn't referencing his plans to invest in police, firemen, and first responders and tying them into a broader point about national security.




Support First Responders: Barack Obama is committed not only to rolling back the Bush-McCain funding cuts that have affected our first responders - police, firefighters, and emergency medical professionals - but also to increasing federal resources and logistic support to local emergency planning efforts.


Safeguard Public Transportation: Every weekday, Americans take 34 million trips on public transportation systems to get to work, school and beyond. Despite recent international attacks on mass transit systems, the Bush administration has invested only a small fraction of the $6 billion that transportation officials have said is necessary to implement needed security improvements. Barack Obama will fill this critical hole in our homeland security network.


Improve Interoperable Communications Systems: Barack Obama supports efforts to provide greater technical assistance to local and state first responders and dramatically increase funding for reliable, interoperable communications systems. He will appoint a National Chief Technology Officer who will have the responsibility to ensure that the current non-interoperable plans at the federal, state, and local levels are combined, funded, implemented and effective.


Working with State and Local Governments and the Private Sector: Barack Obama believes the federal government must be a better partner to states and localities, listen to local concerns and consider local priorities. Barack Obama will reach out to the private sector to leverage its expertise and assets to protect our homeland security


What a radical!

Im much more troubled by Obama's plans for the actual military which involves massive spending cuts, especially for weapons R+D.




You don't agree with-


"First, I'll stop spending $9 billion a month in Iraq. I'm the only major candidate who opposed this war from the beginning. And as president I will end it.




Second, I will cut tens of billions of dollars in wasteful spending.




I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.




Third, I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons; I will seek a global ban on the production of fissile material; and I will negotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert, and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenals."


These seem like reasonable ideas to me.

You don't agree with-
















These seem like reasonable ideas to me.

Sounds great ,I am sure Russia and China think so to .Cant we just all get along :worthy: So in addition to being a fraud he is also a fool. Russia and China will play this guy like a fine fiddle :rolleyes:

Sounds great ,I am sure Russia and China think so to .Cant we just all get along :worthy: So in addition to being a fraud he is also a fool. Russia and China will play this guy like a fine fiddle :rolleyes:


I'm sure that Russia and China can't wait to nuke us and ruin their economies in the process.

I'm sure that Russia and China can't wait to nuke us and ruin their economies in the process.

Of course you could be wrong then what? Oh by the way massive crowds in Cleveland for Obama er ah whats that oh Bruce Sprinsteen (sp) was there Obama is a fraud.

Of course you could be wrong then what? Oh by the way massive crowds in Cleveland for Obama er ah whats that oh Bruce Sprinsteen (sp) was there Obama is a fraud.


Did you see what happened to the foreign markets when the Dow plummeted a few weeks back? Imagine what would happen if the 2 drivers of the global economy went to war.

I'm sure that Russia and China can't wait to nuke us and ruin their economies in the process.


No. Obama has no guts to make a decision let alone go to war and fight.

If China were to attack and take over Formosa O would do nothing.

Don't think for a millisecond that China doesn't want to do that.

What's O going to do - cancel the US bonds that China holds, bomb an aspirin factory or simply shrug his shoulders and tell the world "we can't be the global police force"?

No. Obama has no guts to make a decision let alone go to war and fight.

If China were to attack and take over Formosa O would do nothing.

Don't think for a millisecond that China doesn't want to do that.

What's O going to do - cancel the US bonds that China holds, bomb an aspirin factory or simply shrug his shoulders and tell the world "we can't be the global police force"?


So Taiwan has become a defacto U.S. state much like Israel has?

No. Obama has no guts to make a decision let alone go to war and fight.

If China were to attack and take over Formosa O would do nothing.

Don't think for a millisecond that China doesn't want to do that.

What's O going to do - cancel the US bonds that China holds, bomb an aspirin factory or simply shrug his shoulders and tell the world "we can't be the global police force"?


So here's a question. How come when it's Mexican citizens crossing the US border to look for a better life, the United States has no responsibility to foreigners, but when it's China hypothetically attacking Taiwan we have to look out for the little guy? Smells like hypocrisy to me.

Did you see what happened to the foreign markets when the Dow plummeted a few weeks back? Imagine what would happen if the 2 drivers of the global economy went to war.

China would not care. You know that human rights in China does not exist. They do not care about the world economy they could just take it over and they have enough manpower and weapons to so so. The Chinese state controls the people thats not the case here ..yet. When world leaders clash its the people suffer. I see Obama as a weak leader and giving foreign countries many concessions in the form of appeasement.

Biden says that Obama will be tested and the people would not like his response . Sounds like Bush all over again :rolleyes:

So here's a question. How come when it's Mexican citizens crossing the US border to look for a better life, the United States has no responsibility to foreigners, but when it's China hypothetically attacking Taiwan we have to look out for the little guy? Smells like hypocrisy to me.

Its called a treaty!! Read up.


as KarlFromEarthCrisis pointed out, it is ridiculous to take a 20 second soundbite and assume you understand what he meant.


he was talking about volunteer service corps, not paramilitary groups! :rolleyes:


[23] Now, just as we must value and encourage military service across our society, we must honor and expand other opportunities to serve. Because the future of our nation depends on the soldier at Fort Carson, but it also depends on the teacher in East LA, or the nurse in Appalachia, the after-school worker in New Orleans, the Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, and the Foreign Service officer in Indonesia. Americans have shown that they want to step up. But we're not keeping pace with the demand of those who want to serve, or leveraging that commitment to meet national challenges. FDR not only enlisted Americans to create employment, he targeted that service to build our infrastructure and conserve our environment. JFK not only called on a new generation, he made their service a bridge to the developing world, and a bright light of American values in the darkest days of the Cold War.


[24] Today, AmeriCorps - our nation's network of local, state and national service programs - has 75,000 slots. I know firsthand the quality of these programs. My wife Michelle once left her job at a law firm, at City Hall, to be the founding director of an AmeriCorps program in Chicago that trains young people for careers in public service. And these programs invest Americans in their communities and their country. They tap America's greatest resource - our citizens.


[25] That's why as President, I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots, and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their efforts connected to a common purpose. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem - they are the answer.


[26] We're gonna send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods all across the country. We'll enlist our veterans find jobs and support for other vets, and to be there for our military families. And we'll also grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've gotta have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.


You might not like the terms "national security force" to describe these programs, and you also might wonder (quite appropriately) how he's gonna pay for them, but at least deal with the facts, not a soundbite...

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