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You are right ,The only thing Obama will give them is the shaft. He hates the military and all it stands for . So I say F this lying communist fraud Obama.
lol. not true.


He wouldnt even visit the toops in the Hospital in Germany because they would not let cameras in.


lol, again, not true. what planet do you get your info from?

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There were enough folks saying he didn't and smelling a rat back then, plus SH was in a box and Bin Laden was the immediate threat and Bush let him get away and get off the hook by changing our focus. This was bs from the beginning and no one knew where the break lever was on that incoming train as Bush and Cheney and Rummy bamboozled a lot of people.

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So Obama thought that if SH had WMD it was not worth going to war over, right?


You could read the speech yourself you know.

The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him. But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history.
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lol. not true.




lol, again, not true. what planet do you get your info from?

Didn't you follow the news articles from all news services when he was there? And did he in fact visit the troops in the Hosp? And speaking of the news when he was in Germany speaking huge crowds that there was a rock concert before his speech. So what was the huge crowd really there for.? That also is common knowledge in Germany.

Dress him up any way you want a fraud is a fraud.

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Question for history buffs - "How many petty dictators have fallen into the dustbin of history compared to the ones that have remained in power for a very long life and then handed power over to pettier sons?"

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You are right ,The only thing Obama will give them is the shaft. He hates the military and all it stands for . So I say F this lying communist fraud Obama.

He wants to reduce the size of the miltary .He wants National Security Force . He is for change so if its change you want its radical change you will get commrade

He wouldnt even visit the toops in the Hospital in Germany because they would not let cameras in.

Biden says he will be tested . If he doent pass the test he fails ..and so do you

maybe put down the JD for a while. You've got 4 more years of this stuff, you're gonna need it...

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You are right ,The only thing Obama will give them is the shaft. He hates the military and all it stands for . So I say F this lying communist fraud Obama.

He wants to reduce the size of the miltary .He wants National Security Force . He is for change so if its change you want its radical change you will get commrade

He wouldnt even visit the toops in the Hospital in Germany because they would not let cameras in.

Biden says he will be tested . If he doent pass the test he fails ..and so do you

I have a feeling that McCain or Obama will take care of our troops. Your passion for the topic is admirable, but since they are both from the same party, they probably would be laughing at this.


If people had the guts to form a third party, instead of being brainwashed into voting democrat or republican, a lot of problems in this country would be fixed. But since most american people tend to do what they are told by their TVs instead of thinking critically, it won't happen.


Both Obama and McCain are 100% better than what we have, but I think there are better options out there- Barr is just one of them. If Forbes or Gore was elected back in 2000, we never would have entered into a war that was set up to have no end. We wouldn't be on the verge of another Great Depression

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