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Since Nobody Has Made A Post About The Bills Players


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Nicely done, Kenneth. As usual.



Here's my take:


Wide Receivers

Andre Reed


Offensive Linemen

Kent Hull, C [My bias is certainly showing here; I realize it ain't happeing and certainly not before Dawson]

Randall McDaniel, G



Defensive Linemen

Bruce Smith, DE


Defensive Backs

Kenny Easley, S


I somehow missed McDaniel in my initial take. Good call. I also don't see Hull getting in, but it would be nice.


As far as receivers, I see them putting in Carter (probably this year). I also think that they are going to put in Sharpe. I wouldn't put in Sharpe, but I think Reed is going to have trouble going against those two. The rest of the receivers shouldn't get in, but I would not be shocked if they let in a couple.

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Do we really think that each year 6 HOF worthy players are drafted? IMO They should make this a more exclusive group and let in only 2 or 3 people, then it would be exciting. I may be biased as the rest of us, but I think it would be a great travesty if a player like Andre Reed got in. Yeah he has some nice numbers, but WRs now a days are breaking all of that wide open, and he'll be further propelled down the list. He was a big contributor to getting to 4 superbowls, but in them did very little to highlight his ability. He's most likely not getting in anyways, so the ensuing argument is pointless, but I'm just saying, as far as the WR position goes, I'm not sure Reed did enough to contribute, especially considering what players are doing now.


I know it's ESPN, but read this to get an idea of the sort of respect he's getting.

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For those looking for the entire preliminary list, here it is.


My 6 HOF'ers (not a prediction, but my picks...top 3 are too easy):

Bruce Smith (say no more)

Rod Woodson (Bills could've had him instead of Conlan :( )

Shannon Sharpe (major contributor to 3 rings with 2 teams, one of best TE's in history)


Charles Haley (major contributor to 5 rings with 2 teams)

Andre Reed (say no more)

#6 is tough, so many are close but I'll say Dermontti Dawson (one of best C's in history)


MUCH stronger group than the relatively weak class of '08 (Fred Dean lmao)


Other Finalists:

Mark Bavaro

Kevin Greene

Rickey Jackson

Clay Matthews

Derrick Thomas

Darren Woodson

Steve Tasker

Ed DeBartolo, Jr.

Jerry Jones


Sorry, Kuech! :lol:

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I somehow missed McDaniel in my initial take. Good call.


Thanks, but don't worry. I forgot to add Woodson. D'oh! Well, they can do 6 if they want to...


I also don't see Hull getting in, but it would be nice.


It would be great if he did get in, and if I could, I'd lobby extremely hard for it. But, like we both said, it's probably not going to happen. Too bad.


As far as receivers, I see them putting in Carter (probably this year). I also think that they are going to put in Sharpe. I wouldn't put in Sharpe, but I think Reed is going to have trouble going against those two. The rest of the receivers shouldn't get in, but I would not be shocked if they let in a couple.


We're including Shannon Sharpe in the "receivers" category here, right? If so, you're probably right in that they'll vote him in. He does have the stats, even if he's more a wideout than a tight end (they do block, right?). Then again, I've always said that if it wasn't for the neck injury, Sterline Sharpe would be a shoo in for the Hall. The telling stat for this guy: he set the NFL record for receptions in a season where he was unable to practice due to turf toe. Amazing. And, he missed out on Brett Favre's prime years. Instead of seeing Brooks, Freeman, and Driver grabbing those throws from Favre, he would've been the top option. Wow.

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Putting the Sabol family in the Hall would be a good decision...growing up in the 60s and 70s, NFL Films was a driving factor in me becoming a pro football fan...the highlights, Facenda, the music...the Sabols made it all come together.


I believe they helped create a generation on NFL fans and their election to the game's highest individual honor is indeed fitting.

I am in total agreement with you Ned. The NFL should recognize the major contributions that the Sabols have brought to not only the game of football, but for the world of sports.


Ed & Steve Sabol deserve to be in the Hall of Fame.

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Bruce Smith - Yes

Andre Reed - Yes

Kent Hull - Maybe

Fred Smerlas - No

Art Still - No

Cornelius Bennett - No

Chris Spielman - No

Darryl Talley - No

Steve Tasker - Yes

Ralph Wilson - !@#$ Ralph, HELL NO

Chuck Knox - - No


How can any Bills fan be against any Bill getting in? :blink:

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I'm not 100% sure how the picks work. can you have multiple picks from the same position? if yes then heres my 6 for this year:


Chris Carter WR

Andre Reed WR

Dermontti Dawson C

Bruce Smith DE

Richard Dent DE

Sam Mills LB


I don't think they will induct 2 Bills in the same year so Andre Reed might be another year..do they ever induct multiple ppl from 1 team in the same year?

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I'm not 100% sure how the picks work. can you have multiple picks from the same position?






I don't think they will induct 2 Bills in the same year so Andre Reed might be another year..do they ever induct multiple ppl from 1 team in the same year?


Theoretically, it is possible. Last year, they had two Redskins inducted (Green and Monk). I am not going through the entire list of inductees, but I know it happened other years, as well.

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Bruce is the most obvious cinch. Rod Woodson---one of the all time greats--also a cinch. Shannon Sharpe...YES.

Bob Hayes will be inducted on the senior ballot. John Randle will be a close miss. The others on the list not super impressive--altho Centers has very good numbers.



OK, so......where's your list??

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