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The Middle Class is Now $120,000 and Under!!!


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1. No matter how tired I am I always know that there are 50 states .

Maybe your mind is eroded to the point that you forget, but not me or and normally functioning american.




3.untrue, he want to rewrite the laws, if the laws are rewritten then the laws are legal

so this is double speak on your part.

I'll repeat, you try getting in an airplane for months at a time, crossing timezones every day, making multiple stops per day, talking, meeting, and speaking and let's see if you are perfect, every time with every fact, even ones that are second nature like the number of places you've been. Until you've done that, shut up.


if it's untrue, prove it...


The Second Amendment, as passed by the House and Senate, reads:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Where does it say anything like we cannot ban armor-piercing ammunition or give law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes? How is this changing the constitution?


he want to rewrite the laws, if the laws are rewritten then the laws are legal :worthy: I think I'll make this my new sig!

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3. He has no intent to interfere with your right to bear legal arms.




Factcheck.org has analyzed this issue and found that the NRA has cherry-picked, twisted and misrepresented Obama's record to come up with a bogus "plan."


Maybe you believe that things like background checks constitutes taking away your 2nd Amendment rights...again, you're entitled to your opinion.


This is pure, unadulterated Bullschit. He says this now that he's running for President. But he was exposed for his true beliefs in the liberal survey HE filled out that they tried to blame on a staffer. Shoot, look no farther than his running mates record- Botox Biden has consistently voted against gun rights. You will not win this argument, and if you truly believe The Messiah's bullschit factsheet is true than you're a fool.


The fact is that the Leftist Liberals WILL eventually take away our gun ownership rights. I see the bills the Left put us to committee here in Kalifornia. How about bills taxing ammunition at $.50 per round? How about bills limiting ammo sales to 20 rounds per person per month...and that need a permit to be purchased? How about the recently enacted law that outlaws lead ammunition because ONE condor was found to have lead in its system?


Is it the 'wingnuts' who are putting forth this garbage? You know good and well who it is. These jokers are chipping away at our 2nd amendment right one chip at a time until soon enough we will have no rights.


But you go on believing that The Messiah respects OUR 2nd amendment rights. :worthy:

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I'll repeat, you try getting in an airplane for months at a time, crossing timezones every day, making multiple stops per day, talking, meeting, and speaking and let's see if you are perfect, every time with every fact, even ones that are second nature like the number of places you've been. Until you've done that, shut up.


if it's untrue, prove it...


The Second Amendment, as passed by the House and Senate, reads:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Where does it say things like banning armor-piercing ammunition or giving law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes? How is this changing the constitution?


he want to rewrite the laws, if the laws are rewritten then the laws are legal :worthy: I think I'll make this my new sig!

Again I would need to be in a state of insanity to forget there are 50 states.

If you feel you could forget, then I feel sorry for the fact that you aren't functioning normally.



Where does it say things like banning armor-piercing ammunition or giving law enforcement to obtain the information required to trace back guns that have been used in crimes? How is this changing the constitution?

It is right there in your own post...."the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

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This is pure, unadulterated Bullschit. He says this now that he's running for President. But he was exposed for his true beliefs in the liberal survey HE filled out that they tried to blame on a staffer. Shoot, look no farther than his running mates record- Botox Biden has consistently voted against gun rights. You will not win this argument, and if you truly believe The Messiah's bullschit factsheet is true than you're a fool.


The fact is that the Leftist Liberals WILL eventually take away our gun ownership rights. I see the bills the Left put us to committee here in Kalifornia. How about bills taxing ammunition at $.50 per round? How about bills limiting ammo sales to 20 rounds per person per month...and that need a permit to be purchased? How about the recently enacted law that outlaws lead ammunition because ONE condor was found to have lead in its system?


Is it the 'wingnuts' who are putting forth this garbage? You know good and well who it is. These jokers are chipping away at our 2nd amendment right one chip at a time until soon enough we will have no rights.


But you go on believing that The Messiah respects OUR 2nd amendment rights. :worthy:


Oh my god that's awful! The next thing you know all the white trash won't be able to take their kids to a quarry to shoot pumpkins with Uzis!

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This is pure, unadulterated Bullschit. He says this now that he's running for President. But he was exposed for his true beliefs in the liberal survey HE filled out that they tried to blame on a staffer. Shoot, look no farther than his running mates record- Botox Biden has consistently voted against gun rights. You will not win this argument, and if you truly believe The Messiah's bullschit factsheet is true than you're a fool.


The fact is that the Leftist Liberals WILL eventually take away our gun ownership rights. I see the bills the Left put us to committee here in Kalifornia. How about bills taxing ammunition at $.50 per round? How about bills limiting ammo sales to 20 rounds per person per month...and that need a permit to be purchased? How about the recently enacted law that outlaws lead ammunition because ONE condor was found to have lead in its system?


Is it the 'wingnuts' who are putting forth this garbage? You know good and well who it is. These jokers are chipping away at our 2nd amendment right one chip at a time until soon enough we will have no rights.


But you go on believing that The Messiah respects OUR 2nd amendment rights. :worthy:

If I couldn't believe his campaign platform, which explicitly includes his fact sheets on the issues, I couldn't vote for him, nor could millions of others.


McCain has made many, many changes in his positions since he started running for president, like offshore drilling, support for Bush's tax cuts, etc. Should we now say we can't trust McCain to do those things because he voted against them before? I think the answer is no, we have to accept that he will stand by his promises. We can call him a flip-flop, but not a liar. Obama is running for President, not Biden, so until he changes his position on gun control, I will take him at his word.


I can sympathize with you regarding what California has done to legislate more stringent controls on guns and ammunition, but once again, it's Obama that's running for President, not the California state legislature. California has always led the nation with more restrictive laws on things like auto emissions and dozens of other issues. We make conscious choices about where we want to live and we either have to accept what the majority votes for (proposition x, referendum y, etc.) or go somewhere else where the laws better suit our own beliefs.

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If I couldn't believe his campaign platform, which explicitly includes his fact sheets on the issues, I couldn't vote for him, nor could millions of others.


McCain has made many, many changes in his positions since he started running for president, like offshore drilling, support for Bush's tax cuts, etc. Should we now say we can't trust McCain to do those things because he voted against them before? I think the answer is no, we have to accept that he will stand by his promises. We can call him a flip-flop, but not a liar. Obama is running for President, not Biden, so until he changes his position on gun control, I will take him at his word.


I can sympathize with you regarding what California has done to legislate more stringent controls on guns and ammunition, but once again, it's Obama that's running for President, not the California state legislature. California has always led the nation with more restrictive laws on things like auto emissions and dozens of other issues. We make conscious choices about where we want to live and we either have to accept what the majority votes for (proposition x, referendum y, etc.) or go somewhere else where the laws better suit our own beliefs.


Don't bother talking about McCain, it's useless when dealing with these people. Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record. The more accurate term for most "McCain supporters" is "Obama detractor". In their mind, they aren't voting for McCain, they are voting against Obama.

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Don't bother talking about McCain, it's useless when dealing with these people. Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record. The more accurate term for most "McCain supporters" is "Obama detractor". In their mind, they aren't voting for McCain, they are voting against Obama.

probably, I was just trying to point out that you can't call either candidate a liar for changing their position after deciding to run for president.

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probably, I was just trying to point out that you can't call either candidate a liar for changing their position after deciding to run for president.


Oh and I agree entirely, but I'm just guaranteeing you that your valid opinion will fall upon deaf ears. Remember the whole Kerry flip-flopper thing? According to many, a politician should never ever change his opinion on an issue, even when the circumstances change. If you were for the war, you ALWAYS have to be for the war. If you vote against abortion, you can NEVER change your opinion. People change their minds every day, but when a politician does it, he's a liar and a cheat.

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If I couldn't believe his campaign platform, which explicitly includes his fact sheets on the issues, I couldn't vote for him, nor could millions of others.


McCain has made many, many changes in his positions since he started running for president, like offshore drilling, support for Bush's tax cuts, etc. Should we now say we can't trust McCain to do those things because he voted against them before? I think the answer is no, we have to accept that he will stand by his promises. We can call him a flip-flop, but not a liar. Obama is running for President, not Biden, so until he changes his position on gun control, I will take him at his word.


I can sympathize with you regarding what California has done to legislate more stringent controls on guns and ammunition, but once again, it's Obama that's running for President, not the California state legislature. California has always led the nation with more restrictive laws on things like auto emissions and dozens of other issues. We make conscious choices about where we want to live and we either have to accept what the majority votes for (proposition x, referendum y, etc.) or go somewhere else where the laws better suit our own beliefs.


My point is that it is those on the Left who seek to eradicate our 2nd Amendment rights. Obama, in his limited voting record, has consistantly voted against preservation of the 2nd Amendment. If you fail to acknowledge this I feel you're not being honest with either yourself or the board.

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It still costs less than McCain's top secret method of how to capture/kill Osama Bin Laden.

Well, let me know the number before a bunch of people die when your VP candidate could have actually done something to prevent it.


Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record.

We'd talk more about it but we're still trying to finish asking questions about your candidate which no one can seem to answer.


Let's start with his Aunt living here illegally on welfare while he portrays himself as "my brother's keeper."


"Brother can you spare a dime?"


"Not right now Auntie. Wait 'til I'm elected so I don't have to use my money to help you. I have to tend to this big party in Chicago. Just don't say anything until I get back."


Hey Michelle, is this how we heal our souls?

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Don't bother talking about McCain, it's useless when dealing with these people. Most "McCain supporters" I've met barely know anything about McCain besides his war record. The more accurate term for most "McCain supporters" is "Obama detractor". In their mind, they aren't voting for McCain, they are voting against Obama.


Let's not do the bait and switch. First off, while I respect McCain and would prefer him as President over The Messiah, I did not vote for him. I voted for Bob Barr and Libertarian for Congress (against Darryl Issa).


But let's stay on subject which is Obama's policy on the 2nd Amendment. While I am not a single issue voter, this issue is near the top of my list. Why don't you address The Messiah's record on this issue?

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But let's stay on subject which is Obama's policy on the 2nd Amendment. While I am not a single issue voter, this issue is near the top of my list. Why don't you address The Messiah's record on this issue?


Because I am a supporter of gun control laws. The Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. If Obama was voting to completely take away the American peoples' right to own guns, that would be one thing. But gun control laws promote things like background checks and limitations on the amount of ammo a person can buy at a single time. Gun control laws try to keep guns away from those who would use them for evil. Keeping a handgun for protection in your home is a noble thing. Having AK 47s lying around your house is a dangerous thing. Obama, and those who vote with him, support the former case and condemn the latter.

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My point is that it is those on the Left who seek to eradicate our 2nd Amendment rights. Obama, in his limited voting record, has consistantly voted against preservation of the 2nd Amendment. If you fail to acknowledge this I feel you're not being honest with either yourself or the board.

I'm so far from being an expert on this subject, but everything I've read shows that Obama's voting record was distorted by the NRA and others. He voted against legislation that provided a loophole for those were who caught violating local gun registration laws. He voted in favor of a law outlawing armor-piercing ammunition. I agree he has said things that might infuriate gun owners, but pointing to his voting record, there's no evidence that he has consistently voted against second amendment rights.


Please read Factcheck's analysis of the NRA position and please try to keep an open mind. I realize I will never convince you that Obama is not the most anti-gun candidate ever, but at least understand the whole picture.

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"There's no indication that Obama has changed his tax policy, which states that anyone making under $200,000 would get a tax cut under his administration, and nobody making under $250,000 would be hit with a tax increase. Richardson actually recited that part of Obama's plan correctly earlier in his radio interview."


NSFW linky.


FYI - everyone that owns a 401k or IRA or is covered by a company Pension fund will receive a tax hike under the misogynist jug-eared stutterer. That is, until those accounts are confiscated and we're all forced into a mandatory government bond fund to the tune of 5% of GAE.

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"There's no indication that Obama has changed his tax policy, which states that anyone making under $200,000 would get a tax cut under his administration, and nobody making under $250,000 would be hit with a tax increase. Richardson actually recited that part of Obama's plan correctly earlier in his radio interview."


NSFW linky.


FYI - everyone that owns a 401k or IRA or is covered by a company Pension fund will receive a tax hike under the misogynist jug-eared stutterer. That is, until those accounts are confiscated and we're all forced into a mandatory government bond fund to the tune of 5% of GAE.

what the F are you talking about? There is no such exception. If you make under $250K (working family) or a single under $200K, you get a tax cut, period.

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what the F are you talking about? There is no such exception. If you make under $250K (working family) or a single under $200K, you get a tax cut, period.


You have no investments? 401k and IRA capital gains are tax deferred - for now - until they're made illegal. If you own mutual funds outside of a qualified plan - you will be taxed at a higher rate under O.

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You have no investments? 401k and IRA capital gains are tax deferred - for now - until they're made illegal. If you own mutual funds outside of a qualified plan - you will be taxed at a higher rate under O.

they are not being made illegal, or taxed any differently than they are now. Capital gains remain the same except for those making above those $250K/$200K limits.

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Oh my god that's awful! The next thing you know all the white trash won't be able to take their kids to a quarry to shoot pumpkins with Uzis!

Real nice racist comment.


The problem in todays world is that only one race can be criticized.

If I were to as much as just state facts on crime by race I'd be called a racists and likely booted from this forum, or most forums.

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