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Please somebody console our D as once again they


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...Drew and company throw it away! This is very frustrating how the Bills can not put it together; in 2002 we were all offense no defense. In the first few games last year before Moulds got hurt we looked like a team; after he goes down until now we are a one dimensional team that can't win on that dimension: damn good but not great on D. I just knew for sure in 2004 that by us keeping the same defensive personell, swapping Vincent for Winfield that this team would kick some @$$ this year for with a healthy Moulds and the drafting of Lee Evans this offense would step it up enough to make us contenders; boy was I wrong! Hell maybe we should kept KillDrive I meant Gilbride as offensive coordinator for at least this year he has better personell to run his style of offense this year.


I don't get it; it seems as if the only consistent offensive threat we have is Moulds. There seems to be truth to those posts were Drew haters claim he locks on to one reciever. And all these stupid posts I have read the past few weeks regarding dumping Moulds are ludacris; if he had say went to Philly ala TO he'd be the one lighting the NFL up! I mean can't we find a way to get the other guys involved? I mean Reed strength is suppose to be crossing routes and RAC, where is it? Where is the utilization of Lee Evans instead of just using him as a decoy? Where is the passes to Campbell? At least they have finally got Shelton involved. For the past few years the Bills have never established a passing game with a two-back set, their main running personell or ran consistently with a 3 WR set. They are so predictable it is painful. They have no scheme whatsoever, it is pathetic.


Do you know what my worse fear is? That the Bills will finally get it all together, go on a winning streak and miss the playoffs by one game and leave the fans sitting here saying what if at the beginning that had won this winnable game or that and then get our hopes up for 2005. Then based on the sucess of 2004 start out 2005 with Drew and START OUT LOSING THE SAME ALL OVER AGAIN MAKING THE SAME EXCUSES, WHAT IF!!!!

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Has any defense this year had a tough time handling the mighty Ravens offense? They were also minus the only weapon they had in Jamal Lewis.



Regadless though the D has played pretty gold all year; as good the Pats or Jets. As a matter of fact better for they have been exposed because of an inept offense that they have to bail out. Imagine the Colts with our defense playing the way they have in 2004 or us having evn half the offense Indy or the Vikings have; we'd be at least 4-2 or hell 6-0!

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