RkFast Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset?
Johnny Coli Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset? I'd say amused, not upset. I think the more he or Palin open their mouths the better.
erynthered Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Do we really want that level of incompetence running this country? Do we really want John McCain, who is currently oh-for-two on vetting people, choosing people in a cabinate? Do we really want John McCain making important decisions? <I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.>
molson_golden2002 Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset? Upset? We are winning. Joe the Loser can speak all the nonesense he wants
In-A-Gadda-Levitre Posted October 29, 2008 Author Posted October 29, 2008 The difference that liberals always ignore when trotting this out is that people like Patreaus (and REAGAN!) believe that when you DO sit down, the first thing you do is slap down your Colt .45 on the table. The problem is, you libs dont want to do that, for fear of "offending" the other party and replace that figurative "gun" with a tube of KY. I'm guessing that our Colt .45 satisfies the without preconditions qualifier?
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I believe any credibility that Fox News had disappeared when they started including political analysis from "Joe the Plumber" in their broadcasts. I have to think that there are real live journalists at that station that must be pulling their hair out as "Joe" gets the airtime, telling the voters of the American right what they should think. Do they truly believe that the people who watch their station are so Mind-numb that it doesn't matter WHO the messenger is, it is to be taken seriously and believed? I heard Hannity and Colmes are going to have the crazy "Obama is an Arab" lady on tonight to talk NAFTA. Tune in!!!
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset? Because the "Left wing Hollywood elite" are not getting front page headlines on Fox NEWS(!!!) channel's website making foreign policy judgements. I do see the comments, but on Entertainment tonight, or Drudge. Fox is a NEWS network and they are giving this... excuse me... nobody plumber the same validity and force of thought as their own political analysts who are more familiar with these issues and the candidates positions on them than anyone. If "Joe" had a Myspace page, or was posting YouTube videos, fine, he has the right to express his limited knowledge-based opinion, but for Fox to parade him out there as a rational voice that should be listened to in deciding who our next president should be??? Rather pathetic.
blzrul Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 So here's the deal people: how many folks do YOU know who would honestly say "oh yea, I am just like Joe the Plumber"? Not many. McCain's elevating Joe the Plumber to his campaign mascot doesn't validate his message. It just makes Joe look like a trained money rattling his tin cup. Yawn.
erynthered Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 So here's the deal people: how many folks do YOU know who would honestly say "oh yea, I am just like Joe Biden"? Not many. Obama elevating Joe Biden to his campaign mascot doesn't validate his message. It just makes Joe look like a trained monkey rattling his tin cup. Yawn. Nice post. Hidin Biden. Wonder why? http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/...1854640,00.html
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Nice post. Hidin Biden. Wonder why? http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/...1854640,00.html I'm an Obama supporter and would have hidden Biden a month ago. He can't seem to think before he speaks. About 1/3 of what he says comes out the way he wants it to. Of course Palin seems to have lost control of whether what comes out of her mouth is true or not and doesn't seem to care. She said yesterday that Obama is planning to change the constitution so that the government can seize private property and give it to other people. I want to campaign! It seems like you can just make up anything you want about the opponent, anyone listening will assume you are telling the truth and the other candidate can't do a thing about it! What a great way to choose the leader of our land.
erynthered Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I want to campaign! It seems like you can just make up anything you want about the opponent, anyone listening will assume you are telling the truth and the other candidate can't do a thing about it! What a great way to choose the leader of our land. 100% correct. On the National level they all seem to get away with doing that. Locally, at least where I live that Bullshiit doesn't fly as well. Watching sheeple gobbleknob the lies up really is pathetic, isn't it?
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 100% correct. On the National level they all seem to get away with doing that. Locally, at least where I live that Bullshiit doesn't fly as well. Watching sheeple gobbleknob the lies up really is pathetic, isn't it? Like you can't believe!!! I was at a family party this past weekend, and the presidential race came up amongst a number of us outside over a couple of beers. It was a good conversation with people discussing both candidates pros and cons. Then one member of the family walks up, hears what we are talking about and in all seriousness starts yelling "Bill Ayers!, Bill Ayers!". He then proceeded to yell us (I mean yell not tell) how Obama is a terrorist, terrorist sympothiser, muslim, his father can't be found, he is not a citizen, if he is, where's his birth certificate... and it went on. I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday.
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday. I know I'm quoting myself, but when I saw this article it was a glowing example of what I said above The Wisdom of the American People From that LAT poll of Florida of Ohio (here is the PDF with all the numbers): Already Voted: Florida: McCain 49%, Obama 45%, Don't Know 6% Ohio: Obama 57%, McCain 35%, Don't Know 3% That's right: Almost 5% of Florida and Ohio voters that have already voted don't know who they voted for.
DC Tom Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 The difference that liberals always ignore when trotting this out is that people like Patreaus (and REAGAN!) believe that when you DO sit down, the first thing you do is slap down your Colt .45 on the table. Because Iranians and Koreans love malt liquor...
bills_fan_in_raleigh Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Because Iranians and Koreans love malt liquor... man i miss those commercials
Ramius Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Like you can't believe!!! I was at a family party this past weekend, and the presidential race came up amongst a number of us outside over a couple of beers. It was a good conversation with people discussing both candidates pros and cons. Then one member of the family walks up, hears what we are talking about and in all seriousness starts yelling "Bill Ayers!, Bill Ayers!". He then proceeded to yell us (I mean yell not tell) how Obama is a terrorist, terrorist sympothiser, muslim, his father can't be found, he is not a citizen, if he is, where's his birth certificate... and it went on. I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday. Why do you think conservatives are against abortion?
Boomer860 Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Like you can't believe!!! I was at a family party this past weekend, and the presidential race came up amongst a number of us outside over a couple of beers. It was a good conversation with people discussing both candidates pros and cons. Then one member of the family walks up, hears what we are talking about and in all seriousness starts yelling "Bill Ayers!, Bill Ayers!". He then proceeded to yell us (I mean yell not tell) how Obama is a terrorist, terrorist sympothiser, muslim, his father can't be found, he is not a citizen, if he is, where's his birth certificate... and it went on. I walked away amazed that the only qualification for voting in this country is not dying before your 18th birthday. And being a heavy drinker helps.
DC Tom Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I want to campaign! It seems like you can just make up anything you want about the opponent, anyone listening will assume you are telling the truth and the other candidate can't do a thing about it! What a great way to choose the leader of our land. But there's a right way and a wrong way to make sh-- up. For example, if I were campaigning against you, I couldn't say "Thesir molests little boys." I would have to say something like "Now I'm not saying thesir molests little boys...but if he did, you could call him a child molester. And do you want to vote for a child molester?" Then half the electorate would consider you a child molester, the other half would consider me an !@#$ for calling you a child molester, and maybe three people would realize that I never called you a child molester, but I'm still an !@#$ anyway. And THAT'S the system we have. Frankly, outright dishonesty would be better.
theesir Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 But there's a right way and a wrong way to make sh-- up. For example, if I were campaigning against you, I couldn't say "Thesir molests little boys." I would have to say something like "Now I'm not saying thesir molests little boys...but if he did, you could call him a child molester. And do you want to vote for a child molester?" Then half the electorate would consider you a child molester, the other half would consider me an !@#$ for calling you a child molester, and maybe three people would realize that I never called you a child molester, but I'm still an !@#$ anyway. Even better: Theesir says "I am against, in all circumstances, against anything that would be beneficial for child pornographers!" Other party campaign commercial...... Theesir supports child pornographers... here's the quote "I am....in all circumstances...for child pornographers" Do you want to vote for a child pornographer??
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 How come liberals have all of Hollywood and 9/10 of the entertainment industry speaking for them, but for some reason, one plumber speaking for "the other side" has them all upset? Okay so why is Joe the plumber practicing without a licensed, had his driver's license revoked... a guy violating the law (for your rw law and order types) being associated with the strategy of a Presidential candidate and held up as the America they represent. Since when did McCain start so closely associating himself with law breakers? Palin married an Unamerican, Todd of the AK secessionist party.
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