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Consider Yourself Warned!!!!

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To all those who name the name of Christ who plan to willfully disobey Him by voting for Obama, take warning. Not only is our nation in grave danger, according to the Word of God, so are you.


First, the facts on life: On July 17, 2007, Barack Obama spoke to Planned Parenthood and said:


On this fundamental issue of [abortion rights], I will not yield and Planned Parenthood will not yield. ... The first thing I'll do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do. ...

And what is the "Freedom of Choice Act"? It would completely federalize the abortion issue and strike down all state laws from parental notification to the Woman's Right to Know Laws to bans on partial-birth abortion, declaring them null and void with the stroke of an Obama pen.


In one week, America will make a choice. And to those who call themselves "Christian" who are planning on voting for Barack Obama, put down the Obama talking points and read God's voter guide before you go to the polls:


I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).

But you think this issue doesn't matter? God felt so strongly about it that he carved it in stone:


You shall not murder (Exodus 20:13).

Think you can love

God and still vote against life? In John 14:15, Jesus said:


If you love Me, keep My commandments.

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God's voter guide?? :blink:

Looks like Libby Dole will be using this next after her ads claiming her opponent is godless.



What amazes me and irks me because I am now hearing Catholic bishops heading similar warnings is that there are more fundamental problems in this country than abortion. Personally I would prefer that the only abortions occur in rape, incest or health of mother issues and that the issues of unwanted pregnancies could be eliminated but if the right wing cared about life after the child is born as they do before hand maybe we could agree.

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so now Jebus doesnt want us voting for Obama? when did he say that? We've had abortions under republican presidents, is Jebus mad at them too?


The Republicans are just innocent victims of the Democratic abortion machine. Even Jeebus knows that.


Ironically, the Republicans are trying to slit their own throats on the issue. All those unwanted kids born of unwed mothers would end up inflating the welfare roles and voting Democrat.

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Looks like Iraqis want us out, jesus or no jesus:




BAGHDAD – Iraq wants to eliminate any chance U.S. forces will stay here after 2011 under a proposed security pact and to expand Iraqi legal jurisdiction over U.S. troops until then, a close ally of the prime minister said Thursday.


Those demands, which were presented to U.S. officials this week, could derail the deal — delivering a diplomatic blow to Washington in the final weeks of the Bush administration.


Failure to reach an agreement before year's end could force a suspension of American military operations, and U.S. commanders have been warning Iraqi officials that could endanger security improvements.


The current draft, hammered out in months of tortuous negotiations, would have U.S. soldiers leave Iraq by Dec. 31, 2011, unless the two governments agreed to an extension for training and supporting Iraqi security forces.


But Ali al-Adeeb, a member of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's inner circle, said the government wants that possibility excluded by language adding finality to the end of 2011 date.


"The Iraqi side wants to remove any mention of a possible extension of U.S. troops, fearing that the existing clause might be subject to misinterpretation or could bear different interpretation," he told The Associated Press.

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