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Sometime around The Big O's inauguration the powers that be will finally make the announcement that we are in fact in a recession and have been for the past three quarters. Then what usually happens when the announcement comes out? A recovery. And who's going to take credit for that recovery. Well maybe not The Big O (but he probably will) but all you idiots here who voted for him. It's going to be unbearable.

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So you'd rather have a prolonged recession than have Obama take credit for a recovery? Part of the financial crisis is due to perceptions that the situation won't improve, so nobody wants to take a chance. What if they get some confidence from knowing Obama will provide steady leadership, shouldn't he get credit for restoring that confidence?


Yeah. If Obama gets elected and directs or even presides over a recovery, that'll be bad.


Better that we should stay in recession until a Republican can take credit for a recovery. Then we won't have anything to fear.


Credit for the recovery is what matters. Not the actual recovery.

  elegantelliotoffen said:
If the economy recovers and Obama gets us out of Iraq the Republican party might as well be renamed the "Southeastern Conservative White Evangelical Christian Party" for the next few decades.


Lucky for the Republicans that neither is likely. The world economy has systemic issues right now that will take at least another year to sort through, and shockingly enough Obama's plan to "get us out of Iraq" doesn't even get us out of Iraq anyway.



It amazes me that people believe what political candidates shovel.


I hope like hell this is true. Not because I want "The Big O" to get the accolades, but because I don't want to see things get much worse. I'm not prepared to root for failure.


This scenario wouldn't be different no matter which guy got elected. It seems like you just wish it was your guy (or at least not this guy).

  PastaJoe said:
So you'd rather have a prolonged recession than have Obama take credit for a recovery? Part of the financial crisis is due to perceptions that the situation won't improve, so nobody wants to take a chance. What if they get some confidence from knowing Obama will provide steady leadership, shouldn't he get credit for restoring that confidence?


Who said I wanted a prolonged recession? I just know that the Obamite will give him all the credit.

  Chef Jim said:
Who said I wanted a prolonged recession? I just know that the Obamite will give him all the credit.


And precisely ihow s that different than 4 or so posts above where LA does an amazing Stuckincincy impersonation and blames the whole mess on solely the dems?

  MattyT said:
I hope like hell this is true. Not because I want "The Big O" to get the accolades, but because I don't want to see things get much worse. I'm not prepared to root for failure.


This scenario wouldn't be different no matter which guy got elected. It seems like you just wish it was your guy (or at least not this guy).


Chef Jim's point was, in part, that the economy's going to do whatever the hell it wants, and the White House doesn't have nearly as much influence on it as people believe.


The other part was that he's going to be sickened by the gloating partisan shills who can't distinguish proximity from causation.

  Ramius said:
And precisely ihow s that different than 4 or so posts above where LA does an amazing Stuckincincy impersonation and blames the whole mess on solely the dems?


Well seeing when we recover from the recession it will have zero to do with who is the white house but the lefties will all take the credit. Seeing this drop has been steep the recovery will be very steep too and happy days will be here again. My fear is that those happy days will be during a Dem Super Majority and that Super Majority will of had very little to do with it. The lefties will be even more incorrigible than they are now.

  DC Tom said:
Chef Jim's point was, in part, that the economy's going to do whatever the hell it wants, and the White House doesn't have nearly as much influence on it as people believe.


The other part was that he's going to be sickened by the gloating partisan shills who can't distinguish proximity from causation.


Yes, that's exactly what I said.....well execpt for the proximity and causation bit.

  Chef Jim said:
Well seeing when we recover from the recession it will have zero to do with who is the white house but the lefties will all take the credit. Seeing this drop has been steep the recovery will be very steep too and happy days will be here again. My fear is that those happy days will be during a Dem Super Majority and that Super Majority will of had very little to do with it. The lefties will be even more incorrigible than they are now.


Alright. I was going for more of Tom's angle in that neither the cause nor the recovery are one person's/party's responsibility. But yes, you are correct that there'll be plenty of people that claim "obama fixed the economy" simply because he was in office when it happened.

  Ramius said:
Alright. I was going for more of Tom's angle in that neither the cause nor the recovery are one person's/party's responsibility. But yes, you are correct that there'll be plenty of people that claim "obama fixed the economy" simply because he was in office when it happened.


People still say Reagan freed the hostages in Iran...twenty minutes after he was inaugurated.

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