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4 more days til we elect Obama

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Get over it .You are indeed anal retentive. You were not even a teenager when it happened , or a very young one. You should join the military to get a perspective on life . Talking to other snot nosed college students only gives you an idea on winning at beer pong. The issue isnt being exploited on either side of the fence , it was real. And while we are at it shove your ageism.


From what I gather, he's a Sophomore at Cornell and got to travel with or because of his rich parents. That's his life experience so far.

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When I was in HS, a kid was killed while driving home one night. No booze or anything, just lost control of the car on ice, flipped it into a creek and drowned.


Being a Jesuit school, we had priests to speak to if we wanted and they sent for a grief counselor. No pressure, if you wanted to talk to this person, they were available all week in a room. If not, no big deal. Also the priests were available to talk about it.


I don't see that making a professional available to talk is a bad thing. Forcing students to talk or listen to some speech about grief would be awful.


When Challenger exploded, we had grief counselers come to EVERY class to "help us through the grieving process."


Two months later, a classmate died in a car accident. I think they let the guy's girlfriend skip a class and go to the school nurse.


Still, to this day, the juxtaposition of the school's reactions seems unreal to me.

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The next president needs to start the healing process for the country from the tragedy of 9/11, as the current one has failed at that for almost a decade now, and in doing so has helped to wreck our economy



Dude - that's not 9/11 - that's herpes. Go get some Valtrex. :devil:

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Yes, we are a nation of professional victims now. Or haven't you noticed?


Try watching TV, any channel, about 2:00 on a weekday afternoon. Watch the P.I. lawyer ads, the credit counseling ads. It's not your fault that your life sucks anymore. It's someone else's fault, and dammit, you need to be compensated.

Not what I said at all- the scapegoating of muslims has to end. They did nothing wrong- the terrorists did.

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How about not trying to eliminate terrorists through military action, when we've known for generations that it hasn't worked. How about not removing a government that we know isn't a good one- one that was in zero jeopardy of being overthrown from within or by insurgency, and replacing it with our own form of government, forcing us to stay there, because it will fold like a deck of cards if we leave. How about economincally fortifying ourselves right after it happened, instead of telling people to go visit shopping malls. How about not pouring billions of dollars into a war that can't be won OR lost.


People haven't gotten on with there lives and you can't refute that. People have become xenophobic, fearing anything arab or muslin- which is wrong.


Face it, we're in deep, and neither Obama nor McCain are going to be able to fix this mess.


We are in deep, there's no doubt about that.


How do you eliminate terrorists (or better yet, terrorism), when they only understand the end of a bayonet?


And I do agree with you...the scapegoating of Muslims has to end. I have nothing against Muslims; only the ones that hate our guts and want to kill us.

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if 5-7% of people are still undecided, and 4% of them go towards mccain - does he win?


It is interesting - i talked to two recently undecided voters in the past week. My sister is going to mccain - obama is just too liberal in her mind, and my other friend said "i guess I'm voting for obama" and then went on to talk about all of the reasons he might not vote for him. It is exactly like dick morris has been saying for months - obama still hasn't sealed the deal with the suburban, middle class whites. One more "spread the wealth around" comment and everything could change. Without Palin McCain might have won this thing...


now, I now this posts makes no sense since i have an n of 2, and they are split...but thought i'd toss it out there.

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From what I gather, he's a Sophomore at Cornell and got to travel with or because of his rich parents. That's his life experience so far.


My parents aren't rich. They're a meteorologist and an accountant who make about $100,000 a year combined, which I believes puts us at middle class. I'm putting myself through college because we don't get much financial aid and I also work 15 hours a week in a deli. I've gotten to travel because my parents saved money very well and I joined groups performing charity work abroad.


And I don't know why you all seem to hold my going to Cornell with a negative connotation. Are you just jealous? In fact, I'd venture to say that you hold college students in low regard in general. Worried that I'll be your boss some day?

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Get over it .You are indeed anal retentive. You were not even a teenager when it happened , or a very young one. You should join the military to get a perspective on life . Talking to other snot nosed college students only gives you an idea on winning at beer pong. The issue isnt being exploited on either side of the fence , it was real. And while we are at it shove your ageism.


Of course it was real! That doesn't mean politicians aren't exploiting it for their own gain. When you hear a politician say something alike to "Vote for me because I'll vote to increase national security and make sure we don't experience another 9/11", he doesn't really give a flying f*ck about you or your family and friends, he's just trying to get elected. That's called exploitation.


Oh and all of us "snot noses" up here at Cornell will be the most among the most influential people in the country and the world soon enough. They say be nice to the nerds, because they will some day be your boss and oh isn't it true?


By the way, do you know what anal retentive means? Because you are using it entirely out of context here.

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Oh and all of us "snot noses" up here at Cornell will be the most among the most influential people in the country and the world soon enough. They say be nice to the nerds, because they will some day be your boss and oh isn't it true?


somebody is taking himself a bit too seriously at age 20.


btw -

harvard? yes

princeton? probably

stanford? yes

cornell? not so much

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Your comments about your vast life experience (you're 19 for god's sake and my TV's older than you) and about how Cornell isn't Ithaca and your snobbery about Cornell shows your lack of maturity (I am not saying immature because you just haven't lived enough yet. ). Don't make broad , sweeping statements, because you just haven't experienced enough life yet.



Why didn't you say you did charity work overseas instead of just saying that you traveled around?


Someone I knew and worked with came close to being on Flight 93. He flew back the night before. He would book several flights and then use the unused flights for later trips to our NJ office. He showed us his boarding pass for flight 93 about 3 hours after the towers fell. He didn't know how close he came until he looked at the passes. About 100 people becoming totally silent with shocked looks on their faces when he told us in the cafeteria. He showed us the passes , so it wasn't BS. Several things (a bridge and a street) within a few miles of me are named after people on flight 93 because they were from here. Whatever they have to do to stop those subhuman monstres is the correct thing to do.

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somebody is taking himself a bit too seriously at age 20.


btw -

harvard? yes

princeton? probably

stanford? yes

cornell? not so much



Stanford- not so much

I worked at Stanford in the mid 90s. The Graduate School is top notch, but the undergraduate program, no. It has been changed but in the 90s, you could drop a class in the last week of the semester and it wouldn't appear on your transcript. You could take a class over and over and the last mark would be the only one on your transcript. That made me think much much less about that program.

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Your comments about your vast life experience (you're 19 for god's sake and my TV's older than you) and about how Cornell isn't Ithaca and your snobbery about Cornell shows your lack of maturity (I am not saying immature because you just haven't lived enough yet. ). Don't make broad , sweeping statements, because you just haven't experienced enough life yet.



Why didn't you say you did charity work overseas instead of just saying that you traveled around?


I never said I "just travelled around", I believe that at one point I listed the countries I've been to but didn't get into specifics. I've never felt the need to flaunt it, but since you called me out and painted me as some privileged son of wealth, I felt the need to correct you.


And ok, I'm being a snob. I'm aware of that and I realize it probably makes me look like a pretty big douchebag. But please take a look in the mirror if you want to criticize me making broad, sweeping statements. How many people on this board stereotype liberals, conservates, Dems, Repubs, with broad sweeping statements?


When has one lived enough life to have their own opinion? Yes, with age comes wisdom. But with youth, there is a unique, unfiltered, and valuable outlook on life that one loses with the hardships of aging. The young are more often idealists, and while impractical, the viewpoint of an idealist provides a benchmark for what society should and could become.


There are stark differences between the young and the old. We view life through completely different lenses and both perspectives are worthwhile. That's my take, anyway.

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And are you saying that what I said is untrue? The best universities in America engender the most influential people, that's not opinion, that's fact.


Yeah, I went to a top ten school too. People are smart everywhere, don't think you're somehow special. It ain't where you go, it's what you do that matters. You'll figure that out when you grow up.


I never said I "just travelled around", I believe that at one point I listed the countries I've been to but didn't get into specifics. I've never felt the need to flaunt it, but since you called me out and painted me as some privileged son of wealth, I felt the need to correct you.


And ok, I'm being a snob. I'm aware of that and I realize it probably makes me look like a pretty big douchebag. But please take a look in the mirror if you want to criticize me making broad, sweeping statements. How many people on this board stereotype liberals, conservates, Dems, Repubs, with broad sweeping statements?


When has one lived enough life to have their own opinion? Yes, with age comes wisdom. But with youth, there is a unique, unfiltered, and valuable outlook on life that one loses with the hardships of aging. The young are more often idealists, and while impractical, the viewpoint of an idealist provides a benchmark for what society should and could become.


There are stark differences between the young and the old. We view life through completely different lenses and both perspectives are worthwhile. That's my take, anyway.


In ten years, you'll be much wiser, and you'll look back at the person you are now and laugh your ass off at how much of an idiot you are. Ten years after that, being ten more years wiser, you'll look back ten years at yourself and laugh at yourself again. I thought I knew everything at your age, too. Again...doesn't make you special, it makes you entirely average.


Want to be special? Outgrow your ignorant arrogance quickly.

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Yeah, I went to a top ten school too. People are smart everywhere, don't think you're somehow special. It ain't where you go, it's what you do that matters. You'll figure that out when you grow up.




In ten years, you'll be much wiser, and you'll look back at the person you are now and laugh your ass off at how much of an idiot you are. Ten years after that, being ten more years wiser, you'll look back ten years at yourself and laugh at yourself again. I thought I knew everything at your age, too. Again...doesn't make you special, it makes you entirely average.


Want to be special? Outgrow your ignorant arrogance quickly.

In Tom's case, every 30 seconds he laughs at how much of an idiot he is. :devil:

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Want to be special? Outgrow your ignorant arrogance quickly.

Man, I wish I could have grasped that advice when I was younger. Unfortunately, when I was younger, you were a stupid !@#$ and I was smarter than anyone who tried to teach me anything. I knew all and you knew jack shiit.


Damn shame. Waste of time on my side. Instead of thinking I was smarter, I could have spent the time learning how to be smarter.

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Man, I wish I could have grasped that advice when I was younger. Unfortunately, when I was younger, you were a stupid !@#$ and I was smarter than anyone who tried to teach me anything. I knew all and you knew jack shiit.


Damn shame. Waste of time on my side. Instead of thinking I was smarter, I could have spent the time learning how to be smarter.


We were all in the same boat. Had I paid more attention to my older brothers advice, I'd probably be making a lot more money now and made a lot less stupid mistakes.


But usually the smartest people made their mistakes in their youth and learned from them.

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