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Palin genius strikes again

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This one might be the very stupidest thing she has ever said.

"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations, then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

The term "criminally stupid" was made for her.

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Yep, she has adopted the Gingrich version of Speaking in tongues. I still have no clue what she was talking about.

She is saying that we are in grave danger of losing the right to free speech by the public and press exercising their right to free speech. Especially when they use that free speech to criticize her for implying US Presidential candidates are terrorist sympathizing celebrity muslim communists.

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Just think, all this Palin shiit will be over by Tuesday night. Then she can go home and watch the Russian Ballet from her living room window.

:lol::wallbash: Since when did you get funny? Actually, now that you mention it, I think I may be a foreign policy expert because there are times when I can see the Canadian Ballet from my living room couch.

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She is saying that we are in grave danger of losing the right to free speech by the public and press exercising their right to free speech. Especially when they use that free speech to criticize her for implying US Presidential candidates are terrorist sympathizing celebrity muslim communists.


Of course, given that the media considers themselves an indespensible branch of the government (i.e. "The Fourth Estate"), there would be a point to be made that they should then hold themselves accountable to the Constitution.


But I'm sure that's not the point Palin was making, as that particular nuance, if it ever did manage to somehow rattle around her empty little head, would never escape.


But I want to make clear...I'd still hit it.

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:lol::wallbash: Since when did you get funny? Actually, now that you mention it, I think I may be a foreign policy expert because there are times when I can see the Canadian Ballet from my living room couch.


You can almost see Canada from atop two rides at Waldamere in Erie, PA- the ferris wheel and the Ravine Flyer. I guess that qualifies all Erieites and former Erieites for VP too!

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Just think, all this Palin shiit will be over by Tuesday night. Then she can go home and watch the Russian Ballet from her living room window.


Oh no, that's where you're wrong my friend. Fox has already blocked off Tueday nights from 8-9 for "It's the Palins!"

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Just think, all this Palin shiit will be over by Tuesday night. Then she can go home and watch the Russian Ballet from her living room window.


You really think so? I think she's already working on the base for the 2012 nomination, so we'll be seeing plenty of her in the future.

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Oh no, that's where you're wrong my friend. Fox has already blocked off Tueday nights from 8-9 for "It's the Palins!"



That'd be worth watching if only for the inevitable weekly "When John tapped me...<pause>...for the VP nomination..." joke.



Seriously, something I still can't figure out...during the debate, those couple times she talked about McCain "tapping" her for vice president...was that somehow intentional double-entendre, or is she just that clueless?

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