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Here's My Fear

Chef Jim

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Monday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

Tuesday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

Wednesday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

Thurdsay Morning: Begin drinking heavily

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Saturday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

Saturday Afternoon: Watch College Football

Sunday Morning: Begin drinking heavily

Sunday Afternoon: Watch the Bills

Best plan yet .Now the Gubmint can send me a check for my booze and all is good and right.

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I am not too in to politics but I think it is sick when Obama is called "The Big O". First of all, if he becomes president it is not a dignified nickname. Second and more important, that name is stolen from Oscar Robinson who is one of the greatest basketball players of all time.


Obama should get his own name like "Wealthspreader" or repeat Bush's nickname "W", only with "H".


If he takes "H" a good idea for Americans to follow for the next 8 presidents would be people whose middle names begin with "I", Then "T" then "E", "H", "O", "U", "S", "E". Now that would be a cool run of honchoes.

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!@#$ you, Barney Frank, and the donkey you !@#$ing rode in on. :w00t:


''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing


I guess Barney was right. By not regulating Freddie and Fannie we got more affordable housing. :nana:

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I am not too in to politics but I think it is sick when Obama is called "The Big O". First of all, if he becomes president it is not a dignified nickname. Second and more important, that name is stolen from Oscar Robinson who is one of the greatest basketball players of all time.


Obama should get his own name like "Wealthspreader" or repeat Bush's nickname "W", only with "H".


If he takes "H" a good idea for Americans to follow for the next 8 presidents would be people whose middle names begin with "I", Then "T" then "E", "H", "O", "U", "S", "E". Now that would be a cool run of honchoes.


No I kind of like "The Big O" because I swear the lefties are jerking themselves off to him whenever he speaks.

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Yeah, and my sh-- floats better than yours does.


:nana: Mine doesnt even float.


Anyways, I'm still holding out hope Obama will crawl out of the toilet and return to the dignified, bright fellow he was two years ago. But ya.. right now.. it is all one big toilet bowl full of floaters.

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So tell me again...why aren't there congressional hearings going on about this?


Anyone? Bueller?


Congress Grills Former AIG Chiefs


Committee Holds Hearing on Causes and Effects of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy


Fed Chairman Bernanke to Testify Before House


Greenspan: 'Credit tsunami' to have severe impact


No science fiction authors were asked to testify however...

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Are you brain dead? Or can you simply not comprehend what you read? Are you so intent and hyped up thinking you know what you're doing, that you actually think you're debunking my comment by linking to me discussing an opinion in which I am actually the one linking to an LA Times article? Could you possibly work harder to prove how ridiculous you sound?


Go back to my post. Read what I wrote. If it doesn't make sense, read it slowly. If you need help, ask your tutor. After that happens, THEN respond. If you can't put the pieces together, then just let it go.


Again with the insults.


Back to your original assertion that dismissing sources was a leftist practice: It must be hard to respond to that one with your foot in your mouth.


This wasn't about dismissing arguments, it was about dismissing what certain people deem "credible" news stories and opinions. Yeah, you linked to the LA Times article all right, and in the SAME post said (and I'm quoting here): "Now I'll be the first to suggest that The LA Times does not provide "legitimate" news stories"


First you were a hypocrite by suggesting that dismissing sources is a leftist thing to do. I provided a link to indicate otherwise. Then you attacked me saying that never once have you had a snap judgment about a piece written or an opinion made based on the publication it comes from, so I provided a link, then re-quoted here a very specific instance of you denying the credibility of an entire news source, thereby closing your own mind to anything they have to say. Yes, you linked to an LA Times article. You did so:

  1. To cast doubts on Obama's associations
  2. While in the same breath dismissing anything the Times produces
  3. Knowingly pulling from a 6 month old article whose present relevance to your INITIAL argument (He must be a shady character if even the TIMES is printing it) is questionable, at best.

May be YOU should do a re-read rather than hide attempts to skew your own words under the guise of insults.

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