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I have a sneaky suspicion that one way or another, we will see rioting in the inner cities next week after the election.


Either there will be riots because of the joy of the first black president, or there will be outrage that he didn't win and the system is corrupt and unfair.


There have been riots of celebration over World Series victories, riots over the Rodney King verdict, and riots over unfair treatment of minorities. This event could bring all those emotions together at one time, and it could be explosive and country wide.


I hope nothing happens, but prepare yourselves nonetheless, because it could get ugly.

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I have a sneaky suspicion that one way or another, we will see rioting in the inner cities next week after the election.


Either there will be riots because of the joy of the first black president, or there will be outrage that he didn't win and the system is corrupt and unfair.

There have been riots of celebration over World Series victories, riots over the Rodney King verdict, and riots over unfair treatment of minorities. This event could bring all those emotions together at one time, and it could be explosive and country wide.


I hope nothing happens, but prepare yourselves nonetheless, because it could get ugly.


You're absolutely right. The MSM will ensure it. As Don King said-only in America.


I say bring it on...I'm locked and loaded baby. :blink::lol:

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I hope the TV coverage is good. Close up shots of some knot head with blood running down thier face. And what looks like a cloud is actual tear gas. Rib coolkin fity five gallon drums spilling buring embers all over the street. I need to find a strt time so I can program my DVR :blink:

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I would be just as scared of riots in rural areas should Obama win. There is a certain amount of venom just below the surface on both sides that have each's yahoos on edge.

Get yourself a 30.06 and a 12 guage you will be fine , if you need a hand give me a call :blink:

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I would be just as scared of riots in rural areas should Obama win. There is a certain amount of venom just below the surface on both sides that have each's yahoos on edge.


Yea you see that all the time. What are they going to do? Burn down their cornfields?


Riots in rural areas. Ha! That was funny.

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I would be just as scared of riots in rural areas should Obama win. There is a certain amount of venom just below the surface on both sides that have each's yahoos on edge.

They'll be hunkered down in their bunkers waiting for the UN takeover. A few might blow themselves up, as people with that militia mentality are pretty far down on the intelligence scale, but I don't think you'll see much above-ground action from them. I bet the ham radios will be working overtime, though.

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Chris Rock has a funny bit about the fact that if you know any black person, don't count or plan on him doing anything November 5th. He or she won't be available, won't be awake, won't be reliable, not going to show up for work, etc.


If Obama wins, it's really going to be a watershed event for a lot of people, especially minorities. It's also going to piss off a small minority of people.

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If Obama wins, the thousands of plumbers making more than 250k will hit the streets carrying pipes and wrenches, joining forces with CEOs who will instruct their secretaries to wield the heavy binders of their compensation paperwork, and the oil company executives who will be rolling flaming barrels of oil down the street.

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