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Consider Yourself Warned!!!!

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Um, I'm speechless.


Janet Porter (nee Janet Folger) graduated from the same place I went to law school, Cleveland State University. We may have even gone there at the same time (she looks around 40 to me), although I did not know her.


I am pro-life, as most of you know, and I voted for McCain. Nevertheless, although I will defend her right to write and say what she wants until my dying day, I cannot in good conscience support what she wrote here. If you read my post on the Focus on the Family Action Letter, you already know how I feel.


She's from Cleveland. Imagine that the same part of Cleveland gave the world her and Dennis Kucinich. :devil:

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Again...good. The day the Iraqi government can not only manage their own security but kick us out is the day I consider us to have won the war.


US = Parent

Iraq = Child


The day they say "Dude, I can do this myself" is the day you know all that hard work has finally paid off

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