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Vcoach on Coy Wire


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That's because Coy's still trying to read plays from Saturday's game.


It doesn't take much to see that he's never going to be a starting safety, and certainly not a free safety. He just doesn't have the coverage skills and instincts.


Coy's a good ST gunner and backup safety, and that's what he'll be for his life as a Bill. Maybe some team would make him a starting SS, but as long as Milloy is healthy, it won't happen here.


Good to see Rashad Baker playing so well. He's clearly going to make the team. And it didn't cost us a draft pick. Nice job, scouting dept. This was a great UFA class.


Peters probably won't make the team but they'll want to put him on the PS if he clears waivers. Trafford will be cut, but his upside isn't as potentially high as Peters', so I doubt they'd put them both on the PS.

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That's because Coy's still trying to read plays from Saturday's game.


It doesn't take much to see that he's never going to be a starting safety, and certainly not a free safety. He just doesn't have the coverage skills and instincts.


Coy's a good ST gunner and backup safety, and that's what he'll be for his life as a Bill. Maybe some team would make him a starting SS, but as long as Milloy is healthy, it won't happen here.

I agree he's not a FS, but I still think SS is a possibility. However he's got promise as a ST's demon.


Good to see Rashad Baker playing so well. He's clearly going to make the team. And it didn't cost us a draft pick. Nice job, scouting dept. This was a great UFA class.

I agree. What an UDFA class, and potentially draft class as well.


Peters probably won't make the team but they'll want to put him on the PS if he clears waivers. Trafford will be cut, but his upside isn't as potentially high as Peters', so I doubt they'd put them both on the PS.


The Bills won't keep 2 FB's on the roster, and Lawton can be much more easily sneaked onto the PS than Peters, so I see Peters getting that spot and making no net change of roster spots left. Greer also makes the roster, and Ritzmann makes the PS.

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what this really means is that Rashad Baker has made this team, at the very least, as the backup at free safety... stay tuned, who knows, he could move in front of Reese.


It also means that Pierson Prileau is likely the odd man out.

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Okay, everyone keeps saying that Wire is a ST demon. I honestly doubt it. His tackling is not great, although he is always ready to hit someone. The same instincts that Coy lacks in being a Safety are required covering kicks and punts. (especially on punt coverage in the broken field) To his credit, he is smart and a very likeable guy. It just appears to me that at the NFL level, high-motor and willingness to stick one's nose in there does not a player make.


I know what the idea was. Adam Archuletta and John Lynch were both successful coming from the same mold and background. In this case, however, Coy Wire just doesn't have the natural born instinct to be a solid NFL player. That means Special Teams or Secondary.

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Guest guest-Dennis in AZ

I wonder what kind of RB Wire could be.


Not especially fast, but maybe the high-motor thing would work at RB.


Unlikely as hell, though.

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