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McCain calls Obama "a spearchucker"

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Once again you bring it up! Afraid to discuss the real issues, like, the economy? Every time a real question is brought up, you keep bringing up this spearchucker thing. I have a notarized letter from HAWAII, stating from a third party source that he hasn't said that word since he was 8 years old.


For the love of everything good, LET IT GO!

See? This doesn't bother you?

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Hold on there, nobody called him a racist, only that he echoes and has associations with people that

would hold the line while someone (in this case him) engaged in language that is perceived as bigoted.


Can we really trust a man who has friends that won't hang up when he says things like "spearchucker"?

He barely knew them. They were only on the same committee, started his political career in his living room and did fundraisers together. Other than that they hardly knew each other.

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Of course not. I don't care what he did or who he knew before he ran for president. It just doesn't matter.

Westside is a racist. You just proved it. It's, of course, your right as an American to hate it and despise everything it stands for and spit on the flag, and give blowjobs to our worst enemies -- hundreds of thousands of American soldiers died for Westside's right to spit in their face and on their grave and to be a racist. That's what makes all of us great. That racists can live next to racists in harmony. Thanks for schitting on your country.

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Westside is a racist. You just proved it. It's, of course, your right as an American to hate it and despise everything it stands for and spit on the flag, and give blowjobs to our worst enemies -- hundreds of thousands of American soldiers died for Westside's right to spit in their face and on their grave and to be a racist. That's what makes all of us great. That racists can live next to racists in harmony. Thanks for schitting on your country.

This goes to prove that when you don't have a leg to stand on, you pull out the "racist" card. What's that I smell? Could it be FEAR?

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I confess. I said it , and i was talking about Spearchucker Jones (Capt Oliver Holmes) great episode of MASH


That's what I thought of too. :ph34r:


Spearchucker Jones was one of the main characters in the original movie. It's a shame Al Sharpton wasn't around then to protest.

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That's what I thought of too. :ph34r:


Spearchucker Jones was one of the main characters in the original movie. It's a shame Al Sharpton wasn't around then to protest.

Al Sharpton, another great American. I wonder if there will be a place in Obama's cabinet for him?

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This goes to prove that when you don't have a leg to stand on, you pull out the "racist" card. What's that I smell? Could it be FEAR?

There are two kinds of people that truly hate this country and give comfort to our enemies: The people who deny it, and the people who are it, but say they're not. Which one are you?


I thought so.

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Hold on there, nobody called him a racist, only that he echoes and has associations with people that

would hold the line while someone (in this case him) engaged in language that is perceived as bigoted.


Can we really trust a man who has friends that won't hang up when he says things like "spearchucker"?


Would that even be good enough, letting people police their own phone conversations? Given the clear willingness of McCain's friends to let him make racist statements in phone calls, it's obvious that self-regulation doesn't work. We, as Americans, deserve government protection from such racists who won't be responsible for their own conversations. It's a fundamental right!

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That's what I thought of too. :ph34r:


Spearchucker Jones was one of the main characters in the original movie. It's a shame Al Sharpton wasn't around then to protest.


He was also a character in the first season of the television show. Life was so much more fun pre all this PC nonsense.

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