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Speed trap set up in front of my office

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I love it when the police place one of the radar dectors by the road to tell you how fast you are going. They typically leave them in place for a couple weeks. Then 3-4 days after they're gone...speed trap. Good times man.


I look at those as a challenge. I want the high score.

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2 police cars, caught 10 people so far in 45 minutes.






Nutha Link


Nutha Link


I love it when the police place one of the radar dectors by the road to tell you how fast you are going. They typically leave them in place for a couple weeks. Then 3-4 days after they're gone...speed trap. Good times man.


I've got one of those. It's called a speedometer! :blink:

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A place I used to work at in Alameda was where the cops would set up. Many a morning we had a cycle cop sitting in the driveway with his radar gun. They also set up portable scales just before our building sometimes.


Also, the way to Alameda was through a tunnel (appeared about 2-3 seconds in the second Matrix movie). Immediately after the tunnel is an overpass. The speed limit in the tunnel is 40 and the on the overpass is 30. People go 60 through the tunnel and don't slow down. The cops set up where they can see the top of the overpass and nail numerous people. People in who work in the area know to slow before the top of the overpass. Also the city is a stickler for tickets. They have ticketed people for 35 in a 30 zone.

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I love it when the police place one of the radar dectors by the road to tell you how fast you are going. They typically leave them in place for a couple weeks. Then 3-4 days after they're gone...speed trap. Good times man.

Those things are your taxes at work. Cities and towns go after Federal money grants to improve road safety. Nothing like a blinking sign to do that...


My little burg spent their first Homeland Security check compliments of your 1040 on a washer and dryer to launder the chamois' and towels they use to keep their fire engines looking spiffy.


Made me feel safer! :blink:

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I look at those as a challenge. I want the high score.


Its a ton of fun here in campus to try and rack up the high score when the radar is set up on a 1/2 mile road with 4 separate crosswalks for students coming/going to class. :blink:

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2 police cars, caught 10 people so far in 45 minutes.




Do you have a bakery shop nearby that delivers? Have them deliver a dozen doughnuts to the cops with a note that reads, "You're not helping anyone." :blink:

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Do you have a bakery shop nearby that delivers? Have them deliver a dozen doughnuts to the cops with a note that reads, "You're not helping anyone." :blink:


Better yet, put the name, car, and license plate number of a co-worker you don't like on the note.

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My little burg spent their first Homeland Security check compliments of your 1040 on a washer and dryer to launder the chamois' and towels they use to keep their fire engines looking spiffy.


Made me feel safer! :lol:


Terrorists get intimidated by those big red firetrucks when they are all shiny and bright!

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