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My one and only LAMP


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Thanks everybody! Mom and baby continue to do really well.


My wife tried for 28 hours to have the little guy before we finally had to go into the OR. The doctor took one look at Zack's head and told us, "there was NO WAY this little one was going to come through".


Mommy developed a slight fever during labor which required the two of them to have to take antibiotics for a few days. They had to put an IV in the little guy's hand, but amazingly, he didn't fuss or cry a bit! This is one tough customer here, folks! Maybe we do have a future TE afterall!


Thanks again for all the well wishes, and I will DEFINTELY be buying drinks next tailgate I show up at. Especially for Jack. :devil:

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My son Zack was born this morning at 9:43 am. He was 9lbs, 7oz and was 21.5 inches long. Mom and baby are doing well. Buffalo has another Bills fan!

Soooo Cool man!! Good luck and we welcome a new Bills fan as always!! Train the padawan well so that he know his Bills lore... again congrats!

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