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Need some advice

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Let me start by telling you that since I've been home I've worked pretty low stress jobs. In fact the highest stress job I've had in the last 3 years has been an on location "Wine Expert" which was a breeze. About 3 months ago I gave that job up to learn a trade. So, I started Floor installation, tile, laminate and all the good stuff in between. I was working as an apprentance and was a natural at it, therefore I loved what I was doing for the first time since I was in the military. Around the same time this happened my Mother called and told me she was about to lose her house. I gave up whatever savings I had, even selling my car and buying a junker to help her out. Because of that I was put in a spot where this job needed to work out for me. Three weeks ago I had a floor to do about an hour from my house, in my junker I drove to the job(it was a simple one day job) and on my way I swerved off of the road to avoid two cars that collided. While doing this I messed up my suspension, busted a CV joint and flattened a tire. With a spare however, the car still drove so I continued on to work. When I got there I showed to the guy I was working for what had happened and explained that the week of pay that he already owed me I was going to need to fix my car. He pays me off the books so he usually just pulls the money out of the ATM when pay time arrives. He told me that tomorrow would be better because he needed a check to clear.


I got home later that night with my busted car and no money with the expectation that I had now 2 weeks worth of pay heading my way. That was 3 weeks ago and my boss won't answer any of my calls, to his house line or cell phone. I have no car and no money at this point and it's hard to find a job with no car in Palm Beach county. The nearest bus stop is 9 miles away and starting Tomorrow that will be my only hope to get out of this mess. My question is this: Do I have any recourse since I was being paid off the books? Or am I just completely screwed? I can't even go grocery shopping for me and my 8 year old. Things are getting bad, it's one thing to lose a job but when that job has claimed your only source of transportation then well, I don't know anymore. I'm loosing it here folks and any advice is welcome.

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Let me start by telling you that since I've been home I've worked pretty low stress jobs. In fact the highest stress job I've had in the last 3 years has been an on location "Wine Expert" which was a breeze. About 3 months ago I gave that job up to learn a trade. So, I started Floor installation, tile, laminate and all the good stuff in between. I was working as an apprentance and was a natural at it, therefore I loved what I was doing for the first time since I was in the military. Around the same time this happened my Mother called and told me she was about to lose her house. I gave up whatever savings I had, even selling my car and buying a junker to help her out. Because of that I was put in a spot where this job needed to work out for me. Three weeks ago I had a floor to do about an hour from my house, in my junker I drove to the job(it was a simple one day job) and on my way I swerved off of the road to avoid two cars that collided. While doing this I messed up my suspension, busted a CV joint and flattened a tire. With a spare however, the car still drove so I continued on to work. When I got there I showed to the guy I was working for what had happened and explained that the week of pay that he already owed me I was going to need to fix my car. He pays me off the books so he usually just pulls the money out of the ATM when pay time arrives. He told me that tomorrow would be better because he needed a check to clear.


I got home later that night with my busted car and no money with the expectation that I had now 2 weeks worth of pay heading my way. That was 3 weeks ago and my boss won't answer any of my calls, to his house line or cell phone. I have no car and no money at this point and it's hard to find a job with no car in Palm Beach county. The nearest bus stop is 9 miles away and starting Tomorrow that will be my only hope to get out of this mess. My question is this: Do I have any recourse since I was being paid off the books? Or am I just completely screwed? I can't even go grocery shopping for me and my 8 year old. Things are getting bad, it's one thing to lose a job but when that job has claimed your only source of transportation then well, I don't know anymore. I'm loosing it here folks and any advice is welcome.


Find a way to get to this guys house and get your cash. As far as record keeping for your cash you could have a hell of a time proving it now. Unless you go to the house you worked at and the customer can verify you were there for X amount of time.


But go see this guy and if he agrees not to pay you threaten to call the police and if that fails bust his fu--en head open. At least you would feel better, i know I would.

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You helped out Mom earlier, can she help you out this time?


No. She got screwed at her job and lost out on a promotion(thankfully she wasn't downsized). I don't know the specifics but I do know that she's only bringing in 2400 a month with my 16 y/o brother living with her. The mortgage is 2100 a month so her wiggle room is zilch.

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Find a way to get to this guys house and get your cash. As far as record keeping for your cash you could have a hell of a time proving it now. Unless you go to the house you worked at and the customer can verify you were there for X amount of time.


But go see this guy and if he agrees not to pay you threaten to call the police and if that fails bust his fu--en head open. At least you would feel better, i know I would.



I've been contemplating busting his face for about a week now...

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Shiv the mofo. Clean out his wallet.


Seriously, you need to have a friend or relative or neighbor, give you a ride to track this POS down, and get your cash. I'm curious, what happened the next day, after the car situation? Were you supposed to go to the job, but had no ride?


Good luck to you, and don't bust this guy's jaw, if it puts you in danger of going to jail. You can get revenge, if you need to, in a more anonymous way, should it come to that.

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Shiv the mofo. Clean out his wallet.


Seriously, you need to have a friend or relative or neighbor, give you a ride to track this POS down, and get your cash. I'm curious, what happened the next day, after the car situation? Were you supposed to go to the job, but had no ride?


Good luck to you, and don't bust this guy's jaw, if it puts you in danger of going to jail. You can get revenge, if you need to, in a more anonymous way, should it come to that.



The next step is going to his house. The problem is he lives in the northern part of St Lucie county and I'm in West West Palm Beach. A 1.5 hour trip. So getting the ride might be touchy, this weekend though when a buddy of mine isn't working a ride and a visit is imminent.

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The next step is going to his house. The problem is he lives in the northern part of St Lucie county and I'm in West West Palm Beach. A 1.5 hour trip. So getting the ride might be touchy, this weekend though when a buddy of mine isn't working a ride and a visit is imminent.


If he doesn't pay you, five simple words:


Sugar in the gas tank. :P


Heard this one from my old neighbor (don't have the guts or an enemy to try it on myself, so that's my disclaimer)

Pour five pound bag of sugar in a plastic gas can, go over to the mofo's house or follow him to a store parking lot and then when he ain't around pour it in the tank using the gas can so it looks like your are just pouring gas in "your" tank.

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If he doesn't pay you, five simple words:


Sugar in the gas tank. :P


Heard this one from my old neighbor (don't have the guts or an enemy to try it on myself, so that's my disclaimer)

Pour five pound bag of sugar in a plastic gas can, go over to the mofo's house or follow him to a store parking lot and then when he ain't around pour it in the tank using the gas can so it looks like your are just pouring gas in "your" tank.


Oh, that will cease up the engine really quick & is an excellent idea. The problem, on some of the cars, especially the newer ones though, you can only open the gas tank from the inside of the car.

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I got home later that night with my busted car and no money with the expectation that I had now 2 weeks worth of pay heading my way. That was 3 weeks ago and my boss won't answer any of my calls, to his house line or cell phone. I have no car and no money at this point and it's hard to find a job with no car in Palm Beach county. The nearest bus stop is 9 miles away and starting Tomorrow that will be my only hope to get out of this mess. My question is this: Do I have any recourse since I was being paid off the books? Or am I just completely screwed? I can't even go grocery shopping for me and my 8 year old. Things are getting bad, it's one thing to lose a job but when that job has claimed your only source of transportation then well, I don't know anymore. I'm loosing it here folks and any advice is welcome.


Yes, you have recourse, and no, you are not completely screwed. You work, you expect to get paid. Doing it under the table means nothing.


Forget about any "revenge". Right now, he owes you 2 weeks worth of pay. You start busting him up, or any of his property, and you could end up owing him money, or worse, in jail.


The best revenge is legal revenge. If after a face to face meeting he still refuses to pay, sue (small claims court).


And if you really want to be a dick, call the state dept of labor.


State dept of labor: tell them you have not received your pay, and you have not gotten any pay stubs.


As a last resort, call the IRS. This option will not get you your money, but it will make your boss's life miserable.

WARNING: calling the IRS informs them you have received an income. They will expect payroll taxes. For the IRS, it will come down to WHO will pay those taxes to them. As an employee, your employer is responsible to pay those taxes for you (usually). As a self employed person, you are responsible. The trick is getting the IRS to believe you are an employee, and any money you received was 'net' income (income after taxes). If you can do that, the IRS will become very interested in why your boss did not send in any payroll taxes for you for the past 3 months. And they will want that money.

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I've been contemplating busting his face for about a week now...


This is 2008. The Left has won.


For several decades, the social agencies have been awarded sweeping, unchallenged, police powers, with an implicit assumption of guilt.


If he has kids, nephews, nieces, make the anonymous call about abuse and have the power of the State go after him. He is a male, so will be assumed guilty until he spends a lot of money to prove his innocence.


He cannot by default avail himself of a protected status, such as being a single Mom.

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Oh, that will cease up the engine really quick & is an excellent idea. The problem, on some of the cars, especially the newer ones though, you can only open the gas tank from the inside of the car.




In which case I revert back to the sage-like advice of The Dean: "Shivin' time for the mofo." :P

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Just another phone call to him stating that the next phone cal from you will be to the state labor board & the IRS. I'm guessing he'll return your call. If he doesn't, then you should make the call anyway to make sure that the guy doesn't screw other people.


As for your immediate situation, reach out far & wide with friends & family to help in any way in the short term, whether in money or with some wheels to get to a job.

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This is 2008. The Left has won.


For several decades, the social agencies have been awarded sweeping, unchallenged, police powers, with an implicit assumption of guilt.


If he has kids, nephews, nieces, make the anonymous call about abuse and have the power of the State go after him. He is a male, so will be assumed guilty until he spends a lot of money to prove his innocence.


He cannot by default avail himself of a protected status, such as being a single Mom.

If this is the Right way, then I'm proudly Left.

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I am sorry about your situation and wish I had some good advice for you. That is noble of you to help out your mother, hopefully karma comes around. I am not sure how much pay you have coming. Could you perhaps get a free consultation with a lawyer? Maybe threatening your boss that you going to call the tax man. Perhaps call the local media. Is it possible that you can catch rides to jobs from someone? Or bike there? Like I said, I wish I had better advice for you. Hang in there. I do believe in karma, and hope that you and your boss get what you deserve

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